All women are basically crazy thread - TELL US YOUR STORY........

Big P

Well-Known Member
ok no offense gurls but this is the All Women are Crazy thread. Pls post us your insane woman stories and what batshit crazy ass things they put you through.

below is the warmup from which has helped me get through the "Crazy" Times

Fundamental Truth #6
Women are Crazy
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If by now you have not recognized the fact that all women are crazy, then you need more help than this website can possibly give you. Women are crazy &#8211; and I don&#8217;t necessarily mean this in a clinical sense. Women are crazy in the sense that they do and think things that we as midlife bachelors will never be able to comprehend. They look at everything from a totally different perspective than we do. I don&#8217;t understand them myself &#8211; and I do not try to. In fact, it is pointless to try to understand women &#8211; because just when you think you do understand them, something will cause you to recognize that you MISUNDERSTAND them. Some women are more predictable than others &#8211; but don&#8217;t confuse &#8220;predictability&#8221; with &#8220;understanding women&#8221;. Maybe just maybe if you are fortunate enough to be]marriedto the same woman for thirty or forty years &#8211; then YOU MAY UNDERSTAND HER &#8230; but that understanding is limited to just that one woman, not ALL women! [And certainly this is not the case with you &#8211; because you are a MIDLIFE BACHELOR. If you truly understood your woman, you wouldn&#8217;t be a midlife]bachelor and you would not be reading this right now.]
Dealing with Craziness &#8211; or Not Dealing with It
The best you can possibly hope for is the ability to ride out the craziness while still maintaining your own sanity. Often times this means appearing to agree with what they are telling you &#8211; but going along with something versus actually buying into it are really two different things. In other words, your girlfriend might tell you something that you think is nuts &#8211; but if you just go with the flow, chances are good that the craziness will blow over after some period of time. This works well if your woman is not acting crazy a majority of the time. However, if you think she is acting crazy most of the time, then it is time to move on and find yourself someone new &#8230; someone who is less crazy! Remember &#8211; women are ALL crazy &#8230; it is the degree of insanity that varies from female to female. If you keep your sanity expectations of women low, you are less likely to be disappointed. I&#8217;ve got some pretty good examples of common types of female craziness. My guess is that you or someone you know really well can relate to one or more of these.

Crazy Woman Example &#8211; She is Always Upset at You
Some women are just flat out critical of everything their man does. Many of these women appear to thrive on telling you just what you are doing wrong &#8211; and the only peace you may enjoy is when you are asleep. This was the situation with me and a woman who I lived with, and was engaged to &#8211; her name was Regina. I had just started a new job when Regina moved in with me &#8211; and she thought that I worked too much. Whenever I was gone for business, Regina always thought that I was cheating on her. If I was out with my friendsRegina thought that I was with another woman. Whenever I was not in the same room as she was, she was going through my stuff trying to find evidence that I was cheating on her. Guess what? I never cheated on her &#8211; and I never would have &#8230; but her giving me such a hard time about everything really broke my spirit. I was always tense &#8211; because I felt like I had to constantly call her, and report in with what I was doing, where I was going, who I was with, etc. It made my life miserable. The funny part was that Regina was absolutely gorgeous &#8211; and we had the best sex together &#8230; and since we had sex all the time, I allowed the great sex to mask my feelings about everything else. I never really knew how much anxiety that relationship gave me until a year or so after the relationship ended. Only then did I realize how much peace and serenity I had in my life without her. And many anxiety symptoms I had at the time disappeared. The moral to this particular story? If she is always upset at you, then she has a problem &#8211; and you are likely better off without her.

Crazy Woman Example - She Hates Your Friends

Crazy Woman Example &#8211; She Hates Your Some women make your life hell in all aspects &#8211; but others are more selective. Jealousy is a particularly nasty trait, and is difficult to overcome. Jealously can manifest itself in many forms &#8211; the most generic is when a woman cannot stand anything or anyone who takes your attention away from her. [Women in this extreme can be characterized as &#8220;high maintenance&#8221; and/or as an &#8220;attention whore&#8221;.] My buddy, Greg, has a very jealous wife named Tiffany. Now Tiffany is an exceptionally good-looking woman who should have no reason whatsoever for being insecure &#8211; but she is, and one way that this insecurity shows itself is how she has isolated Greg from all of his friends, and often from his father, too. In each case, she has exposed some (previously unknown) tragic flaw with each of us &#8211; and used this flaw as the justification for insisting that Greg not hang out with us. In my case, she doesn&#8217;t like my sense of humor. In Greg&#8217;s father&#8217;s case, she insists that he drinks too much and takes financial advantage of Greg all the time. For a while, Greg bought into these ideas of Tiffany&#8217;s &#8211; and he pushed several of us out of his life. But as time went by, Greg eventually saw the situation from a higher level, and was able to understand that his wife is crazy! [Greg is now SOMETIMES allowed to hang out with me &#8211; maybe once every two weeks or so. And Greg&#8217;s ]father is now SOMETIMES allowed to come over to Greg&#8217;s home.] The real bottom line is that Tiffany is jealous of anyone who takes Greg&#8217;s attention away from her &#8211; because she is a jealous attention whore! Wow &#8211; it felt good to say that!
Now sometimes jealousy is not quite as all-encompassing as the Greg-Tiffany situation. The live-in girlfriend I had named Regina (the one who was constantly looking for evidence of me cheating on her) was much more focused on my interactions with women &#8230; including and especially my female friends. It so happened about the time that Regina moved in with me &#8211; that I had been hanging out a lot with a very good female friend named Krista. Krista was a neighbor of mine &#8211; she lived around the corner, and we had become friends because we shared a common interest in riding jet skis. Krista and I had been friends for several years &#8211; we had gone on jet ski trips together (bringing along our respective boyfriend/girlfriend, as well as a pack of other people, etc.). Krista was about eight years younger than me &#8211; and was fairly attractive. But my friends and I used to joke privately that Krista was really a man &#8230; because she had kind of a hard attitude, tended to bark out orders, plus she had fairly broad shoulders, and typically burned through boyfriends at a rate faster than the rest of us did with our girlfriends. [We gave her the nickname &#8220;Roadkill&#8221; &#8211; because she would (figuratively-speaking) roll right over them, and leave them behind in her rear-view mirror.]

