150 - 200 watt HPS


Active Member
k so iv been looking at this light right sounds alright to me right. but heres the catch this light happens to be on a side of this wall, ya i want to take this light off of its wall when its not on and place it in my house would this be good to bud two 2 foot plants and a smaller half foot plant? :leaf::leaf::wall:

happy smoking


Well-Known Member
To answer your question... 150 - 200W HPS would work but 400 is a minimum for a decent yield on 2 - 3 plants (that's what I have going now).

And secondly, if it's not your light then it's not yours to use dude.. hopefully you're considering building your own and doing it properly because no offense, it makes the honest people look bad.


Well-Known Member
[D]ark[L]eaf;4937596 said:
not much money i found a 200 watt MH light for thirty bucks

So you think that just because little ol' you doesn't have any money that you can just go around stealing shit so you can have what you want?

I hope it's my light you are looking at and I catch you in the act. Fucking douche bag. Move out of mommy and daddys house first and get a job.


Active Member
i just said i found one for cheap, what about that dont you get , so what if its on a clossed school, its closed, and i live on my own fag, shits not cheap hence the point of me wanting to take one,


Well-Known Member
[D]ark[L]eaf;4938705 said:
i just said i found one for cheap, what about that dont you get , so what if its on a clossed school, its closed, and i live on my own fag, shits not cheap hence the point of me wanting to take one,

Oh it's a closed school, so that makes it okay....not.

I'd bet money that it's your thought process that has put you into the situation you are in judging by your justifications for stealing things. I live on my own as well and manage to support 4 other people while doing so, so why can't you take care of yourself, and why does that reason make it okay to steal shit?

Of course you won't be able to answer any of that, and will undoubtedly resort to shit talking and weak ass justifications for being a thief.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree, get your shit together first before starting something like a grow. Establish your life and then do what you want as a hobby... And just because you bought the MH doesn't mean it's going to work in that fixture... Unless it's a switchable digital ballast it probably won't work. Lots of people who grow live on their own so I don't see how that's an excuse...

Good luck with your theft and weak grow


Active Member
what theft. so i thought about snaging a light to save some bucks. i didnt end up taking the light i went on craigs list and found a MH used in a grow with a new bulb and the hole set up for thirty bucks.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
[D]ark[L]eaf;4938709 said:
and the light has a ballast built into the lighting housing, but iv boughten a 200watt MH
judging by the poor use of grammar, "boughten".... id say he was part of the reason the school closed down, low scores... and as what most poorly educated morons do, he has resorted to primitive thinking and " me want me take " attitude. if you have to resort to stealing you're most likely not smart enough to grow... quit now before you get yourself in trouble, or waste what little money you have. if you're trying to get lights for $30, cause that's all you can afford, you're gonna be hurting when the power bill comes in. like most people you probably haven't done your homework and think you're gonna just be able to throw a light over a plant and its gonna be the greatest ever...


Active Member
i dont pay for my power, so thats not a problem and i have done my homework when i bud im going to have it on a 4-4 hour light on and off and it will cost a lil over 7.50$ to run a day.


Well-Known Member
judging by the poor use of grammar, "boughten".... id say he was part of the reason the school closed down, low scores... and as what most poorly educated morons do, he has resorted to primitive thinking and " me want me take " attitude. if you have to resort to stealing you're most likely not smart enough to grow... quit now before you get yourself in trouble, or waste what little money you have. if you're trying to get lights for $30, cause that's all you can afford, you're gonna be hurting when the power bill comes in. like most people you probably haven't done your homework and think you're gonna just be able to throw a light over a plant and its gonna be the greatest ever...
This. You said it best.


Well-Known Member
And it definitely does not sound like you have done your homework. If it's costing $7.50 to run a day then you're being ROBBED (or whoever the mystery person that pays the bill is) and if you've done your homework...you wouldn't be asking a crappy question about a light on a school. Stay in school!


Active Member
XD lol funny ..

i got a rent in total at each end of the month of 2300$ , and ive spent 1500$ just in items to build my grow room .

you wanna make something, then buy it ..

you steal it, you get caught, you loose everything ,, Not just that light you stole .

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
[D]ark[L]eaf;4940625 said:
i dont pay for my power, so thats not a problem and i have done my homework when i bud im going to have it on a 4-4 hour light on and off and it will cost a lil over 7.50$ to run a day.
hahahahahha a 4-4 light schedule? have fun with that. hope you got your seed puller ready. id like to tell you why 4-4 is just stupid, but i'd rather you waste your money.... good luck.