

Well-Known Member
i cant wait till my maryjane is old enough to have puppies
think before you do it the population of the breed is getting outragous and bad owners are not making the situation better for good owners like us. here is how i go about breeding my dogs people have to sighn contracts when they get a pup from me if i find out they are breeding to early or without out my lines the dog is mine again if it fails to listen to comands within 6 months the dog is mine and unless they want the animals they have to sighn. i train my pups at 3 months


Well-Known Member
That's not a kennel I'd be proud of. The dogs' habitats are lacking, sparse, and some of the dogs look sad, underweight & abused. The dogs at 0:45 and 1:34, particularly. They are skinny and scrappy and you can tell they're used for fighting. And WTF is with those godawful heavy chains on their necks? On puppies even? Glad they got shut down. One less abuser in the world....for now, at least. I'm sad the dogs were put down, but they're in a better place now than where they were.

I know there are a lot of responsible owners out there, but these jackholes don't seem to be in that group.
i apologize if this struck a nerve with you. with the amount of abused and neglected animals in this world its understantable to look at these type kennels in that light. however, it would probably look like these animals are neglected and mistreated to someone not firmiliar with the way true apbt look. apbt are basically the the bodybuilders, football players, mma athletes, ect, ect.. they are rediculously agile and athetic, and always tend to be in great shape even in they are couch potatoe's (like my old girl who at 9 yo off the couch could still climb 10-12" in a tree). like pibudz also stated, these dos are often put through "keeps", which is basically a strict train regimine like many atheletes go through. the dogs in the vid that you refer to were probably fought at one time or another (which im not in favor of), but to say they're unhappy, neglected, or abused is simply not the case. i can tell first hand about both dogs. the first @ :45 is bulldozer. i loved this dog!!! both times i visited ed yards i spent about an hr playing and wresting with dozer. he was a friendly playfull dog with a great demeanor and very intelligent. the dog @ 1:35 is renegade and was one of the staple dogs on ed yard. he was another intelligent dog with a very playful attitude. now, i know ed made mistakes in the past, but the recent charges were trumped up threats, and if he didnt take the deal that they offered him is adopted son could of faced 5-10 yrs in federal prison. he is, and always will be, one of the better dogmen involved in the breed. i have seen the backyard and getto breeders, and i have also seen how guys like ed farron and mr garner handle their dogs, yards, and business. night and day. those dogs eat better than i do and are in better shape!! so in closing (sorry for the long post), i completely respect and understand your point of view, but if you would of seen the dogs, the reactions to ed and his wife chris, the way the daily routine and care for the dogs was always first, i think you might look at this in a different way. anyway,
respect, piece, and pot

pitbudz, sounds like your a stand up guy and a good dogman. much respect. to often i see guys trying to make a buck not caring for the animals of their future owners.


Well-Known Member
thanks man truley appreciate the kind words brotha and i feel its an honor to be a good dogman, g oing back to what you were saying about the care of he dogs hell look at don mayfeild and the way he cared for his dogs they were atheletes and treated like it. It sure is nice to talk to someone or just read from someone who is involved or at least know what they are speakking of


Well-Known Member
thanks man truley appreciate the kind words brotha and i feel its an honor to be a good dogman, g oing back to what you were saying about the care of he dogs hell look at don mayfeild and the way he cared for his dogs they were atheletes and treated like it. It sure is nice to talk to someone or just read from someone who is involved or at least know what they are speakking of
although im not directly involved with the breed anymore other than messing with my boys dogs, i love and greatly appriciate the breed. my pit was an abolute positive influence on my life and i'll never forget that. when i first got interested in pits i was a 17 yo criminal who robbed, stole, sold drugs, basically a hazard to society. funny as this sounds, haveing my dog actually gave me some responsibility and i started to change my ways. when i got my pit, i had every intention on fighting her, until i actually saw a match. i could never ask my dog to that for me unless we were in life threating danger, and even then i would put myself first. when i first got involved with the breed i read allot, and seeing ed's yard and talking with him and chris i really learned allot about the breed. both of my visits to wildside we arrived at about 7am to help with the morning feedings and cleanings before we breed our dog, and the we would spend a few hrs walking the yard playing and working with the dogs. since then, one of my friends started a small yard working with a few dogs from wildside (sweet pea, beautiful rednose) and the frisco dog from garner. so, even though i'm not a pitty owner, i'll always be a supprter of the breed.


