nothin left to learn on riu?


Well-Known Member
which thread has the most knoweldge to offer once you know pretty much all the basics? opinions?
and what are other respected sites?
and im not looking for responses from ppl who would call themselfs "noob"


Well-Known Member
ide say advanced techniques, but even thats flooded with pretty simple/repeated threads.


Well-Known Member
just running a few outdoor plants right now, i pollenated a couple females and doing a little seed project. so the breeders paridise section on advanced cultivation has got me readin away for now.
iv read about grafting before but im gunna check out tissue culture and re-research the spectrums of light. thanks for the ideas.
more are welcome


Well-Known Member
just considering the many diifrent types of hydro-ponics systems their are, or even areo-ponics, theres A-hole-LOT stuff u havent even touched most likey.

wat forms of hydro have u grown in?

u know "hands on" is the best way to get any experience wat so ever, reading only leaves it to ur imagination to make it how u want it to be.

ive beem on this website for a while and am STILL learning everyday.


Well-Known Member
some subjects to look into maybe?

DEFFENTCIES!!!! number one. find out the symtoms and toxicites of them too

the carbon of oxygen and te role it takes on MJ.

ORGANICS!!! get some good knowledge of nutrients and wat your puttin in ur plant, remember, wat u feed it u well be smoking.

....more will come to me tho, thats for now, and ALLLOT of reading. so be ready.


Well-Known Member
grafting? check it out...
Have you tried grafting? I just watched some good info on it from a grower in holland. He grafted 4 strains onto the mother. He claims to use the grafted mothers to provide clones for manny strains off of only a few mothers. Interesting idea. however, i question the practicall uses for it unless you are having a hard time complying with the number of plants allowed in your area


Well-Known Member
A forum is not all about learning, or takeing, it is an exchange.
If you are as well versed as you claim, why not start offering assistance to people requesting it?
Its amazing how simple questions sometimes make you realy flex your brain.


Global Moderator
Staff member
A forum is not all about learning, or takeing, it is an exchange.
If you are as well versed as you claim, why not start offering assistance to people requesting it?
Its amazing how simple questions sometimes make you realy flex your brain.
ANC is correct here. If you have a good solid knowledge base then share it with those behind you whom are asking for help.


Well-Known Member
well i said i pretty much know all the basics, and i learned it all from simply reading. so i cant sit here and re type all the information that is already right here, fact for fact and question for quiestion. and when i did ask a* question myself here about marijuana i didnt get an answer i had to find out for myself.
i am just seeking more knowledge than the basics, looking for the next level. not saying i wouldent help anybody asking a simple question on a thread i come across, bc i have and i do.
but i cant work for free like infact some ppl do here.

i guess i just gotta get down to the nitty gritty facts n details of things now.


Well-Known Member
which thread has the most knoweldge to offer once you know pretty much all the basics? opinions?
and what are other respected sites?
and im not looking for responses from ppl who would call themselfs "noob"
Can you make collodial silver and make feminine seeds? Do you know how to cross breed strains to combine certain genetic features? How can you speed up the flowering period indoors? Do you fully understand the beneficial microbes in soil and the techniques to harvest their benefits for your plants?

There are a lot of advanced techniques and some research that still needs to be carried out. No one will ever know everything that there is to know about this plant.


Well-Known Member
Unless your the big man from upstairs I'm pretty sure there is more to learn. Learning is a hands on activity as well start a journal and go from there.


Well-Known Member
well i didnt read everything ppl posted. but this is a website for information. if you have graduated from learning its time to teach the noobs how to grow a weed


Well-Known Member
Can you make collodial silver and make feminine seeds? Do you know how to cross breed strains to combine certain genetic features? How can you speed up the flowering period indoors? Do you fully understand the beneficial microbes in soil and the techniques to harvest their benefits for your plants?

There are a lot of advanced techniques and some research that still needs to be carried out. No one will ever know everything that there is to know about this plant.
Not until the government puts a funded effort into researching and testing it thoroughly, we are on our own.

But yeah, no individual will ever know it all. And probably not mankind for a long time.

Here's something I do not know.

Does THC produce the Sativa soaring high and CBD produce the Indica couch high? that's always been what I have assumed

What exactly does a PURE sativa/indica mean? Surely it couldn't mean 100% THC levels compared to 100% CBD? Because it's rare strains even have 1% of CBD. So what does that mean??

How is it even tested? Say a bud is 15% THC and 0.3% CBD. Does that mean out of ALL the active cannabinoids that 15% of them are THC?

Plenty to learn. I mostly need to learn advanced (time saving/yield and resin increasing) techniques and study cannabis genetics.

What exactly is a landrace strain? I've heard it's a strain that's been growing in an area for a long time. That's too broad for me. A true land race in my opinion is the original strain that first grew on the land. Being the greatest of the grandmothers possible.

For example, is Afghan simply the first strain ever discovered in Afghanistan? Like it's NATURAL WILD growing strain??

Shit I could go on and on I love this plant