The Art of The Auto


Active Member
heyhey this is temunator :D
some may remember me from ic^^

how many autos would u place in a 2x2 tent with a 250w cooltube? :D


Active Member
im a first time grower and im really liking my first auto grow...too have the ability to grow an auto along side a reagular photo period is awesome! ill be harvesting some good smoke the end of dec instead of waiting till feb for my other "regular" plants....30 thous! lord have mercy! hear me now!


Active Member
lowrdr.........T is here.......:bigjoint:

HBS..have you thought about placing some of those cheap freezer packs round your grow room..
the ones you use to keep your cool bag cold...
freeze some up and slip inbetween the plants...
might bring the temps down a bit..

Time for a Mossy wiggle :clap::clap::fire::fire::weed::weed:bongsmiliebongsmilie:hug::hug::hump::hump::weed::weed::fire::fire::clap::clap:
Yeah caught me at it...

gravity drops the pollen to the coffe filter?

must be in a fairly still room?
Yes to both...

i cant wait 2 xmas's this year
I'll bet m8..sit back and Enjoy all your hard work....:bigjoint:

im thinking i have high calcium like you mossy so may have to try a splash of vinegar
do you get a white build-up on the element in the kettle m8...
if so you are probably high cal.
Just add a bit..slowly..and see how they respond.

man i wish i was still in my old house where the water was spot on !
Me too..if I could have it With the sunshine..

How's things..?

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
Thanks for the idea mossy. I am going to try that and see if it makes a difference. I wish I had a constant supply of dry ice. I would then be killing 2 birds.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the idea mossy. I am going to try that and see if it makes a difference. I wish I had a constant supply of dry ice. I would then be killing 2 birds.
I have actually done this,
on my very first grow i needed a way to cool the intake and this is what i did. I got one of those huge freezer packs and froze it.
Placed it under the intake fan on the concrete floor and dropped the temp like 3-5 degrees. Worked like a charm
it was a pain in the ass to keep refreezing it but it worked for what i needed.

IF you want dry ice your local Wal-Mart should have it. I know mine does :)


Active Member
i would start 20-24 in party cups and keep them there till they show what they are ... then the females go in 3,5L pots till harvest :D(i can keep 16females in the tent then)


Active Member

FullD..the photo I posted of the BX1..I removed 2 males today.
(Found a late pheno...
and a small pheno..left them in.)
This is the small male.

See the build on him..
remember me saying that the black line came from the ALF#3 that was kushy dom...
Looks like this pheno..and the other males still in the pot..carry the same trait...
look how long the leaf stems are...DC trait.

That is the side view of the Oguns.

The plane IS in the I will be away shortly..

i bet those plants have a metabolism of a crack head right now with all that going on
That creased me...:-P

JM you is growing a room of Crack Whores....:clap:

actually..I think they are gonna woof in the next few can see them almost Brooding..

Look out world Mossys got his groove on
did I tell you Why I think my water is such a problem this season.
The natural soil has high salts content..
because of the extra rain last winter..they said that the salts would wash away and their would be a bumper crop of citrus fruit.
it has washed away into the water table.
That is why I am having such extreme problems this year...
having said that..
this is still an improvement over my Best I'm thinking the oxygen too...
as you say..the vinegar is having some sort of beneficial action on the soil too..
BH will probably know.

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
I have actually done this,
on my very first grow i needed a way to cool the intake and this is what i did. I got one of those huge freezer packs and froze it.
Placed it under the intake fan on the concrete floor and dropped the temp like 3-5 degrees. Worked like a charm
it was a pain in the ass to keep refreezing it but it worked for what i needed.

IF you want dry ice your local Wal-Mart should have it. I know mine does :)
I checked walmart for some dry ice a couple years ago to take on a canoe trip (caught around 40 trout on that trip btw FullD), but they did not carry it. You guys just game me an idea though. I have a mini hammock that you hang in a tent for keeping small supplies up out of the way. I could use that to hold the freezer packs directly under the intake (my intake is on top of the cab)


Originally Posted by Scrooge said:
I’m just catching up on this thread after being out of town on business for the past couple of weeks.

It sounds like your grow is just a little bit bigger than mine. I’m setting up a very small micro-grow to alleviate my UC symptoms.

From what I gather, these guys were on another forum and have found and new home for RIU to discuss AF Strains. I’ve learned a lot from these folks since I decided that auto-flowers were the best for my current situation.
UC symptoms?

Yes, I have definitely learned allot from these cats and continue to learn more every day. Not to mention that they are a bunch of cool ass mofo's.

