• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Invisible Empire..........


Active Member
Dunno if anyone has posted this yet, probably, but it wont hurt to post it again, as it is an incredibly insightful look at how our world works.

Believe it or not, it's up to you, but the video speaks for itself.

Everyday that goes by these "conspiracy" theories are becoming less and less "conspiratorial" and more "truth" is there even a difference these day's, that line is getting pretty blurry.

Anyway, click on the youtube window to see the rest of the film.

Enjoy, and post away with any critical thoughts or ideas about all this, I find it all very interesting so I wll try to contribute whenever I'm around.




Active Member
This is some seriously scary shit!

How can people(the public) deny that this is happening, when president's, governor's, congressmen etc are basically openly admitting that this is what is really going on?!

Unbelievable! Seriously, if any of you are into this side of politics and the whole New world order thing watch this shit!
I never even knew that rfid chips have been used since 2004 (I think) that's incredible! So much stuff like this goes on, totally unnoticed.

Do I get paranoid about all this and worry about every little thing, or do I continue living and try to ignore it all??!! Sooner or later this will probably affect me directly, which makes it hard for me not to care..........


Active Member
I am a big fan of just about each and every conspiracy theory out there, but I think that in the end whether these things are, fact or fiction, me and you aren't able to change what is happening, so there is no point in stressing over it. I have come to the point where I don't even own a T.V or turn on the radio because all the crap that is being boomed over the airwaves is influencing and desensitizing us to such an extent that we don't think anymore. All I'm saying is that even though all this shit is happening in the world around us does not mean that it has to cause you stress. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
i keep my head in the sand all day and refuse to watch TV, they are out there I know it and they want what I have, they are all over but i guess one thing saves me

they wont do anything while I am alive (for another 50 years or so give or take) so I dont worry about it.
No kids so I sleep fine not knowing what is happening and watching my medicine grow and stay in mny house with my land, which i bought the other day.
do you really know how much land costs?
go buy an acre or two and see how many people want to get into your pockets with certificates and copies and letters form the government, MF'rs got me for almost 120k more than I was expecting.
But it s mine and noone can take it from me, it is mine (ours, my wife) and it wont go anywhere. take my house I have a tent, take my water and electricity I have a stream/pond and hydro equipt. Take my american car, I have a dog which I cant ride but he is good with horses and the neighbor has them (10 miles away some neighbor).
i have guns and shovels for people that get too nosey with my stuff.
paranoid? hell yes!!
prepared? better fuckin believe that!!!

only problem is if i dont keeep taking clones when the shit hits the fan than I am out of cannabis.

random paste picture



Well-Known Member
this shit is real and its been happening for years. and for those that dont believe it i suggest that you start doing a little research starting with the oldest book in history.... the Bible. in the bible you will hear pretty much some of the things that the movie talks about and more. The only thing with the bible is that its not the easiest book to comprehend. ive watched invinsible empire amongst others such as bursting bubbles, the obama deception, etc etc etc. one thing i will say is that dude Alex Jones is on some other shit sometimes. i really dont want to get into Alex Jones but some of the shit that he talks about in his movies are so true. one thing i will advice anyone is to look up "new world order" and do your own research and you will find out a lot of the truth thats out there. Oh and another thing as well that the movie dont mention is that the Vatican is linked to all of this in one way or another just like the vatican was know to be linked with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. The vatican is one of the most if not the most corrupted places in the planet earth. dont believe me well then i ask you to do an extensive research and you will come up with a conclusion


Well-Known Member
I agree with mr.notsogreenthumb. For a while it really used to bother me, but once you realize there's not really a damn thing you can do about it, it sort of lifts a little weigh off your shoulders. I wish there was but this whole game has been played for so long and just about everybody - everybody that could do something about it - is either involved in some way themselves or not strong enough single handedly to fight against it.

There's also a lot of bullshit out there. Everybody falls for something.


