weed lost its spark.


Well-Known Member
i have been having the same problem lately. i usually go buy a bag or two of someone elses. Mixing the strains seems to help me. I am thinking about making some bubble hash from 6 or seven different plants and see how that does me.

good luck


Active Member
Hey man! 5 days will do it!! go monday-friday without it and saturday morning you'll be fucked for a few hours :D


Well-Known Member
eating the stuff will build up your tolerence evenmore which means when you go back to smoking you'll have to smoke even more.
have a 10 day break,drink plenty water to flush your system.and then when you smoke a nice fatty again,you'll feel that shit.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
If you're not enjoying your high than you need better weed, plain and simple.:weed:

not always. my tolerance is shot to shit but i can't bring myself to take the break. last night i smoked a deep bowl of grand daddy with about .4 g of gold dust (honey oil) on top and was only high for about an hour and a half. and not some busted grand daddy. i didn't grow the herb but i can tell the dude's setup is probably better than mine. my goal is to take a tolerance break while my current crop is curing. i will probably fail.:-(