Grape Ape Clone | 400w | Tent Grow


This will be my first indica grow, I was at the club today when this little girl caught my attention from across the room... It was love at first sight, even though she's not the most attractive looking clone I think she'll be a winner in the end. In anycase here is the setup I will be using:

4'x2'x5' Grow tent
1- 400w HP/MH for lighting
6- 23w CFL for rooting clone (first week 24h cycle)
1- 6" Cool tube
1- 4" 160 CFM exhaust fan
2- 6" clip on fans for ventilation

Right now the tent is in use finishing up another Blue Dream clone grow, but I figured this girl should have her own journal :) Any and all suggestions welcome, I would love to get feedback as well as advice because I am no where near an expert.



Well day one in the books, woke up today and saw she wasn't fully standing upright yet so I decided to give her a little help with a Twist-Tie and a cloths pin. I did notice a little bit of new growth on each node which is a good sign. There's one sad looking leaf though not sure how long it will survive, but we'll see.


King Tut
My GA's aren't doing so well. My Snowcaps are loving it, but.... Anyway, looking good. A little stretch, but not too bad. My GA's had very twisty stems also. Thought maybe I stressed them.


Sorry to hear about your Grape Ape's, and all the clone Grape Apes I saw were lankey benders also. Read somewhere on the boards here about it being a pretty tall growing variety, so I plan on topping it in the future at around 3' or so most likely.


Well got a little wrapped up with work last night to post the updates...

Well nothing too exciting yet. Went to sleep last night she was looking a little droopy, woke up looking very droopy. Sprayed down the leaves and gave it a little water for the first time since day 1 when I noticed a small little root poke out the top of the rock wool. So I grabbed a handful more of dirt and covered the rock wool completely now instead of just the top sticking out.

Within about 30 minutes she perked right back up and has looked good all day. Still
the one leaf not wanting to play nice, but still showing growth so I'm happy with that.
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Tent is finally available again to place the plant and use.

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Growth should really start to pick up now, tomorrow grabbing another bag of HappyFrog soil and will cut off the plastic cup. She's pretty lonely in there so I think I just might get her a couple friends tomorrow too.


Here's a pic of all of her new friends, couple sativa's and another indica. Been working on one of the sativa's not doing so hot at the moment.

Growth really showing now, suprised me a little how quickly. Really liking the new lighting. Bionica grow + calmag and distilled water right now all she's getting.

Been kind of busy with the holidays coming up and all, hope to be able to update little more frequently after Thanksgiving is over. Pictures could be better but they're off my phone since I couldn't locate my camera at the moment.


Happy Turkey Day

Not much of an update, still looking good, consistant growth makes me happy. Moved to a warmer area more consistant temps. Hate the weather change... Trying another rotating fan to see how well that works (who cares right?).
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If anyone has any suggestions or notices anything I am screwing up please feel free to let me know. :leaf:


Time for a hair cut, so to speak...

Topped her tonight along with my other indica in order to keep it lower and hope it will make it bushier with multiple main cola's. Only snipped the very top node so I am not sure how bad I stunned her, but I hope it all went well. Guess we'll find out in a few days :)
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The trim she received last night did not appear to have too negative of an effect. No drooping or anything like it went into shock. No news is good news at this stage ;)
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Well-Known Member
Everything Looking good dude!!!

You can really tell the node spacing has reduced since you got it!!
The person with the mother must of really stretch them before they took the clones.

Im sub'd cant wait to see that grape ape action!


Everything Looking good dude!!!

You can really tell the node spacing has reduced since you got it!!
The person with the mother must of really stretch them before they took the clones.

Im sub'd cant wait to see that grape ape action!
Thank you sir! I am hoping it gets even better since topping it....:leaf:

Seems to have lots of new growth on the lower nodes now, really happy about that since I need to keep it short and pretty bushy. Picture kind of blury will try to get a better on later, didn't even notice it was bad until I uploaded it... Fanning out really well in comparison to the others around it.
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Well I woke up today, did to do a quick couple snapshots of the plant for an update. Got them everything loaded up and as I was trying to type it all up the power went out for an hour...

Anyhow, gave them some water last night. Should be good to for another few days to a week.

How important is humidity? I almost purchased a humidifier (I had to get one for my sick wife) for my setup but I have never used one in a tent. I am more afraid of ruining the bulb/tube than anything really.

Well the original set of leaves that I got the plant with are still waxy/papery and the droppy one is still droppy, but I haven't touched them since they don't seem to be causing any issues (you can see on the bottom leaves in the 3rd photo).
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Still just letting it grow away, if this were the only one I might just let it go 14 or so more days and start flowering, but I am trying to let the others catch up somewhat before doing that so this might have a week or two extra veg time, not a bad thing though :weed:


Well-Known Member
Dude to be completely honest the lower leaves still look the same from when you first got it!!

But all of the new growth which has been a lot looks a lot better, usually older leaves that are messed up usually stay jacked up instead of getting all nice looking.

Your doing fine on growing, what is your RH at do u need to raise it!!!

I wouldnt put one in unless you need it raised for sure you want to keep it between 40-60%!

Any who veg. for longer def. wont hurt it, lol. Just more bud :)


Your doing fine on growing, what is your RH at do u need to raise it!!!
That's one thing I am lacking is a humidity meter, when I was looking at the humidifiers I almost picked up a meter also, I think I will do that this weekend to see if I actually need to adjust the levels.

I'm pretty sure it would be low though, no issues with running a humidifier with tube? Thanks for you're input :clap:

Temps solid 70-75, so I think I should stay away from a warm humidifier and go with a cool one if needed?


Well-Known Member
I dont know, but the warm ones do raise your temps from what i have been told!!

Also if your in your home it should be fine unless you live in a dry climate!

My resting RH is 45% in my home and i wouldnt go near a humidifier with my plants.

So i would go spend the 6 bucks on a little digital temp/RH meter at walmart!

make sure you have low RH before sticking it in your tent, like constant RH below 35%, if it goes down a little into the high 30's with the light on should be fine as long as you get a bounce back up when they turn off!


I dont know, but the warm ones do raise your temps from what i have been told!!

Also if your in your home it should be fine unless you live in a dry climate!

My resting RH is 45% in my home and i wouldnt go near a humidifier with my plants.

So i would go spend the 6 bucks on a little digital temp/RH meter at walmart!

make sure you have low RH before sticking it in your tent, like constant RH below 35%, if it goes down a little into the high 30's with the light on should be fine as long as you get a bounce back up when they turn off!
Excellent idea, I will go pick one up tonight. Got some rain lately so that's helping some I'm sure, right now looking at the weather it's around 89% humidity outside.


It's that time again :bigjoint:

Wake-n-Bake, snap some photo's and post on RIU... Becoming part of my daily routine now, lol.

Grape Ape looking good this morning, saw a little "taco" (read could be just sweating or too close to light) of the leaves on top yesterday of the indicas, so I moved the light up about 3" as it was about 4" from cool tube. As of this morning it no longer has that problem. Soooooo here's her update today.
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Sometimes you can see some of the other girls in the background so I will give an update on them sometimes as well as they are determining when Grape Ape can go into flowering, as you can see the one in the back on the left is really struggling to grow. Showing better growth lately though, happy with that and the other sativa is taking off pretty well now. They are about a week behind.
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