UC = Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic digestive malady in the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Family (like Crohn's Disease). It is quite debilitating when it “flairs” and cannabis helps alleviate some of the symptoms. Many of the medical marijuana states allow cannabis to be dispensed for this disease.

I can’t believe how this thread has exploded. I haven’t been here in 10 days or so. Now, I’ve got 71+ pages to read to just catch up.


Well-Known Member
FullD..the photo I posted of the BX1..I removed 2 males today.
(Found a late pheno...
and a small pheno..left them in.)
This is the small male.

See the build on him..
remember me saying that the black line came from the ALF#3 that was kushy dom...
Looks like this pheno..and the other males still in the pot..carry the same trait...
look how long the leaf stems are...DC trait.
wow isn't he just a stud :weed:
the structure on him says big buds for a matching female
and there is no way that you could say that it isn't DC traited
Those long stems and fat fat fat fan leaves give it away.

Thats why i was asking you about the BB and ICU because i have something interesting going on in the grow room
ill have the pics tonight but the leaf pattern as well as the size are bigger than anything i have grown out so far
So if you picked up the black line in an ALF#3 then i could bring it out too if i could ever get some damn color lol

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member

FullD..the photo I posted of the BX1..I removed 2 males today.
(Found a late pheno...
and a small pheno..left them in.)
This is the small male.

See the build on him..
remember me saying that the black line came from the ALF#3 that was kushy dom...
Looks like this pheno..and the other males still in the pot..carry the same trait...
look how long the leaf stems are...DC trait.

That is the side view of the Oguns.

The plane IS in the I will be away shortly..

That creased me...:-P

JM you is growing a room of Crack Whores....:clap:

actually..I think they are gonna woof in the next few can see them almost Brooding..
What is the ancestry with the Oguns? The leaf traits seem similar to my Tessa's leafs.
tessa3.jpeg... Would you agree?


Active Member
sorry m8..just catching up..
ICU#2 is Simply JEM x WR...
you will have some pure JEM and some JEM X WR pure WR.

WR is a bigger girl than JEM.
You will have to let me see the anomoly..
Have you changed to the vinegar water yet..?

HBS..Nigerian Nightmare x JEM....
Tessa looks like a Bubba Kush to me...
Little Fattie

Gotta go...


Well-Known Member
That is the side view of the Oguns.
You would do a modify after i reply lol :-o

These are nice i cant WAIT to see what these look like :) other than the black line and the Nightmare this is the other strain i cant wait to see grow out and see what you get.

The plane IS in the I will be away shortly..
Glad to hear that .

That creased me...:-P

JM you is growing a room of Crack Whores....:clap:

actually..I think they are gonna woof in the next few can see them almost Brooding..
LOL i figured it would get a fews attention. But they way they develop they are eating and producing and i have to agree they are about to take off like a rocket ship.

it has washed away into the water table.
That is why I am having such extreme problems this year...
And this is the biggest thing that causes the problem. Most treatment plants can handle large amounts of sodium in the reduction process of making drinkable water they also can deal with a great bit of calcium. BUT you have to think of it this way too. GE is still on the forefront of making a plant that can de-saline sea water. the thing is its at a high cost to the plant owner to do so. It takes quite a bit to get all that salt out of the water.

IF it did fill the water tables up this year with water at higher levels of sodium/calcium the treatment plants have had there hands full to remove it to make it safe to drink. Some of that is still passed through to the drinking water or tap water if you will. Now I know that you use rain water from time to time like i do but that is unfiltered and the high salts/cal in it are there too.

This is why i think that the vinegar is working on more than one level. I think that its not only clearing out all the left over sodium and cal but doing something to the soil too, what i am not sure of but there is something different going on there. I really think that it adds to the metabolism of the plant. Hence the new rapid growth

as you say..the vinegar is having some sort of beneficial action on the soil too..
BH will probably know.
Im sure he may have some idea :)


Well-Known Member
sorry m8..just catching up..
ICU#2 is Simply JEM x WR...
you will have some pure JEM and some JEM X WR pure WR.

WR is a bigger girl than JEM.
You will have to let me see the anomoly..
Have you changed to the vinegar water yet..?
Ahh ok i just couldnt remember which one it was that may have been hit by the random DC pollen you have talked about
i think it may have been BB cause we were worried about hermies.

ttys my friend have a safe travel to the airport


New Member
damm its hard keeping up with this thread, i posted a day ago on page 142 now its on 151 ????

mossy - is all those pics in your album autoflowers ? cause they seem huge if they are ?
