Second Round - All or Nothing!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Greenthumb2k10, sorry to hear about the other thread...just went through it and checked it out. Anyway, onwards and upwards to better things. Good luck with it and I am sure you'll be chiefing yer own goods before you know it.

Peace, DST


Active Member
lets hope so DST, ive had tuition from westy n LGP so in front of a beginner, and at least now i know how to sex a plant lol

mr west

Well-Known Member

U know how to sex plants good now mate


Well-Known Member
Much better use of the sample, imo...before Master P went No Limts and blew up.


Active Member
lol............... there is more life today, just breaking ground are the 4 i put in the other day, 1x skunk special, 1x bubble cheese, 1x JTR, and 1x Psychosis. will update with pics 2moro.

been a really busy man today making alot of the frame work for my flowering space, that im using for veg aswell for the time being as i have nothing to flower lol, just a few adjustments to make in the morning and should be complete, will upload pics 2moro also


Active Member
it was the timer woohoo!!!!!!!!!!! all set up and running now, will update with more pics of the girls when they change lol, i topped the bubblelicious 2 days ago and is showing good signs of growth, but some of the leaves looked badly burnt (nute burns i think) anyway i took the leaves that looked bad so the plant can concentrate on growing!!

now waiting on the jiffy pellets, the mylar, and the secatuers that i jus got aswell.

my iphone is dead and have had to order a new screen and digitizer, so mr west i cannot tx :-( ,


Active Member
ive looked in the cupboard 2day and the skunk special had fallen over at the stem n was laying down, didnt see this as a good sign and its no longer there. 1 down 6 to go lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
u should of propped it up, seedlings can be bastads if they stretch too much get ya light lower maybe.


Well-Known Member
it was snapped? not sure I understand, laying down? Had the pot fallen over or just the stem?

Snapped stems and such can be repaired...try not to be too hasty in throwing plants away. Snapping can often increase a plants strength. Ah well, these things happen though.

ive looked in the cupboard 2day and the skunk special had fallen over at the stem n was laying down, didnt see this as a good sign and its no longer there. 1 down 6 to go lol


Active Member
lights as low as it can go, i think i knocked it the other night and i flopped at the base of the stem, not to worry got plenty to concentrate on for the min