Quick Germ Question

I recently put some seeds in a little incubator I made, and they were going fine, but it seems like they have slowed their growth. In one day, the seed shell broke and the taproot started to nudge its way between the sides, but now it seems like the seed is at a standstill. I will admit I check it about 3 times a day, (Morning, lunch, night) but is this too often for the seed? I heard it's not recommended to check your seeds too often, but I was just wondering what could happen if I did that.
What are the consequences of messing with them? I've moved it with a clean finger to see the progress a few times.

I should also clarify I'm 3/4 through the second day of germination. If anyone could approximate what I should be seeing by now, I'd greatly appreciate it.
when was the first time you saw the taproot? You will usually see just a bit of a taproot the second day. But i dont really recomend germing them for more than maybe 4 days. depending on what type of setup your doing. Could you post pics of the seed(s) and incubator?

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Broad Generalization Time ...

Most people check their seeds when they are stoned, or ... when they are stoned, they check the seeds often.

Being stoned can affect judgement, and you may inadvertantly harm your seeds.

Helping the seed shed its shell is fine ... until you accidentally rip one of the cotyledons off with the shell, or snap the root tip.

Nothing wrong with picking them up to look at ... until you drop a $10.00 seed and it warps into some other dimension, never to be seen again.

Giving your seed a "squeeze" for some obscure reason is probably not OK, but if you're stoned then it may seem ok ... until ... well you get the picture.

So, checking your seeds is fine ... but don't mess with them.
when was the first time you saw the taproot? You will usually see just a bit of a taproot the second day. But i dont really recomend germing them for more than maybe 4 days. depending on what type of setup your doing. Could you post pics of the seed(s) and incubator?
Im afraid I can't take pictures as I'm occupied for the night, but I saw the taproot last night, and pky setup is the classic paper towel and 2 plates. For warmth, I placed it in a heating pad set on low.

Also Grumpy, thanks for the help, that last post was very clear, just what I was looking for.
I honestly wouldnt ever leave my seeds in that type of situation for more than 3 days. reason being maybe my water or hand wernt clean but... after 4 days the started to grow mold spores.

Also yes now that o think of it i really dont ever think about my seeds when im sober. but when im flyin then i get paranoid on if they need to be tended to or not. I would suggest to leave it over night and tomarow night sometime check them and try to plant them.

Also is this your very first grow or have you had some experience before?