Well-Known Member
although im not directly involved with the breed anymore other than messing with my boys dogs, i love and greatly appriciate the breed. my pit was an abolute positive influence on my life and i'll never forget that. when i first got interested in pits i was a 17 yo criminal who robbed, stole, sold drugs, basically a hazard to society. funny as this sounds, haveing my dog actually gave me some responsibility and i started to change my ways. when i got my pit, i had every intention on fighting her, until i actually saw a match. i could never ask my dog to that for me unless we were in life threating danger, and even then i would put myself first. when i first got involved with the breed i read allot, and seeing ed's yard and talking with him and chris i really learned allot about the breed. both of my visits to wildside we arrived at about 7am to help with the morning feedings and cleanings before we breed our dog, and the we would spend a few hrs walking the yard playing and working with the dogs. since then, one of my friends started a small yard working with a few dogs from wildside (sweet pea, beautiful rednose) and the frisco dog from garner. so, even though i'm not a pitty owner, i'll always be a supprter of the breed.
thats really awesome man and i agree with you i am a pro bullrider and dogs saved my life i come from a youth home for boys i grew up there well i was sent ive been out for 5 yrs and i feel im a very productive member of society and its all due to these dogs see my family has always lived in tha hood i guess you could say so ive always been around pits growing up when i was allowed into the town from the home we were in and out there i was given a dog due to my attitude and it helped but i was introduced to people who trained dogs to work cattle and my first dog was a bordercollie i loved him i miss him very much, i started to ask the same things of my pits to work using the same techiniques as bordercollies and they excell at it they are very tough animals. I also saw a problem with the dogs loose in my neighorbhood and i took a stand myself got in some trouble but proved my point i can now walk my animals off leash in my town because they listen i offer free services to the people of my neighorbhood on weekends at the parks to train their own animals. I love the breed and i'll own them until i die u know the sayin definatly holds true, If it aint pit it aint shit. O btw EVERYONE THAT READS THIS THREAD PELASE THIS WEEKEND ON ANIMAL PLANET THERE WILL BE A SHOW U'VE PROBABLY ALL SAW IT OR HEARD, PITBULLS AND PAROLEES WELL FOR EVERY VIEWER THAT WATCHES ANIMAL PLANET IS GOING TO MAKE DONATIONS TO TIAS RESCUE VIA LOBES IT IS THE LARGEST PITBULL RESCUE IN THE WORLD PLEASE WATCH IT IS ON SAT I BELEIVE.


Active Member
think before you do it the population of the breed is getting outragous and bad owners are not making the situation better for good owners like us. here is how i go about breeding my dogs people have to sighn contracts when they get a pup from me if i find out they are breeding to early or without out my lines the dog is mine again if it fails to listen to comands within 6 months the dog is mine and unless they want the animals they have to sighn. i train my pups at 3 months

i was gonna put all that.........i love my dog i got her from a close friend idk what blood line she came from but i've seen her parents they are both family dogs that have been raised around toddlers and infants.they protect those children as if they were there own pups so i decided to adopt maryjane when she was 2 and half months old......maryjane is learning quick and when shes ready to have pups ima make sure they go to good homes and keep updates on those dogs believe me man i love this breed of dog cause they are misunderstood and i can relate to that.......and yea that thing about the population i know i was going to get a dime one night and on the drive bacc home i seen a prego pit and it hurt to see her like that in the cold i tried to help the dog but she had run away i think her owner abused her the only thing i could do was speak to the neighbors around the area to see who she belonged to and no one had said shit so i went home and just hoped she was ok


Well-Known Member
I need to add to a debate that i read a few pages back.
I do agree with dog fighting, but it cannot be regulated so it shouldn't be done. until it can be regulated then it should be outlawed.
People shouldn't be killing there dogs because they lost. They shouldn't be torturing them to make them mean.
Some dogs just love to fight, and that should be respected and should be allowed in a controlled arena with referee's and judges.
I would not have the great dogs i have now if dog fighting was never allowed.


Well-Known Member
i second that one if there was good dogmen things wuld be different just like a mma fight its stopped i can read any body the rules tooo if they say its a fight to the death real rules isnt the dogs weigh the same excatly the same its a fight if one dog dosent want to fight during the fight its over but like he said it there is people more concerned with the money thanthe well being of their animals


Well-Known Member
Ive almost been malled by those mean fuckers an i dont think they are cute.
Sorry to be a hater but pits are evil.
Pit bulls are bred for physical violence. Most owners encurage it!
You chose a viscous animal for a family "pet"
Its like having a wild wolf as a pet.
When it attacts you should be held fully responsible for there actions.

