Acapulco Gold & Red Dragon - feminized


Well-Known Member
Starting to flush 1 or 2 plants this evening - I'll run them through with some pH'd water and 'Final Phase' mixture until it flows through the soil nicely, then they'll sit until next weekend when they'll get the chop. Depending on how they look by then, a few of them may need to go a bit longer than that.


Well-Known Member
Hey Dayzt

this is the flush I did last grow. It made the caylaxes swell up big time but I think it washed away some smell and taste...My BB lost the blueberry smell and turned fruity. I am skipping flush this round to see the difference...I used 2 gal smart pots.

Day 1: three gallons of plain water followed by one gallon of plain water with a tablespoon of molasses - Day 4: half a gallon of plain water - Day 6: three gallons of plain water followed by one gallon of plain water with a tablespoon of molasses - Day 9: half a gallon of plain water - Day 11: three gallons of plain water followed by one gallon of plain water with a tablespoon of molasses - Day 14: Harvest if ready, if not, keep repeating as needed...

Always use double the amount of water compared to the size of your container. For instance, if you use five gallon pots, you would need to put ten gallons of water through each one at least three different times to properly flush.


Well-Known Member
Hey Dayzt

this is the flush I did last grow. It made the caylaxes swell up big time but I think it washed away some smell and taste...My BB lost the blueberry smell and turned fruity. I am skipping flush this round to see the difference...I used 2 gal smart pots.

Day 1: three gallons of plain water followed by one gallon of plain water with a tablespoon of molasses - Day 4: half a gallon of plain water - Day 6: three gallons of plain water followed by one gallon of plain water with a tablespoon of molasses - Day 9: half a gallon of plain water - Day 11: three gallons of plain water followed by one gallon of plain water with a tablespoon of molasses - Day 14: Harvest if ready, if not, keep repeating as needed...

Always use double the amount of water compared to the size of your container. For instance, if you use five gallon pots, you would need to put ten gallons of water through each one at least three different times to properly flush.
Hmmm....that sounds kind of extensive - doesn't surprise me that you lost some taste there. I just do one good flush and then give about a week without anything to finish off. I use molasses at about week 4 or 5 of flowering and just during the second last feeding, then it's just plain pH'd water from there on out. This harvest is going to be split up a bit as the Red Dragon has at least a week more than the rest and one of the AG plants is behind about a week as well.


Well-Known Member
Yea it was a pain with 8 plants...I got that from dillweed I think lol He swore by it...Some say flushing is not needed...idk but going to try a couple diff things just to see...that sound good to, make it use up the stored nutes in the leaves....should give some good colors...


Well-Known Member
Yea it was a pain with 8 plants...I got that from dillweed I think lol He swore by it...Some say flushing is not needed...idk but going to try a couple diff things just to see...that sound good to, make it use up the stored nutes in the leaves....should give some good colors...
Agreed - I think it all depends on how much and how often you give them nutes. I don't tend to feed my plants too much and still get decent yields. I try to go as 'organic' as possible and have always had clean tasting, white-burning results. The 'Final Phase' is probably not necessary but I like to think it helps! =)


Well-Known Member
Thats the key, find what works for you in your garden...I just keep twick little things trying to improve each time.


Well-Known Member
Agreed times 3, I probably could have had huge yields by now but I'm slowly learning on how to optimize my resources, it's not always about huge yields IMO. I'm sure I'll get there one day but for now I'm just focusing on getting my plants all the way through harvest with as little problems as possible

Happy Growing, I'm sub'd on both your grows :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thats the key, find what works for you in your garden...I just keep twick little things trying to improve each time.
Agreed times 3, I probably could have had huge yields by now but I'm slowly learning on how to optimize my resources, it's not always about huge yields IMO. I'm sure I'll get there one day but for now I'm just focusing on getting my plants all the way through harvest with as little problems as possible

Happy Growing, I'm sub'd on both your grows :leaf:
I couldn't agree more guys - sometimes it's easy to look at it as a 'competition', and the goal shouldn't just be to get a large yield. I've learned so much these past 2 years since I started growing, and noticed certain subtleties make all the difference in not only quantity but also the quality of what you end up with. I'm just now going to attempt a hydro grow using a 'Waterfarm' and see what kind of results we get. Some say you can't get the same 'taste' from hydro as you can get from soil - we'll see. I know nutrients will play a much larger part with the Waterfarm than it did with the soil - but time and testing will tell.

Thanks for looking in guys - please keep the comments and suggestions coming - it's how we all get better and better and learn from each other! Cheers! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well, here's an update! I flushed one of the AG plants last night as it's a bit ahead of the others. I think I'll be flushing 2 or 3 of the others towards the end of this week as well. This way they all get the proper chance to finish rather than chopping them all at the same time. It also means stretching our harvest out over a few weeks so it's not just one long 3-4 hour job! Enjoy the pics! The first 4 are of the AG that I flushed last night and the last picture is one of the other AG plants across the tent from the flushed one - looking nice!

Flushed AG Plant - named 'Oro', or 'el oro' which is spanish for 'gold'.


Another AG which is only 4-5 days behind Oro. I've named it 'Magnum'.



Well-Known Member
Thats it, I have to get those

Really nice...zoom in on those ladies..I wanna see her panties...:-P


Well-Known Member
Thats it, I have to get those

Really nice...zoom in on those ladies..I wanna see her panties...:-P
Ha ha... well okay, here's a few close-ups! The originals for that last batch of pics is at a higher resolution so these let you see a bit more crystal action! :weed:



Well-Known Member
Alrighty, here's a picture update - all of these are of the first plant that will be chopped likely tomorrow evening. Enjoy!! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Okay, the first tree is done and hanging. Here's some pics of the harvest - enjoy!

:leaf: :weed: :leaf:
