Sexual Discoveries

over stilulating the clit on a woman is like her blowing your brains and wont stop ucking when you are hyper sinsitive..... to the guy that just found the clit......rolmfao it can be an evasive bastard.....when she is convulsing and you loose the clit put your index finger in her about half way and point your finger upwards you should feel i gland that feels like a little pillow in there.... that my friend is the g spot press on it med preasure slowly rub it and watch and taste what happens ........good luck:hump:
If you spy on your woman with a webcam whilst shes masturbating you will probably find that she never or rarely actually penetrates herself.
She will just rub or vibe her clit.
Youve watched to much porno:mrgreen:
I call that you are about 20 at the most and have no exp lmfao:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
I didnt "just find" the clit but i have never done alot of orall practices. But hey good I tried the G spot thing, that is hard to find to, its not easily distinguished at all. I have heard of the "top of the mouth texture" and the "dime size bulge" but i cant find neither.
I have found the spot but it was lost in seconds time. Ill try this too. Thanks ole knowledgable ones!
I didnt "just find" the clit but i have never done alot of orall practices. But hey good I tried the G spot thing, that is hard to find to, its not easily distinguished at all. I have heard of the "top of the mouth texture" and the "dime size bulge" but i cant find neither.
I have found the spot but it was lost in seconds time. Ill try this too. Thanks ole knowledgable ones!
Some women never even find their own g spot let alone their man finding it.
Stick with the clit and just in case you thought i meant that you should eat her clit like a biscuit:mrgreen:then no thats not it,suck it gently nibble it gently always gently.
If they get sore they will be put off:blsmoke:
Some women never even find their own g spot let alone their man finding it.
Stick with the clit and just in case you thought i meant that you should eat her clit like a biscuit:mrgreen:then no thats not it,suck it gently nibble it gently always gently.
If they get sore they will be put off:blsmoke:
Actually now that i think back to that one intense night, i was doing alot of presure sucking like you say so i think your totally right. Yeah i got the gentall part done. Yeah totally cause i searched her pussy for probably and hour one time. That is one illussive spot for sure.
Actually now that i think back to that one intense night, i was doing alot of presure sucking like you say so i think your totally right. Yeah i got the gentall part done. Yeah totally cause i searched her pussy for probably and hour one time. That is one illussive spot for sure.
Ask her to tell you when shes had enough of clit sucking and then you can shag her:blsmoke:
look i dont even watch pornos i make them with my wife asshole just because you cant find the gspot with a flashlight and have trouble locating the clit doesnt mean that i am wrong the best way to locate said gspot is have her push and pretty much do a you know what that even is?3 out of five times with all my prior partners i have been able to make them ejaculate.......squirt during my teenage years it was my sole responibilty to my partners to make them get there's way before i got mines i have learned alot you by no means have to agree with me but that dont give you the right to assume im a kid or that i watch pornos and talk shit :blsmoke:

if im you think im wron ask your girl.....and ill get some our resident riu females in here to set you straight
You called me a bullshitter,i called you a young man.
Now your acting like a young man and bleating and shouting asshole etc..
I rest my case:blsmoke:
You called me a bullshitter,i called you a young man.
Now your acting like a young man and bleating and shouting asshole etc..
I rest my case:blsmoke:

i was calling bullshit about the fact you guys were talking about beating the clit up if you read what i said i said it get oversensitive like your dick head....i said that befor you did then you posted what you had asuming you know what i watch and my age
i was calling bullshit about the fact you guys were talking about beating the clit up if you read what i said i said it get oversensitive like your dick head....i said that befor you did then you posted what you had asuming you know what i watch and my age
Exactly when did i say beat that clit?
I will tell you when,never thats when.
Your read half of whats there and then jump to a conclusion based on your youth.
Making women squirt does not have to be made to happen by pressing on their g spot or anywhere inside their vagina,in fact pressing down is probably just weakening their bladder resolve and its probably mostly piss.:mrgreen:

Most women will squirt properly if you finger their ass just as they are about to cum or if they truly relax and just let it go.
Its all about getting the women to relax and let go.
Watch women masturbating when they think no one is there and then get back to me:mrgreen::peace::joint:
lmfao... this thread is just too funny...feel like I'm spyin' on the enemy...

yeah get out of here and go to your special elite ladies board. lol. your making me feel uncomfortable, and like my imput to this thread is inferior and unimportant.
ha ha im listening to the song ~ladies and gentlemen~ by "saliva" while i decide to type out this reply.....

my ex's mom was convinced up till this day that a woman could get pregnant by swallowing a mans semen.....:confused:seriously i must have like a MILLION kids by now then.:twisted: lol
yeah get out of here and go to your special elite ladies board. lol. your making me feel uncomfortable, and like my imput to this thread is inferior and unimportant.
ha ha im listening to the song ~ladies and gentlemen~ by "saliva" while i decide to type out this reply.....

my ex's mom was convinced up till this day that a woman could get pregnant by swallowing a mans semen.....:confused:seriously i must have like a MILLION kids by now then.:twisted: lol

LOL... what's funnier is that I think theres almost more men posts in the "ladies only" forum than ladies.. all in there lookin for poon..:blsmoke: as if we wanted a ladies only forum to compare boob shots..:roll: LOL

Damn I was going to give some tips in here too...:cry: Sounds like a few of you need some pointers.. lol
So you dont like to have your clit sucked then milf:mrgreen:

LOL.. didn't say that.. u guys tend to do it too hard tho.. shyts super sensitive n if u do it too long to hard it isnt even enjoyable anymore and you just fucked up all the "lead up to the big o" you guys were working on...change it up..

alright, thats all the free advice.. since im not wanted here in the boys club..:blsmoke: lol
Some women never even find their own g spot let alone their man finding it.
Stick with the clit and just in case you thought i meant that you should eat her clit like a biscuit:mrgreen:then no thats not it,suck it gently nibble it gently always gently.
If they get sore they will be put off:blsmoke:

As i posted 3 pages ago:mrgreen: