POON insite

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
It has come to my attention that the word POON.. is not seen by all as an affectionate term used to describe the lovely hunnies that inhabit planet "E"

LET me assure you.. as master of the POONIVERSE and PHD from the POONIVERSITY... I can unequivocally state that POON is an AFFECTIONATE term.

A term that carries the greatest respect. Occasionally when I drop the term POON... Poondimonium breaks out amongst some of the civilians of planet earth..they BELIEVE this term is offensive... they are so misinformed...

At the POONIVERSITY there iare POON GAZING, POON HANDLING, POON GRAZING classes... but there is nothing every taught that points to the term poon as being offensive.

Being that I am in California I have been in several POONAMIs. and it is a wonderful experience to say the least... This state is truly a place of incredible and unexplainable poonominons.

any questions?



Well-Known Member
It has come to my attention that the word POON.. is not seen by all as an affectionate term used to describe the lovely hunnies that inhabit planet "E"

LET me assure you.. as master of the POONIVERSE and PHD from the POONIVERSITY... I can unequivocally state that POON is an AFFECTIONATE term.

A term that carries the greatest respect. Occasionally when I drop the term POON... Poondimonium breaks out amongst some of the civilians of planet earth..they BELIEVE this term is offensive... they are so misinformed...

At the POONIVERSITY there iare POON GAZING, POON HANDLING, POON GRAZING classes... but there is nothing every taught that points to the term poon as being offensive.

Being that I am in California I have been in several POONAMIs. and it is a wonderful experience to say the least... This state is truly a place of incredible and unexplainable poonominons.

any questions?

U didnt cap one POON