Stickys Indoor 1000w Super Crop!!!!


Well-Known Member
awesome man looks like you have done a good job taking care of the girls sub'd
Thanks dapio!!!
Day 23 of flower.2010-11-23_21-22-50_28.jpg was comparing each plant from day 142010-11-14_06-20-25_90.jpg and its great to see how much they have growen in just over a week. They sure do love feeding time, just explode 2-3 days after. My Urkel grew over a foot in that time spane.
Went from nipple height to eyebrow/ hair line. 2010-11-23_21-24-41_12.jpg
I am just loving the FF line of soluables (spelling). working wounders.2010-11-23_21-21-21_840.jpg2010-11-23_21-25-11_731.jpg
Girls in veg are ready to be moved!!! Hurry up flower room, your holding up the line.2010-11-23_21-20-30_997.jpg


Well-Known Member
heres a top shot i just took.2010-11-24_21-41-37_193.jpg
look at all the crystals on even the fan leaves2010-11-24_21-43-59_102.jpg..... and im not even 1/2 done :lol:
They are also forming nice colas that should yield nicely.2010-11-24_21-43-10_840.jpg2010-11-24_21-44-28_994.jpg
Im getting so excited. Any guesses how much the yeild might be:?: +rep for closest guess.
1000k hortalux eye super HPS. temps 72-78. 25-30% humid. tallest plant is 69" (purple urkel, diesels are catching up fast tho, got 5zips from last diesel and it finished at 48", shortest is 39" and done streching)


Well-Known Member
Happy turkey day to you man! Not Thanksgiving here for another 2 hours yet though.

Have some hash saved up for tomorrow, gonna be a stoney munchy day.

The ladies are looking quite frosty man


Well-Known Member
Thanks James. Im trying ;-)
Heres a update. Things are filling in well. The diesel is now taller then the Urkel, over 73". It stretched about 3ft in 2 weeks. Thought it was done but just blew up in last 2 3 days.
Ferted every one last night again with the full FF line up and you can almost see them getting bigger right after. got just a tiny bit of N def starting on a couple girls but at week 8 of the FF schedual they get some GB so im guna leave them alone. Its looking like FF knows exactly what they are doing, so im going to stick to the chart tell the next batch goes in.
I really like they way mystery strain 2&3 (which im pretty sure are the same) are looking.2010-11-27_23-36-34_192.jpg They are the center and left of center pots in all pics as of now. Hard to tell in most of the pics whats what so when looking at this pic2010-11-27_23-36-25_85.jpg
its a 3x3 grid. the 3 tall ones are indeed the back. Looking like perfect height for canopy. noticed i move the center near pot to the center right spot? helped make a sort of 3 teir canopy. tall in back and short up front. makes doing stuff to rear plants alot easier. not sure how it will efect canopy. the plants are a little larger then i was hoping they would be. room is very crowded and alot no light reaches lower branches so ill have alot of triming and popcorn this run but live and learn. i did lollypop the crap out of the new plant in the room. its 2 weeks behind the others but imgoing to count it into the total harvest yeild as all grows from now on will have 9 pot on a 3 week rotation. 3 in 3 out every 3 weeks, fingers crossed.
trying to learn as much as i can about each strain i have here this round as i will be basing flower height and width on the results of this round.
Basicly the best over all room shot i can get. Ill try to stich a better on from a few differant pics.2010-11-27_23-38-43_58.jpg
White Widow at 28 days.2010-11-27_23-37-05_610.jpgWas kinda getting drowned out wear it was thats why i moved her. Found it interesting that this bud/branch stretched way more then the rest and was also right next to the urkel when it stretched. Maybe a fight for light reponses? May have to play with that and try to repeat my results.
Sry kinda got a little chatty, i did just burn a bowl from a branch i cliped last night and set on light to dry. Was a tiny little worthless branch from the bottom so please dont flame lol.
How long does it take the Urkel to start to turn purpel? thats the for sure that thats what she is.


Well-Known Member
OK update time. Things still looking great, but have noticed some leafs droping off lower down. most look like the nuts have been sucked out and they are more or les in the dark way under the canopy. Note worried about it at this time as there arnt alot droping and the top (what i want) still is growing strong.
Lets see this is day 29 now, remember diesel are 1 weekback and mys is 2 weeks back.


Active Member
Yah I put mine up lots of looks and only a few comments.

Nice progress man should take some more pics to share

you can see mine it's 10+ strains I dealing with 69


Active Member
I dont know is he talkin to you stickey. I dont know about you but I dont research whether names have been takin or not somethin pops in my head and it goes down.


Well-Known Member
I dont know is he talkin to you stickey. I dont know about you but I dont research whether names have been takin or not somethin pops in my head and it goes down.
Yeah idk who. Whatever. The buckets. I drilled 1/2 holes around edge on bottom. 12 of them so every 5 minutes yous could say then 4 in a sq shape closer to center.


Active Member
Cool I went a little smaller drillbit with more and some on the sides. trying to make sure they breath


Well-Known Member
i found the only problem is water just sitting in the bottom bucket. think i may try to hook all the bottom buckets to a main bucket and i can just pump the extra water out of that one. would make flushing a ton easier and faster. no more bucket swap then.
Also... my buddy is using the same 5 gal bucket system only his are the darker lowes buckets and he gets huge root mats in the bottom bucket, so maybe a darker bucket is better for the root ball under there cause the light cant get in.

And just for you Kpac...
Trainwreak (maybe)2010-11-30_23-46-51_773.jpg2010-11-30_23-47-00_211.jpg
Call these the Twins, both the suspected Trainwreak. growing almost the exact same rate and size and just awesome next to each other.2010-11-30_23-45-18_278.jpg
White Widow2010-11-30_23-45-50_501.jpg
Purple Urkel.... still waiting for it to turn purple. Maybe its just Urkel:?: 2010-11-30_23-46-03_461.jpg