There was absolutely nothing ever sexual going on between me and Krista &#8211; never. Not even when neither of us was dating anyone. I truly viewed Krista as &#8220;one of the boys&#8221;, as that was the type of person she really was to me. She was a very good However, when Regina moved in and noticed that Krista and I would talk on the phone, and hang around together &#8211; things crashed and burned in a hurry. It wasn&#8217;t more than a few weeks before Regina accused me of sleeping with Krista &#8230; and insisted that I terminate my friendship with her. Since I had proposed to Regina, and fully intended on marrying her &#8211; I proceeded to make two giant mistakes:
  1. I agreed to terminate my friendship with Krista, at Regina&#8217;s insistence
  2. I came out and told Krista that I could no longer be friends with her because Regina didn&#8217;t like it
Terminating myfriendship with a woman at my girlfriend&#8217;s insistence was a very bad move &#8211; primarily because it set a precedent for future friendship governance by Regina. In other words, from that day forward, two things were expected of me &#8230; first that I would have NO female friends, and second that she would have a say-so on who my friends could be. Trust me &#8211; you never want to give a woman that much power, as it has nowhere to go but further downhill for you later on.
Explaining to Krista why I could no longer be her friend was my second stupid move. Remember that Krista was &#8220;one of the boys&#8221;, and imagine telling one of your buddies that you can no longer talk nor hang out anymore &#8230; you are &#8220;breaking up the friendship&#8221;. I said that Krista was man-like &#8211; and this especially applied to her language. She gave me verbal grief just like any of my male buddies would have done &#8211; she called me a wimp and a pussy, &#8230; she said that any girl that made me ditch my friends was a crazy bitch. At the time, I told her, &#8220;I know, I know &#8230; but I have to do this &#8230; please don&#8217;t cause trouble.&#8221; Krista did go away as I asked her to do &#8230; but after Regina eventually moved out some four months later, I was eating my words around Krista. And my friendship with Krista was never, ever the same after that episode.
The single most important lesson from the Regina-Krista situation is that you must NEVER, EVER allow any woman to determine who your friends are. If you have very attractive female friends, you do need to sympathize with your girlfriend &#8211; and make sure you are not doing anything to lead a sane person to believe you are fooling around with your female friend. In other words, don&#8217;t spend the night at the female friend&#8217;s home &#8230; don&#8217;t kiss the female friend &#8230; don&#8217;t have secrets with the female friend, don&#8217;t carry the female friend&#8217;s photo in your wallet, etc. If there is any doubt about what actions or activities you should or should not enjoy with your female friend &#8211; just imagine the reverse situation where your girlfriend has a male friend, and if you would not be comfortable with her doing something similar, then don&#8217;t do it! Be respectful &#8211; but don&#8217;t be a puss!
The second lesson I learned from the Regina-Krista situation had to do with me going to Krista (my friend), and telling her I could not talk to her nor hang out with her anymore because Regina objected. The real lesson is more high-level than the details of this episode &#8230; and that lesson is when you have to do something you know is stupid, don&#8217;t announce it! Otherwise, you will receive a lot of scrutiny and grief over it &#8211; as I did with Krista. It would have been better for me to have handled such a situation (where I was being a hen-pecked puss) much more quietly &#8230; maybe by phasing Krista out by not calling her back, etc.