Well-Known Member
I am a big fan of just about each and every conspiracy theory out there, but I think that in the end whether these things are, fact or fiction, me and you aren't able to change what is happening, so there is no point in stressing over it. I have come to the point where I don't even own a T.V or turn on the radio because all the crap that is being boomed over the airwaves is influencing and desensitizing us to such an extent that we don't think anymore. All I'm saying is that even though all this shit is happening in the world around us does not mean that it has to cause you stress. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
I agree with mr.notsogreenthumb. For a while it really used to bother me, but once you realize there's not really a damn thing you can do about it, it sort of lifts a little weigh off your shoulders. I wish there was but this whole game has been played for so long and just about everybody - everybody that could do something about it - is either involved in some way themselves or not strong enough single handedly to fight against it.

There's also a lot of bullshit out there. Everybody falls for something.

there is one thing you can do and that is just believe in the almighty (God) and live your life good. because if you really dig deep enough you will find out that this battle is more than a human battle its a battle of God vs Satan. Satan wants to control the world and the humans and make believe that hes the "One" savior. so if you want to beat these motherfuckers at their game do the opposite of what they want you to do. Soon enough we (the people) will be chipped or marked in one way or another. and the excuse that they will use is that if you dont have a chip or if you are not marked you will be considered an enemy (terrorist) which will make a lot of blind (sheeps) people run and get themselves chipped or marked. so i say to everyone just be good and do good like the bible says.


Besides the video posted by the OP, where can i read about this new world order? About to read the WIKI entry, not sure how much good that'll do though.


Well-Known Member
just google new world order or youtube it too..... you will see the millions of pages that are dedicated to this stuff. my advice to you is not to believe it right away but to keep on doing more and more and more research and you will come up with a conclusion. all i will say that this shit is around us everyday in hidden messages in advertisements and billboard newspapers tv malls symbols etc etc etc

its not easy to take all the information in. ive done this research for over 6 years now and im still finding out new shit every week.


Active Member
I agree with mr.notsogreenthumb. For a while it really used to bother me, but once you realize there's not really a damn thing you can do about it, it sort of lifts a little weigh off your shoulders. I wish there was but this whole game has been played for so long and just about everybody - everybody that could do something about it - is either involved in some way themselves or not strong enough single handedly to fight against it.
Or dead.......

Besides the video posted by the OP, where can i read about this new world order? About to read the WIKI entry, not sure how much good that'll do though.
Yeah man, wiki isn't too bad.
That infowars site is o.k, Alex Jones has some good shit, but he is kinda crazy hahaha. I think sometimes he lowers himself a little too close to the elitists levels sometimes. Basically he says irrelevant shit and quite often contradict's himself.
Research everywhere though man. Thee is lot's to learn.

Back to the "what do I do" thing:

You guy's are saying that it's easier to do nothing, or that nothing can really be done, I kind of agree, you know. But it is exactly that, that get's on my mind, the fact that, if I really did want to do something about it, I couldn't. It's a hard thing to accept. Especially with all the shit that goes on, it's fucking ludacris!

I mean computer chips?! Are you fucking kidding me?!

Honestly I am kind of over this conspiracy/truth shit, but it is so hard to turn a blind eye, especially when the majority are in fact blind to it all, I mean, my own god damn mother wouldn't have a fucking clue about any of this!
I guess it's like what they say "Ignorance is bliss"

Anyway, maybe, if there were some way to make all this crap common knowledge, it would be a step in the right direction, but how do you get people to believe this stuff?! Why did I start to believe it in the first place?? Noone had to convince me............

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i try to avoid conspiracy theories. these theories prey on my obsessive idle mind and no good comes of it anyway. it's not like i'm gonna strap up and go headhunting to save the world. just sit back and watch it burn. make s'mores. fuck all the new world order freemason vatican illuminati elite kanye-sacrificed-his-mom conspiracy bullshit. i have brain cells to kill.