Too many people are horribly maimed by your "pets"

I see to many big mean ass neglected dogs, especialy pits.


Well-Known Member
Pit bulls are bred for physical violence.
You chose a viscous animal for a family "pet"
Its like having a wild wolf as a pet.
When it attacts you should be held responsible for there actions.
Too many people are horribly maimed by your "pets"
I see to many big mean ass neglected dogs, especialy pits.
keep in mind they were bred for human companions before you say something as dumb as you just did friend. and i will agree with you there are definatly irgornant owners i think there shuld be laws to the affect of who owns em but dont bash or hate the animals its the people there buddy. blame the deed not the breed, helen keller owned a pit bull what do u have to say about that one, the most decorated dog in wwII was a pitbull named stubby not for his killer instincs and human eating capabilitys but his courage, and ability to get messags from a to b think before you open your mouth or do some research please thats all i ask sorry i i offend you i am not trying only to educate you.


Well-Known Member
Im kinda drunk an about got fuckn tore up by a pit just today.
I thought i was going to have to fight it with an eastwing hammer.
All big dogs piss me off an scare the shit out of me. lol
Not just your pits.


Well-Known Member
My dog will fuck you up and that is the point. But if I invite you in or you are family she is the kindest dog I have ever had. My moms chocolate lab has bitten more people than my mean ass pit.


Well-Known Member
it would probably look like these animals are neglected and mistreated to someone not firmiliar with the way true apbt look. apbt are basically the the bodybuilders, football players, mma athletes, ect, ect.. they are rediculously agile and athetic, and always tend to be in great shape even in they are couch potatoe's
My concern is the ability to so clearly see the ribcages on some of those dogs. I understand lean and fit, but some of them look too skinny. The kennels and mud and chains is what struck a nerve. I'm a softy and would have a bajillion animals if I had a house big enough. It breaks my heart to see any animal chained, too. The scars on the faces give away that they've been forced to fight.

You're right. I've never been there and I don't know the most recent raid/case info. I'm just going by what I see. ...and I'm not fond of what I see.

peace, love and pot


New Member
not jackin this thread but everyone likes there breed of dog i had brindle pit , bred rotties kinda a fad thing i found that and not cutting pit there not a very bright dog lol meaning if you put your dog out to piss in - 30 weather the fcker wouldnt even no when to bark to let you no he wants in hahha
pits have the meaniest dog printed on its forehead but in reality there not even close to be a tough dog
i have on my acreage 2 dogs that are killers they eat raw meat from pups heres a link and i will post pics once i transfer from old pc to this one i got a male and female male is 210 lbs and female is 189 lbs there predetor dogs and will kill anything including humans if the on property i have to have guard dog signs and locks on my gates for insurance reasons they can take out a grizzly bear, wolfs , cougars they work as a team you might of herd of them before
heres a link to give you a idea there choke chains are 36"


Well-Known Member
Ive almost been malled by those mean fuckers an i dont think they are cute.
Sorry to be a hater but pits are evil.
Pit bulls are bred for physical violence. Most owners encurage it!
You chose a viscous animal for a family "pet"
Its like having a wild wolf as a pet.
When it attacts you should be held fully responsible for there actions.

Too many people are horribly maimed by your "pets"

I see to many big mean ass neglected dogs, especialy pits.
people like you need to educate your self before making statements like that.
Your the reason why they are like this.(looked down on)
I in no way say that you dont have a reason to be afraid of dogs, but not a breed in general.
I was attacked by a golden retriever when i was 8 yrs old.
I dont call them monster.
I was attacked for no reason.
My wife was attack just recently by a friends jack russel. For no reason.

The pitbulls were bred for human companionship on top of athleticism.
No dog owner who was fighting there dogs would want a dog that will snap on them when feeding or just getting them out the ring.
back when they loved there fighters , they would fight the dogs and then take em home and let em be around the family.
Thats before they chained em and let em to rot when they weren't fighting

I think your comment is unacceptable, and you should read things before making any type of statement. I also understand this is a forum and none of us know who you are, but i hope you would never make a statement like that in public and people can see you, cause that is just plain retarded and no one will listen to you....I hope