Dealing with Craziness &#8211; or Not Dealing with It
Crazy Woman Example &#8211; She is Always Upset at You
Crazy Woman Example &#8211; She Hates Your Friends
Crazy Woman Example &#8211; She is Never Happy
Crazy Woman Example &#8211; She's Obsessed w/the Way She Looks
Crazy Woman Example &#8211; Women go for Money 1st & Foremost


I kindof agree because a lot of my friends do the stupidest shit sometimes :/
There are too many stories to tell... So I'll just narrow it all down by saying a lot of girls/women play mind games. Whether they realize the effect it has on the other person or not.. But who's to say some men don't also

Big P

Well-Known Member
yea theres lots of men who straight up need help and are super assholes,

but yea its the crazy mind games that women do, its like a death of a thousand cuts, thats how my marrige ended, its like so much bitching to the point you have no desire to have sex with this insane person which leads to no intemicy which leads to broken marrige and the kids suffer, I hung in there as long as I could for my kids but in the end the constant dreams about cheating and then the active planning to cheat made me realize I had to just be a man and end it rather than cheat, eventually get cuaght and then get fucked in the ass by the courts

now that im divorced I dont care who the gurls is how hot she is or whatever, if she got a problem with me or anything I do, the door is right there, id rather be alone and catch the random one night stand here and there than even think about dealing with any childish bullshit

by the way nretnal you seem like a nice one :D

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
lol for real grow that is one crazy bitch :D

she must visit this site huh ;)
Haha. I know you meant it as a joke. It's not cool to call a dudes wife a bitch, buddy.

It's all in good fun, I know. Try not to think too much about the flaws of women, because it just leads to a life of lonelyness.

Sure, all women are crazy. We all know this. We love them anyway. Because the select few have that Voodoo pussy. And we just keep coming back for it.

You'll find a good one soon. And she'll still be crazy, you'll learn to live with it.

Big P

Well-Known Member

i understand the you cant live withem cant live withoutem thing,

like before I got a g/f right after my divorce, when the last of my buddies would leave that night to go home to his gurl, I would get this creepy sad loney empty feeling in my stomach

hense im already in a "relationship"!!!! EEEEEK!!!!

but your right some of them you can suffer for, my new chick no lie has a serioue oral fetish, im having touble just keeping up after a sexless marrige :D

wives keep pushing and pushing thinkin you cant leave them cuz u stuck married to them. but the single moms out there know when to appriciate a good one when they see one,

I guess its an age old story, u take what you got for granted then one day you on your deathbed wondering why you worked all those extra hours wasting your life on a bunch of crap you cant take with you anyway :D

wondering why your kids are too busy yo hang with you now that they are older when u never spent time with them when they were young beautiful children,

im fittin to have me a kid every ten years till i die, let thier brothers and sisters raise the last one after i die :D

in the end I think most regrets involve not being there for your kids but whos know im not an old man yet sucka's!!


Well-Known Member
I think your messing with the wrong girls. I've met many girls who are real chill, honest, the outgoing & friendly type who just don't act like the crazy ones...


lol for real grow that is one crazy bitch :D

she must visit this site huh ;)
nah, not crazy, but maybe delusional :)

and I got her to register about 2yrs ago, but she only managed a whopping 2posts before fading away.... she doesnt really smoke since she first got pregnant, so there we are.

Big P

Well-Known Member
u dont get the snide little comments with them?

ya maybe I just attract crazy women

or im attracted to them who knows but my ex wife was like for real Alpha bitch mean, my male friends litterlly feared her

this new one is still trying to hide that side of her from my friends but they know

I think I just figured out my problem!!!

i tottaly got it now!! they bitch at me cuz I do things gurls friend are naturally opposed too,

yea your right now that I think about it its me. its cuz im constantly hangin out with my buddies, and thats what erks them so much

"Women are Possesive and they wanna posses Wayne, I been fly so long i fell asleep on the fuckin plane!"

yea your right its me. i get it now.

my new one acts like it dont bother her but I know it does :D

an I got one of my best friends who lives right next door too me and we usually chill every night.

come to think of it my wife despised all my friends

however in my defense I was like this when she met me and shes used to party with us too untill she tried to change me. after all those years she knew she couldnt change me but by then our relationship had suffered greatly eventually I got up the nerve to call it quits, hardest thing I ever had to do.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man you just gotta do what you think is right. Personally if i'm with a girl then i have to like her alot, or else i wouldn't bother which is probably why i don't have problems with them because i make them happy, then if you make them happy first usually they wont mind you doing what you want... but do it from your heart not just because you feel you have 2, or else your probably wasting time.


Well-Known Member
If you have a woman make sure she eats lots of yogurt and drinks lots of real cranberry juice and get her to take iron or eat stuff with iron in it.

Big P

Well-Known Member
If you have a woman make sure she eats lots of yogurt and drinks lots of real cranberry juice and get her to take iron or eat stuff with iron in it.
Damn beardo sounds like he know how to feedem right

Ima tell my young lady to eat iron,


I think your messing with the wrong girls. I've met many girls who are real chill, honest, the outgoing & friendly type who just don't act like the crazy ones...
That's true. Their attitude often depends on their maturity/confidence... As with anyone


New Member
I dated a chick once who was very unstable, after I broke up I got an urgent call from her mom asking me to go check on her. I found her naked with a big cooking knife in the middle of what looked like a hundred roses, she looked up at me and said, "I'm celebrating our love," got out there quick.


Well-Known Member
Wanna know how I know my girlfriends crazy? Cuz she said I wasnt allowed to post in this thread.


Active Member
my theory is that whatever happens in the womb, that creates the vagina, also creates a chemical disturbance of the brain. all women are def fuckd.


Well-Known Member
Girls are bothered by a lot of things that doesn't even slightly phase guys. It's quite the anomaly.