Do males show sex earlier than females? Also: second opinions on my sexing.


This is my second grow, but the first one that's made it to flowering. I have seven plants, which I switched to a 12/12 light cycle a week ago, after three of them started showing preflowers. I haven't been able to confidently sex any of them until today. Unfortunately, of the four that are showing their sex, three are definitely male, and I think the fourth is as well. I'm hoping that males mature and show sex earlier than females, and that the three remaining plants are likelier to be female. Can anyone tell me if that's the case?

Here are pics of the four plants I've sexed. Since this is my first time, I'd really appreciate a second opinion. +Rep to anyone who helps.

Plant 1 (the one I'm not sure about):

Plant 2:

Plant 3:

Plant 4 (DEFINITELY male, posting it to complete the set):


i find the males show first,all the ones in this present crop showed there ''balls'' within 7 days of 12/12 and my females were no more then 12-14 days


Well-Known Member
the 1st pic i can`t really tell, kind looks l see balls(male) could you possible post another pic from a diffent angle? but the other pics are defiently males, i would pull them from your crop immeditely.


Well-Known Member
I agree males tend to show sooner, but its always good to be on the look out until hairs show. After hairs show always be on the look out for hermies...they can show up when you least expect um.

I agree #2 could be a girl or herm.


I agree males tend to show sooner, but its always good to be on the look out until hairs show. After hairs show always be on the look out for hermies...they can show up when you least expect um.

I agree #2 could be a girl or herm.
If I wait 'til hairs show, don't I risk the male flowers fertilizing them?


Well-Known Member
plant 1 looks too early to tell, as for plant 2 looks male to me. and you shoulden`t worry about males pollinating the females when the hairs first show, when the hairs first pop up you should have sufficent time to be able to sex your other plants beafore the pollen sack develope and open up.


Well-Known Member
but got to remember somtimes you get a hermie, with balls and hairs, personally i pull hermies without thinking twice. My philosophy is spot the sacks and throw that shit and don`t look back :)


Global Moderator
Staff member
In your first batch of pics - the first is iffy, the last three are males.
Second batch of pics - #1 & #2 look to be the same pic & I would say it prob is male, the last pic is a male.
As for your orig question, yes - males tend to show first sometimes by a week or two.
Sorry for your loss. :-(


Is is feasible to pull off the balls and let the female flowers develop into buds? Or am I just being greedy? (Pro'ly greedy.)


In your first batch of pics - the first is iffy, the last three are males.
Second batch of pics - #1 & #2 look to be the same pic & I would say it prob is male, the last pic is a male.
As for your orig question, yes - males tend to show first sometimes by a week or two.
Sorry for your loss. :-(
Damn, you're right, I put in one of the photos twice. Here's the other pic of plant 1:
View attachment 1283878

I don't mind too much if only three of the plants are female; I need to transplant them into larger pots and I can only fit three of those in grow cabinet anyway. I just hope the remaining three plants are all girls!


Global Moderator
Staff member
Is is feasible to pull off the balls and let the female flowers develop into buds? Or am I just being greedy? (Pro'ly greedy.)
That is usually a last ditch effort move when late in flower and a girl starts cross dressing.
Just into flower you're asking for seeds with that approach.