Need help new grow set up


Well-Known Member
So i got my 1000 watt system ready to go but the problem i am have is that every one keeps telling i cant grow a 3 foot indica with a 1000 watt light in a 3x4 because it will get to hot so i was wonder can i pull this set up off with a cooled hood 6 inline 450 cfm and the space i have any info would be help a lot


Well-Known Member
The light is too big for that cabinet. A 400w with inline cooling may be able to get within 12" of plant tops, but not a 1kw. That needs about 2' of clearance with good ventillation.


Well-Known Member
You would need a cool tube like this in that small of a space.

Fresh air moving over the light so quick should keep it cool enough.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
You would need a cool tube like this in that small of a space.

Fresh air moving over the light so quick should keep it cool enough.:leaf:
The radiant transfer from the bulb to the reflector and glass tube will create a lot of heat with a 1000w bulb, regardless of airflow. You still won't get it that close to plants without burning them. A water cooled 1000w would.... but that is another story. He has only 4' in total height to work with. That includes container height and air space above and depth of hood. By the time his plants reach 2' tall, the tops are touching the bulb.


Well-Known Member
The radiant transfer from the bulb to the reflector and glass tube will create a lot of heat with a 1000w bulb, regardless of airflow. You still won't get it that close to plants without burning them. A water cooled 1000w would.... but that is another story. He has only 4' in total height to work with. That includes container height and air space above and depth of hood. By the time his plants reach 2' tall, the tops are touching the bulb.
You're mistaken, with a cool tube like that he can pull fresh air in from outside of the grow area cooling the light allowing him to get it with-in inches of the top.


Well-Known Member
Although I will admit that would be too much light and you would definitely bleach the plant being that close.


Well-Known Member
I personally would not place a 1000k watt within inches of my tops regardless of how much air was moving through that cool tube. The radiant heat alone will kill the tops. The bleaching will destroy chlorphyll. I'll bet money that it can't be done successfully as we are discussing it. I keep my 600 watt AIR COOLED hood 2' above my canopy. The ambient temp of my tent is 79 and the top of my scrog is 85. That is with a 600 watt inline air cooled hood with an extractor fan at 240cfm. I'm in a 7' high tent, imagine the heat in a 3x4 box?


Well-Known Member
well its in a shed and i can take the floor board out and it would be 3x6 would that be ok for the 1000 watt with inline for the hood


Well-Known Member
well its in a shed and i can take the floor board out and it would be 3x6 would that be ok for the 1000 watt with inline for the hood
Then you could get probably get away with it. With a 1000w you're going to want it at least a foot away from your plant.:weed:


Well-Known Member
I personally would not place a 1000k watt within inches of my tops regardless of how much air was moving through that cool tube. The radiant heat alone will kill the tops. The bleaching will destroy chlorphyll. I'll bet money that it can't be done successfully as we are discussing it. I keep my 600 watt AIR COOLED hood 2' above my canopy. The ambient temp of my tent is 79 and the top of my scrog is 85. That is with a 600 watt inline air cooled hood with an extractor fan at 240cfm. I'm in a 7' high tent, imagine the heat in a 3x4 box?
Na i have my 1000w light about 11 inches from my canopy right now they are doing just great....I keep it cooled with an 8"elicent fan....My temps are about 78 at the canopy


Well-Known Member
You're mistaken, with a cool tube like that he can pull fresh air in from outside of the grow area cooling the light allowing him to get it with-in inches of the top.
i would agree i can put my cool tube INTO the canopy its soo cool i can freakin LICK it its so cool


Well-Known Member
So i got my 1000 watt system ready to go but the problem i am have is that every one keeps telling i cant grow a 3 foot indica with a 1000 watt light in a 3x4 because it will get to hot so i was wonder can i pull this set up off with a cooled hood 6 inline 450 cfm and the space i have any info would be help a lot
Ok serapis is pretty much right here 4 feet of clearnace is really cuttin it close i doubt a 1000w would be very good for someting that small like he said.....Yes the cool tube will make a big differance how much though??

