first plant


i have 2 25w cfl's(both say 2700k tho) 1 20w fluorescent and 1 14w fluorescent. not sure wat kind tho.
(they are both very bluish and are aquarium reflectors if that helps)


Well-Known Member
Get at least a few of the 26w CFLs (100w equivalent) and make sure they are the "daylight" or 6500k spectrum. Later, when you put them into 12/12 light schedule for flowering you will want to change to the 2700k CFLs that give more of the red spectrum light. Keep the lights close (1-2" away) so they don't make the plant stretch (but be careful not to let the plants touch them for long as they WILL get burned by even a CFL- it happened to one of mine). When you see a taproot start to peek out of that split seed, don't waste any time getting it planted. The longer the taproot sticks out, the easier it will be to accidentally damage it and kill the seed. You break that taproot, you're done! Tiny root means less chance of knocking it off when you plant.
Listen to this guy! +rep. When you do the switch to 2700K you should have the 40-42W (150w replacement equiv.) Bulbs. 2600-2800 lumens generally. And get good coverage, you can produce tight dense buds just like HPS bulbs, by vigelently keeping your lights no more than 2-3" away the whole grow. Keep a nice breeze in that space, and the heat is carried off easily, provided it's exhausted from the grow chamber.
Also the collective advice given about clones onthis thread is decent. Go with that. But here's the simplified version from me. You can clone ANYTING of the mother at any time. <----some ill debate this. Research taking your cut. Use rooting solution of your choice who cares really...stick it in a moist medium of your choice, rock wool, soil...and provide the clippings with and environment of 85%+ humidity. You can achieve this numerous ways. I prefer, a almost fully sealed dome. I can spray once, and leave it for a whole week. Take the dome off...let it breath an hour, and spray. dome back on for the last week. 2 weeks tops for great roots. Then just plant em.water em. yer good. Fuck how some ppl fuss, i swear the over care is the biggest killer.


Active Member
From what I've researched it can benefit from both light spectrums during veg and flower, you want a ratio of around 4:1 blue bulbs to red for veg and the opposite for flower.

I'm sure many ppl use strictly one or the other which is fine I just heard it could help.

As for the final pot you can but that creates problems with watering and root growth. If you're using an auto strain though going straight to final pot is preferred.


Well-Known Member
i have 2 25w cfl's(both say 2700k tho) 1 20w fluorescent and 1 14w fluorescent. not sure wat kind tho.
(they are both very bluish and are aquarium reflectors if that helps)
Thats... very low.
Just check the grow-journals of people who used such light. A lot didn't even finish the grow.

2x 45W CFLs would be better than what you currently have (and still way less than what I like to use) and would require less fixtures and wiring, all cost money.


Active Member
i think if you do alot of reading like the guy before said you will learn alot quick! see what other people are doing, you can seach almost all your ?'s on google and get feedback that much quicker


Active Member
If you only have the one plant, a pair of 6500k bulbs (100w equivalent or better) will get you through for a little while. The 2700k are better than nothing, but switch to those "daylight" 6500k bulbs as soon as you can. (They even sell them in grocery stores by me.) Get a "Y" splitter to screw into your socket (cheap at Home Depot, Walmart etc) - if centered over your plant it will give nice angles to the two bulbs that best utilizes the light coming from them. The bulb has more light coverage from its sides than if you were hanging it straight down over the top of your plant. Keep the lights close and either white painted or mylar covered walls to reflect as much light back to your plant. I've found that most dollar stores sell foil gift wrapping - I papered my walls with sheets of that for just about $3. Read up as much as you can so that you have a little knowledge stored for when your baby starts to grow bigger. Here are some great thread links to a very helpful veteran grower on RIU. Uncle Ben knows his stuff!


so, my plant is showing some stem above the dirt. its purple with some green on the end. thx 4evrything u guys.


Well-Known Member
let it go for a few days and see if it fixes up.
if not, check your temps, humidity and pH. (you should not use fertilizers)
in this order.


thx. +rep. i checked again and only a part is purple-ish. it just started comng out of the dirt so its still bent like a cane. 2 leaves are there but one is smaller, the other1 is big (bigger at least). and both r purple-ish also on the underside of the leaves, so is that ok. nothing has fallen on them but i guess the reason its bent is that it just started to sprout out the groud(?) and should be ok(?). thx for all feed back


Well-Known Member
just give it a week. seedling are commonly popping oddly but usually they fix up.
if it's ain't passing in a week, give it a deeper examination.


Well-Known Member
usually purple stems indicate low temps, or other forms of stress.
LOL What?!! No. Every darn seed i've every grown got purple in the stem and /or somewhere on a branch or leaf...I HIGHLY DOUBT, and almost boycott the idea of it being due to stress. Enjoy the colors friend. No worries.


Well-Known Member
LOL What?!! No. Every darn seed i've every grown got purple in the stem and /or somewhere on a branch or leaf...I HIGHLY DOUBT, and almost boycott the idea of it being due to stress. Enjoy the colors friend. No worries.
I grew enough plants without any purpling.
There's a reason they come. Read it up.

It not that much of an issue, but unless its strain related it says you have something to dial in.

If thats not the reason, why do YOU think it happens?