BUY IT! lol but yeah its a sequil to morrowwind, I have never played it though.. But NO its not a wow clone lol its first person, and you level your dude up, but there is just so much to do. Its the rpg that is just.. I mean, WOW and all the other ones do get repetative, but oblivion is the one rpg that is just the least repetative, sure it is, but thats only because its so fucking awesome that when you buy it, you wanna never stop playing it, then it gets old, but give it like 4 weeks, to a couple months later, and your back on your ass getting baked and going to shivering islesrealy, I saw it on sale today, whats it about?, for some reason I think its like morrow wind what ev3er that game is called, is it like a WOW clone?
and also people need to get over this "nerd" shit everyone plays games, even people who think they never have.
black ops is cool but over rated, so is ff7, ff8 was better, clouds small stature and large unwieldy sword pissed me off.BLACK OPS or DIE LOL
FInal Fantasy 7 greatest RPG ever
I would definetly buy that. I played a ton of morrowind, elderscrolls just waiting for elder scrolls five man...