You said you can get your total hight up to 6 feet?? if you can do that then you would have alot better also said that our area of grow is 3'by3'? is that correct? if so a 600w is made to cover a 3' by 3' area so you might wanna consider just doing a 600w...... you say its in a shed?? outside? is it hot? is it cold? does it go from being hot in summer cold in winter? or does is stay pretty much the same all year?? if your growing in a shed outside it will be real hard to control the temp,humidty, etc, etc........You will need hepa filters for intake and airconditioners,heaters, humidtyers, to keep control....If your inside it becomes a whole lot cheaper and easyer to set up a grow room...... just keep that in mind


Well-Known Member
well the shed is out side but in winter the temps stay the same its in the summer i have to cool it down but as fare as a 600 watt i all ready got the 1000 watt so i am stuck so am trying to pull this grow off and need info on the best way to set up the grow


Well-Known Member
well the shed is out side but in winter the temps stay the same its in the summer i have to cool it down but as fare as a 600 watt i all ready got the 1000 watt so i am stuck so am trying to pull this grow off and need info on the best way to set up the grow
Well if you already got it then you must try and get that extra two feet of head clearance...Also with a space that small you will diff need it aircooled and you will probably need an airconditioner if your ambient temps get above 75 in the summer you will need an airconditioner.....


Well-Known Member
You should get Two fans.... one 4"Inline fan for exhausting the room set to a timer or thermistat.... Then get a 6" or 8" inline fan as your dedicated fan for cooling the light. This fan will pull air from OUTSIDE through the fan into ducting past your buld/hood and then pushed out the other side of the shed, this air NEVER mixes with the air inside your grow room.....make sense?? Remeber you have too big a light for too small a space in a place thats hard to control the emvirnment...LOL just know that it will be harder for you then someone with the same conditions and a smaller light......

On the up side if you can figure out how to make that 1000w light work in that space you will have SO much F-ing light penetration it should yield awsome results....


Well-Known Member
with a cooled hood how close can i get my light to the top of the plants
i can get my 1000w aircooled daystar hood with an 8" 500+ CFM fan a foot a away from the canopy on the indoor stealth grow.........some will say that it bleachs the plants or what have you......I havent read anything in any books saying thats true and i havent seen it for myself so thats all im going by...My other grow is outside attached to the side of the house like your grow will be ... its 48 degress right now outside.....I use two lights to heat the 3.5' x 3.5' x 8' foot area.... I Run the two lights 600w/400w UN-cooled with wing reflectors as to heat the temps inside the grow area...I use a 4" fan on a timer/thermistat to control when i exhaust/scrub the hot air out and passively bring in new fresh COLD air.......once the fan has exhuasted all the hot old air out the fan clicks off and the lights begins to heat up the air inside the grow room....This is a real hassle to dial in im still messing with it as we speak.....I have bought an electric panal heater to install in the room to heat the room when the lights are off.....When the lights are off right now its so cold outside that the first time the exhaust fan kicks on it passivly fills the room with cold air and since the lights are off i have no way to heat the air back up tell the lights kick back on.....Once the heater panal as arived in the mail i will set the heater to kick on only when the lights kick off for the dark cycle as i dont need the heater when the lights are on... I also have a 6" fan already mounted to the ceilling ducted directly to the roof that i use in the sumer to aircool these lights.....Its much easyer to grow in the summer(for me) than in the winter when the grow room is outside......

In the summer i just set my 5,000 btu window airconditioner to 75 and run my dedicated 6" fan to cool the lights and its easy sailing... I cut a hole in the wall of the grow space and mounted the aircontioner with the face inside and the ass of it outside....the room is small its only 3.5' by 3.5' so you know this airconditoner cools the room in like 20 seconds and then shuts off into power save mode tell the thermisats tells it to kick back on....My 4" exhaust fan kicks on just like in the winter, only this time bringing in HOT 100 degree air from outside once the fan has exhausted all the old air in the room outside(takes less than a minute) the AC thermistat sences the new hot air and kicks the AC back on to cool the room back to 75 degress... Back and fourth back and fourth i bring in air then i change the air to suit my needs then i exhaust that air and do it over again... This is what it takes to grow in an outside inclosure properly....I didnt even mention humidfyer or hepa filter for your intake remember your OUTSIDE you cant just be sucking in outside air with out filtering it some how your asking for trouble .....i use a house filter from ace hardware its flat about an 1nch thick and 2' L x .5' Wide i tape it over the passive intake opening inside the grow area this intake is positioned under the AC so the AC can suck the hot air into it as its passivly brought in...

Once i get Co2 i can just run the AC all the time and never bring in fresh hot air from outside and just make it a closed loop system... ( i think) lol