brainfuck inducing books


Well-Known Member
I just like the way it makes you question things i dislike the author not just his writing but his personality, but I love ufo's, alien theory's, ancient astronaughts theory, I went to nasa's space camp as a kid 4 summers in a row. lol and i've seen star wars like 2 billion times hahahaha

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
haha yeah, it's pretty cool. I'm a big UFO/alien nerd, always have been, so I kind of love stuff like this...

Chariots of the Gods is good reading as far as the info goes, but to be honest I hate the way the author writes... but maybe that's just me.
Are you talking about things concerning the ORION CONSPIRACY ??


Love this shit boys ...


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about things concerning the ORION CONSPIRACY ??


Love this shit boys ...
WOW some of that info seems crazy.. "deep mutation of the genetic standard there by creating a race of highly intelligent giants"... I'd like to research that some more, I've never seen those pictures of the giant skeletons...

the "ancient nuclear explosion" trips me out!

but what's the deal with the end though? How am I supposed to believe that there were traces of alien civilizations on the moon? where are they now? Why haven't credible extraterrestrial-searching scientists who now have the capacity to view the moon through advanced telescopes seen them and brought this all to light? I want answers! haha.. this was a good little watch, and the alien stuff I watched last night talked about Hitler's thirst for some kind of super weapon, and how seemingly, the nazis themselves sabotaged it because no one wanted Hitler to have that kind of power... crazy stuff indeed


Well-Known Member
Great watch.. Giant hominids, Teleportation, systematic manipulation and misinformation about the existence of UFOs (brilliantly achieved btw, though they are widely accepted as real, it still remains on the fringe of credible science), civilations on the moon (what?!?!?) and a twin moon crashing into our planet.... very interesting stuff.

I can't figure out whether or not the producers want this to be taken seriously. I've heard of a few things described, but the majority fell on virgin ears. Real or not, authentic or photoshopped, this program is massively entertaining!

Going to watch #2 now ;)

Edit: If the first interests you kiddies, most definitely watch the second part. I love that photo of Bin Laden sitting at the table with Condoleeza! Priceless! And watch closely for the photograph of the miniature mock up of American Airlines flight 77 missile that was fired into the Pentagon..


Well-Known Member
WOW some of that info seems crazy.. "deep mutation of the genetic standard there by creating a race of highly intelligent giants"... I'd like to research that some more, I've never seen those pictures of the giant skeletons...

the "ancient nuclear explosion" trips me out!

but what's the deal with the end though? How am I supposed to believe that there were traces of alien civilizations on the moon? where are they now? Why haven't credible extraterrestrial-searching scientists who now have the capacity to view the moon through advanced telescopes seen them and brought this all to light? I want answers! haha.. this was a good little watch, and the alien stuff I watched last night talked about Hitler's thirst for some kind of super weapon, and how seemingly, the nazis themselves sabotaged it because no one wanted Hitler to have that kind of power... crazy stuff indeed
acording to the video governmernt removes those photo's and discreditd so called creditable scientists saying other wise.

did you know the moon was hollow and has "bottomless" craters?

thank for the video puff, if you get a chance I would read that book to. it focuses on more the ancient astronuaght theory, witch some of it is mentioned in your video post


Well-Known Member
yeah I saw that part.. but where are those sites now? where are those artifacts or whatever they are? Editing a picture is one thing, but those figures in the photos have to be somewhere.

I've never heard the moon was hollow, I'll have to check that out haha

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I also heard that the moon is made out of green cheese.

P.S I don't been to hijack this thread with my video shenanigans .... but this is kinda on the subject ...
and not to be missed ....

Sam Bell has a three year contract to work for Lunar Industries. For the contract's entire duration, he is the sole employee based at their lunar station. His primary job responsibility is to harvest and periodically rocket back to Earth supplies of helium-3, the current clean and abundant fuel used on Earth. There is no direct communication link available between the lunar station and Earth, so his only direct real-time interaction is with GERTY, the intelligent computer whose function is to attend to his day to day needs. With such little human contact and all of it indirect, he feels that three years is far too long to be so isolated; he knows he is beginning to hallucinate as the end of his three years approaches. All he wants is to return to Earth to be with his wife Tess and their infant daughter Eve, who was born just prior to his leaving for this job. With two weeks to go, he gets into an accident at one of the mechanical harvesters and is rendered unconscious...
Great flick ... directed by Duncan Jones .... David Bowie's son
read more imdb ...


:) PM for links


Well-Known Member
suposedly the moon rang like a bell for hours when apollow 11 landed on it, leading them to belive it may be hollow.


Well-Known Member
really after searching google for awhile it does seem to not be true but then again why would they tell us the truth

I dot know who wrote this or were they got there information but the part about the early probes could be fact checked and there for may be of some value


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that article I linked was good, talked about a lot of UFO sightings while astronauts were on the moon, and how it was made of up of a solid shell mostly metal, and 20 miles thick and the rest was hollow, but it's not a credible source, and any credible source wouldn't be a source. like you said, why would they tell us the truth?


Well-Known Member
I also heard that the moon is made out of green cheese.

P.S I don't been to hijack this thread with my video shenanigans .... but this is kinda on the subject ...
and not to be missed ....

Great flick ... directed by Duncan Jones .... David Bowie's son
read more imdb ...


:) PM for links
One of my fav flicks as of late. Recommended. Great actor, great director. The isolation reminds me of 2001 a bit.


Well-Known Member
I also heard that the moon is made out of green cheese.

P.S I don't been to hijack this thread with my video shenanigans .... but this is kinda on the subject ...
and not to be missed ....

Great flick ... directed by Duncan Jones .... David Bowie's son
read more imdb ...


:) PM for links
absolutly one of my favs kevin spacy should be a robot

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
There is no such a thing as evil

If you wish to destroy evil please realize that you do not have the power or right to destroy it in anything or anyone but yourself. Once you do that you will realize that it is not real in the first place and you will stop projecting it onto the perfect Universe. Once all of us do that the realization of perfection will be universal and fear and hatred will cease.

Think about this one ...

I am That PDF Talks with Sri Nisargadatta

ddshroom thank you for making me think brother !!
