looks like they are stretching for the light, what light are you using, if its a cfl should only be 3-4" above your plants. id top the bigger ones or bend them down and drop the light for even growth. What nutes are u using, look healthy to me
all i see is over watering and a little burn tips. Dont feed more neuts and like someone else said top it or bend it so it doesn't reach to the top so lower level nods get light.
Exactly what JJC588 said ! Just stop with the neuts for a while and wait till the top of your soul is dry and crusty before watering, With a clean finger you might want to stick it into the soil if its dry 1-2 inches down water them. This advice sound alright please correct me if I'm wrong . Wooop !!
using fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom at 50% strength....every other watering. most of my plants have started flowering how can i bend back or top plants without extreme stress to plants?
Definitely looks like overwatering to me. Not a weed growin expert or anything but I've grown a lot of other plants in my time and they all do that when they're sittin in too much water =]