Good day sir and good question
Spice is something i am very familiar with, pretty much in every case spice's potency is very low for how much it costs, the main psychoactive ingredient in these herbal mixtures is known as JWH-018, it could have a wide variety of other cannabinoids but this one is the most common. What ever spice you ordered, assuming it came from a reliable source that loads heavy on JWH, will definitely get you blazed, if not more blazed then with weed, though because of the harshness of the herbal mixture you are limited to how much you can actually intake at any given time, its doesnt feel good in your lungs. I soon relized I could spend 30 bucks on 1 gram of Jwh-180 (1000mg) enough for One Hundred 10mg doses, and smoke it pure and feel no harshness whatso ever, this is not something i recomend though, smoking it pure makes the ease of over dosing very high, when i say over dose, i dont not mean lethal, just to have taken too much, I started smoking 5mg per doses 2-3 times per day and at the end i was smoking 20-30mg per dose 4-5 times a day and i felt like shit, believe me, i felt like a meth user, scary stuff my friend, in short the withdrawl consisted of diareah, vomiting, no sleep for days, no appetite for up to one week, this was after 2-3 months prolonged use
Enjoy your spice man, but be careful and use moderation because the stuff is posibly cancerous and was never meant to be ingested by humans or animals and is never sold as such, just dont order more, it gets you very high, a high that is enjoyable, but ever since smoking that man...smoking weed has never been the same!
this stuff will def hold you through to next harvest, but from someone who has been to both ends, stick with the Cannabis Buds where ever posible for they will not hurt you!