Lost In A Sea Of Nutrients? Advanced Nutrients, Canna etc.

Tick Tock

Nearly got my set-up complete, so I've been searching for what nutrients to buy, and as expected there's vast differences of opinions on what's best for them - cost and effect wise, and along with that there's normally a long lists of combinations that they've been experimenting with. I don't mind paying a little extra as long as it's worth it, but as a beginner I would prefer to keep it simple and develop an understanding as I go. And so would appreciate any help from those with some experience in this field. So anyways I'm growing using bubbler buckets and most likely coco medium, after reading a fair bit on the subject my first choice was on the Advanced Nutrients combo of Bud Blood, Big Bud and Overdrive (and maybe throwing in Hy-pro spray mix) so before buying these I thought it sensible to ask... are these nutrients suitable for a beginner, I've heard Advanced Nutrients can be complicated, not too sure if that's using the connoisseur range or just how they label the instructions? And more importantly are these products worth the money! I've read an equal amount of negative/positive comments on AN, some say they swear by them, from others that it's all marketing and hype, so obviously it can be a little confusing for a newbie such as myself. Are there other products that are cheaper and just as effective? Are there any of the three that could be swapped with another brand? Are there others that could maybe a good addition? I know there's never any definite answer to these questions but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.
the people who go to college and get a real education in horticulture use dyna-gro

I highly recommend you get the following

dyna-gro foliage pro - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133215
dyna-gro bloom - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133534
dyna-gro pro-tekt - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133537
dyna-gro mag-pro - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/133535

and then if you want a good root accelerator get some great white - http://www.hydroponics.net/i/134358

I'm not really convinced Dyna-gro is all that suited to grow cannabis. Yes, its a quality formula with good ingredients and lots of trace minerals, at a good price, however their ratio's seem to be way off for anything I've seen designed for targetted Cannabis cultivation. Just food for thought.
and yeah, advanced nutrients is all marketing bullshit. yes they work, and they work well. but what they do is split up all the nutrients that the plant needs and puts them into 11 different products. You can buy the dyna-gro line which works much better. You get everything in 4 bottles for around $30.

I've read about people spending over $600 on advanced nutrients.....
I'm not really convinced Dyna-gro is all that suited to grow cannabis. Yes, its a quality formula with good ingredients and lots of trace minerals, at a good price, however their ratio's seem to be way off for anything I've seen designed for targetted Cannabis cultivation. Just food for thought.

read up on growing tomatoes, you wanna follow the same basic guidelines
cannabis is a foliage plant. you wanna use a high nitrogen food for veg to keep healthy green foliage. that is the secret to getting big buds, not using products named "super big budz 5000, nucca"

use common sense...
I'm not really convinced Dyna-gro is all that suited to grow cannabis. Yes, its a quality formula with good ingredients and lots of trace minerals, at a good price, however their ratio's seem to be way off for anything I've seen designed for targetted Cannabis cultivation. Just food for thought.

And you base this on what, personal experience or something you read off a website?

That 'designed for targeted cannabis cultivation' is marketing hype to sell over priced nutes to inexperienced growers and I have to admit, it was sheer genius.

People have been growing dank long before any of these companys existed and quite well too. I just wonder how we got along in the 70's with just single 100% complete nutes that weren't overpriced or split into 11 different components.

I'm not really convinced Dyna-gro is all that suited to grow cannabis. Yes, its a quality formula with good ingredients and lots of trace minerals, at a good price, however their ratio's seem to be way off for anything I've seen designed for targetted Cannabis cultivation. Just food for thought.

well from what I witness using the protekt, foliage pro and magpro in unison and a little thinking one can get perfect ratios...and by perfect I mean green til chop...not the bogus (yellow and leaf loss at the end is right as well as enough P for 30 plants) so I am not seeing any facts to support your claims

And for the price difference between "canna specific" nutes (which I find the ratios to be way off) and not formulated for the elements to work together rather than antagonistically: hence the reason for 11 different bottles which they are happily marking up for your very dirty dollar as well: I can do a little thinking. And if one were lazy then the 7-7-7 pro could be used with great success throughout the entire grow with awesome results.


well from what I witness using the protekt, foliage pro and magpro in unison and a little thinking one can get perfect ratios...and by perfect I mean green til chop...not the bogus (yellow and leaf loss at the end is right as well as enough P for 30 plants) so I am not seeing any facts to support your claims

And for the price difference between "canna specific" nutes (which I find the ratios to be way off) and not formulated for the elements to work together rather than antagonistically: hence the reason for 11 different bottles which they are happily marking up for your very dirty dollar as well: I can do a little thinking. And if one were lazy then the 7-7-7 pro could be used with great success throughout the entire grow with awesome results.



