First time high stories :D


Well-Known Member
What was it like your first time being high? What happened? Anything that you can remember ;)

I remember me and a couple friends had just turned 15 and I smoked every week or so for about 3 week before that and I only smoked maybe like a bowl a week. But then one day, I went to my friends house and we toked his parents weed that he stole out of a home-maid water bong :) We smoked about two bowls, and I remember at first thinking it was no big deal andit was gonna be like the other times wehre I just felt a little different. No, lol I walked up inside of my firends jungle gym and stood out of the tiny little window just too see if our other friends were almost there. So theyw ere walking down the road, and I got super excited and waved at them all gy like and slid out of the gym through the slide, then I saw everything and it looked like a cartoon, it was so awesome, and I screamed, "DUDE IS THIS WHAT ITS LIKE EVERY TIME!!?!?!?!?!?" and then I started laughing hystaricly at everything I saw.. By time the firends we were waiting for came, and they were completely dumbed out stoners, so they didn't get the giggles or anything.. They came in and I was just laughing like a little girl at everything.. They kept getting super pissed and trying to hit me, so then I went to one of them, and threw grass in his face and said, "I think of you as grass!" And then laughed and ran away.. I dont really remember much more than that other than I had to drive to guitar lessons, and then my teacher knew I was baked because I couldn't play shit.. Lol

Sorry for the poor grammar, I am SUPER BAKED.
I got an Oz of some mexican dirt weed for free. I was 13. We emptied all the tobacco out of a cig and packed it full of weed. We used every cig in the pack, and smoked all the weed down by the creek behind my house. I had cotton mouth and got me like ten popsicles. I was high as a giraffe pussy, for sure.
i smoked like 4g of dro out of a glass bowl
walked to friends house
jumped on a trampoline (SO TRIPPY)
walked home and demolished some cheezits
i went to dc, it was freshman year of highschool or 8th grade...i went to visit a friend and stayed at his crib for 3 days. we smoked up a full ounce between a few people. i was high the entire trip but i fuckin loved it. i ended up with a shaved head, playin outdoors barefeet, watching men in black 2 like 9 times...playing video was fun. i dont know if the weed was great weed or whatnot..i dont even remember what it looked like. but it was one of the best meetings in my life. i fell in love with mary jane afterwards and my love has never swayed. she is my one and only.
i went to dc, it was freshman year of highschool or 8th grade...i went to visit a friend and stayed at his crib for 3 days. we smoked up a full ounce between a few people. i was high the entire trip but i fuckin loved it. i ended up with a shaved head, playin outdoors barefeet, watching men in black 2 like 9 times...playing video was fun. i dont know if the weed was great weed or whatnot..i dont even remember what it looked like. but it was one of the best meetings in my life. i fell in love with mary jane afterwards and my love has never swayed. she is my one and only.

Everything will be ok, just fight through the pain.
First time i smoked i didnt really get high. But i do remember we used this energy drink can like formed into a pipe. I took my first hit and then i accidently like turned the can and all the weed fell out like about a gram and we were outside so it got lost
First time i smoked i didnt really get high. But i do remember we used this energy drink can like formed into a pipe. I took my first hit and then i accidently like turned the can and all the weed fell out like about a gram and we were outside so it got lost
Lol I mean the first time you got high, I didn't get high the first time either, instead I coughed my lungs out and then sat down disappointed. But LOL soda pipes are the worst! :d
lol I remember my dad called when I was hitting it, and it was my first time hitting weed, and then I was talking to my dad while I did it, and he was talking, then I hit it and coughed my fucking lungs out while on the phone, and he knew right away, the very first time I hit weed, I got caught.. Isn't that awesome? lmao