First Timer (color spectrum)


Active Member
Thanks Rollitup community. Tons of very usefull info.

Any thoughts on running 24hrs of 2700k for flowering?

I have been using 6500k for veg from day one. About 6 weeks. Couple plants are showing some pistils so I did 24hr of no light. Now I have started 24hrs of 2700k for flowering only.

All 48" Flourescent


Active Member
12 hours on and 12 hours off for flowering....

16/18, and up to 24/0 works great for veg....i like 16/18 the plants and your lights need to chill


Active Member
i know 12/12 is the way you should go. This is a project so no big deal what happens. 12/12 unless you want a hermi yes. But what really causes a plant to become a hermaphrodite?


Well-Known Member
i know 12/12 is the way you should go. This is a project so no big deal what happens. 12/12 unless you want a hermi yes. But what really causes a plant to become a hermaphrodite?
alot of factors can contribute to causing hermie's.

A hermie is a kind of safety mechanism to make sure the plants genetics can reproduce.

It can be caused by Stress, genetics, lighting, severe nuteburn or even genetics .

There have been growers experimenting with 48hour days rather than 24hour days.

They generally run lights for 36hours and then have a 12hour dark period.

Something you should look into if you are trying a few experiments with lighting etc.



Active Member
alot of factors can contribute to causing hermie's.

A hermie is a kind of safety mechanism to make sure the plants genetics can reproduce.

It can be caused by Stress, genetics, lighting, severe nuteburn or even genetics .

There have been growers experimenting with 48hour days rather than 24hour days.

They generally run lights for 36hours and then have a 12hour dark period.

Something you should look into if you are trying a few experiments with lighting etc.


Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. Do you think I will for sure end up with hermis if I do the 24hr lighting using only 2700k. I don't see them beeing stressed at all but as for the other factors I guess it depends on the strain.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. Do you think I will for sure end up with hermis if I do the 24hr lighting using only 2700k. I don't see them beeing stressed at all but as for the other factors I guess it depends on the strain.
Using flowering spectrum bulbs on 24hours a day they will probably stretch and not bud as there will be no dark cycle!

The dark cycle is what helps to stimulate flowering.

Without a dark cycle your plants would just continue to veg but it would probably be a little sporadic due to the wrong spectrum.