Who was that masked man???

Being an AN user. I probably could have said it better but what the HELL, that was pretty damned good so.....


I'm not really convinced Dyna-gro is all that suited to grow cannabis. Yes, its a quality formula with good ingredients and lots of trace minerals, at a good price, however their ratio's seem to be way off for anything I've seen designed for targetted Cannabis cultivation. Just food for thought.

The NPK ratio of this fertilizer is 3-1-2 for veg nutes and 1-4-2 for bloom. These ratios are indeed well suited to growing MJ. The veg, bloom, silicon and mag would be all you would need for a good grow.

Contrary to what the advertising hype would have you believe, any well balanced fertilizer blend with micro nutrients will grow good plants. Names like Super Sasquach Scat or Composted Coyote Cum or fancy logos are not necessary for great growth. Other good products of good value are General Hydroponics Maxi Bloom for the complete grow or Jacks water soluble ferts.
The NPK ratio of this fertilizer is 3-1-2 for veg nutes and 1-4-2 for bloom. These ratios are indeed well suited to growing MJ. The veg, bloom, silicon and mag would be all you would need for a good grow.

Contrary to what the advertising hype would have you believe, any well balanced fertilizer blend with micro nutrients will grow good plants. Names like SuperSasquach Scat or Composted Coyote Cum or fancy logos are not necessary for great growth. Other good products of good value are General Hydroponics Maxi Bloom for the complete grow or Jacks water soluble ferts.

I love people who think and share truth rather than hype....awesome ...+rep

Good posts everyone. Contrary to what a lot of people think, more bottles doesn't mean better results. You're asking the question 'Are there other products that are cheaper and just as effective?' DynaGro is simpler, cheaper, and will be more effective than any of the over-priced competitors. Growing the best plants and unlocking the genetic potential of your ladies means giving your plants what they need, when they need it, in the amounts that are needed. DynaGro does just that. I tested DG in effort to show that my 7 bottle regimen of GH products would out perform the no frills dynagro brand. I was wrong. DG yield more of a better product and that was on my first run with it. Try it and your wallet, your patients, and your bong will all thank you.
My 1st grow I used pura vida organic grow/bloom. Simple, organic, all good.
For my second grow I purchased Humboldt Nutes, and had all kinds of issues, mainly due to my inexpirience.
I have now been using AN for over a year now. I stumbled upon $600 worth of unopened nutrients on craigslist for $100, so for the price I had to try it. My findings were mixed, and although I do agree there is tons of marketing BS surrounding their products I cannot argue with the performance. Be careful with the additives, some are just not worth the money. The one thing I can say for sure with AN is that I never saw such resinious plants with other nutes.
I still use the pura vida nutes on 1 plant each run, since it does produce some awesome smoke, but side by side there is no comparison between the plants resin production.
Ive grown with AN for a while and i like it. I dont use there whole line and i dont know anybody who does. In bloom I use sensi bloom, big bud, overdrive and bud candy. I grow endless sky from dr Greenthumb its a good potent indica. I grow in a 4x4 tent with 9 pots and an air cooled 600hps. I veg and train for 1 month and bloom for 10 weeks. I get 22 to 24 ozs of deadly potent bud. Ive never had anything other then fantastic reviews about my pot no chemical taste at all. The first run i used bud candy..everybody commented on taste and i mean EVERYBODY !! I dont see that AN is that expensive... sensi bloom $40, big bud $40, overdrive $50, bud candy $35 = $165 now divide that by 2 because i get 2 crops out of those nutes so my whopping grand total per grow is $82. Thats right $82 to grow 24 Ozs of potent bud..if u were selling it that would be between $4000 to $5000 on a $82 dollar investment and in my books thats good fucking times lol.

peace: Te lilman
I use Fox Farms entire line up: Liquids & solubles but, I also use Advanced Nutrients and some Dyna-Gro products along side my Fox Farm nutes
Thanks all for the info here. Think I'll try Dyna Grow since I am forking out the cash for a new hydro set-up and could use the savings. I think it will serve as a good starting point.
If you have to choose just one, I would go with Advanced Nutrients.

A simple setup includes:

Sensi A&B
Big Bud
Voodoo Juice

Now, you can go with fewer nutes too, but that's a good base regimen.

If you have to cut back, go for it. Things will still work out well.

Good luck with your grow!