Producing Feminised Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver is great stuff i drink it to protect myself from disease. I wonder if it has the same effects on MJ?

Oh and yelow/golden collodial silver is just perfect, that's when you know it is done. Your also not supposed to use tap water.

"I'm blue dav va diva la da da divia" Iffle 65
Just a quick update.

It has been about a week since the last photos were taken.

These next couple of photos clearly show that the Colloidal Silver treated plant has totally shed its female characteristics and now appears to resemble a full blown male.
There are not occasional male flowers, or a few nanas poking out of female flowers - the plant is racing headlong into full pollen production.

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Nice photos (and results).

How many days total was the CS applied? I know you stated you were going to apply the full 200mL but I didn't catch how many days that translated into.
I applied the CS for 17 days in total (probably not needed to be done that long).
The second batch of Colloidal Silver was only used once as I used most of it to clear up a really infected skin condition on my dog - after 2 days of spraying the area she stopped licking the area and 2 days later there were only dry scabs - amazing shit this Colloidal Silver :-)
Man, yeah it's got a lot of uses. I was even reading the other day that it has been used successfully to minimize the impact of mosaic viruses in plants... and anything that can kill off viruses w/o killing the host is rare. lol

Oh and I meant to ask for clarity: you used a crystal clear solution throughout?
Man, yeah it's got a lot of uses. I was even reading the other day that it has been used successfully to minimize the impact of mosaic viruses in plants... and anything that can kill off viruses w/o killing the host is rare. lol

Oh and I meant to ask for clarity: you used a crystal clear solution throughout?

Absolutely crystal clear - so clear that I thought that maybe there was nothing these except water.
Absolutely crystal clear - so clear that I thought that maybe there was nothing these except water.

Good info - when you read about this being done for growing purposes most people claim it requires a really high ppm. So high it's really no longer a colloidal solution. But you can't argue w/ the results you are showing in those pictures. Chemically it makes sense that it should work just as well, if not theoretically better, than an off-colored suspension w/ silver falling out of solution.
Good info - when you read about this being done for growing purposes most people claim it requires a really high ppm. So high it's really no longer a colloidal solution. But you can't argue w/ the results you are showing in those pictures. Chemically it makes sense that it should work just as well, if not theoretically better, than an off-colored suspension w/ silver falling out of solution.

I'm glad that you are getting some value from my "experiment".

Most people make claims based on third hand info from some illiterate stoner who automatically thinks that stronger is better.

The more times that garbage is repeated, the more "truth" it becomes.

I tend to think about what I read, sift out the bullshit and realise that facts are few and not very often proven.

We all know that this is old.. WAY old ... and, the search feature DOES work pretty good ... but the results are confused, conflicting and crap.

By the way TaoWolf - what is your avatar from, it looks like a miniature model that could do with sitting under my paint brushes for several hours :-)
Yeah definitely getting some value from this because I'm a chemistry geek and I've suspected this to be the case but have never seen anyone take the time to document it in practice. Because by the chemical definition of colloidal, nothing should be settling out of solution and the particle sizes of the silver in a silver colloidal solution shouldn't be big enough to cause any visible discoloration of the water (excepting a visible Tyndall effect). And if one is seeing precipitate or discoloration, it technically is no longer really 'colloidal' in composition and not likely to be as effective biochemically (ie a lot of wasted silver particles of too large a size). Or in other words, one might as well powder a plant in silver dust if a higher ppm than what makes a colloidal solution is needed for effect...

Plus it simplifies things for making colloidal silver at home and nothing in the process would even get technical enough to even require using a ppm/EC meter. I'd just use a cheap laser pointer to monitor for a strongly visible Tyndall effect... simple and straight-forward.


I just stumbled across the avatar picture at some point on the intrawebnet looking for photography of wolves - but it was from a website (couldn't tell you which one now) where a guy either did carvings or castings... I forget. He had a lot of really cool stuff though.
This is the first I've heard of this, and it is fascinating to me. I'm sure I'll be trying it. Repeated application was mentioned, but I cannot see how often anyplace (may have missed it). Are we talking daily or what?
This is the first I've heard of this, and it is fascinating to me. I'm sure I'll be trying it. Repeated application was mentioned, but I cannot see how often anyplace (may have missed it). Are we talking daily or what?

Its been going on for 2-3 decades. in secret
This is the first I've heard of this, and it is fascinating to me. I'm sure I'll be trying it. Repeated application was mentioned, but I cannot see how often anyplace (may have missed it). Are we talking daily or what?

Yea, it was daily applications of CS.
I don't know whether daily applications is needed oe whether less would work. As I was only treating one small plant and I check the plants at least daily, spraying the plant daily just happened.
One day I may experiment with different application dosages, but not for a while.
Hey G.O.D. - thought you might be interested to know I just talked with someone that has extensive experience using CS for commercial breeding purposes - and they also keep their home-made solution crystal clear.