Well-Known Member
i researched every aspect of this in depth.

if anyone was able to bring some debate-worthy posts, i would debate...but these threads usually end up in name-calling and hearsay


Well-Known Member
Seen new world order on youtube and the obama conspiracy.Its scary viewing if you believe it,Istill dont know if I do believe it


Active Member
So what improper things is the government doing to me. Can someone give me a list
I think that this is part of the problem, seeing that on a day to day basis there is no obvious signs of foul play. Only once you start looking closely at the guys who are in power then it becomes totally clear that something is not right.

The other problem with these theories is that there are so many out there ranging from UFOs to the Holocaust hoax that telling the difference between truth and lie is almost impossible. For example; David Icke has some great stuff but just as you start completely agreeing with him he throws some random piece of turd into the mix and your back to square one. Another interesting character is Mark Booth, he wrote a book called 'The Secret History of the World' and it is a must read if you are interested in all these conspiracies, But just like Icke he from time to time tosses in a line that makes you doubt everything you have read up to that point.

I take everything I hear with a pinch (or a packet) of salt. Listen to everyone but don't believe anyone. Go check every word and statement out for yourself and then decide whether or not its worth believing. In the end its no use walking around with tin foil hats in order to block out the 'evil forces' or not speaking on your mobile phone because 'they' might trace it. To whoever is in control of everything we are just little drones, why the hell would they take the trouble of tracing a bunch of unimportant dopers?


Well-Known Member
one guy that always was on point with his information was Bill Cooper. He was murdered. Look him up and youll get a lot of answers too. theres another guy that i cant remember his name all too well right now. but he also was on point with all this stuff.


Active Member
Sup guys!?

So another wee video that I thought was pretty inspirational and felt kind of.........motivated I guess.


I mean, what I understood from this clip, is that, the most we can do to debunk this NWO and one world government business is to be different! Don't go to church (this, I can't strees enough!!), don't watch mainstream television, don't buy in to mainstream media, don't go get you vaccination's. Basically go against the system.

Everything you do, from going to the supermarket to drinking a beer at home on the couch is within the confines of what these elitists want, and it is understansably easy for them to manipulate this, masses and masses of people watch a million beer adds per year, and the same goes for the products you buy in the supermarket, if it's on t.v, internet, news paper then you will no doubt be a future consumer of it.

Any of you guy's get the Bird Flu (H1N1) vaccination??
Now, did any of you know, that the H1N1 virus has hit humanity twice (known) now? Why did WHO decide to leave that small detail out of the news? Making us think it was a brand new "killer" virus? Also, why did they fail to mention that within the same time period that the Bird Flu was around and after killing as many people as it did, that the normal Flu killed almost double (don't have the exact numbers with me right now) the amount of people??! I mean, this is no longer conspiracy guy's this is reality.

It is too fitting for these theories not to be true, they are more believable than the actual "truth's" they try to feed us with.

Iraqi and Afgani war, American government's excuse = They are jealous of our freedom, so they attacked us.

Bird Flu = A world wide threat and level 5 pandemic, buy our government based pharmaceutical companies vaccination, that we produced in less than 6 months. Don't worry, it's safe and you wont get Bird Flu ever! (and will put billion's back into our economy)


Poonjoon, bring something to the table then brother, I'm all ears and willing to learn more about "wonderland" I also agree that these threads turn to crap usually, but I'm trying to avoid that, so.......let's be proactive and productive with what we write here guy's!

But yeah, let's hear it, all and any info is welcome here, petty bickering is not!



Active Member
Another clip, this time a song, another depiction of what's going on. And a very well made music clip:

Ill Bill, Immortal Technique and Max Cavalera in the chorus



Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Jesus where did you get that beautiful pipe? I know we live in the same state, so is it local?

i keep my head in the sand all day and refuse to watch TV, they are out there I know it and they want what I have, they are all over but i guess one thing saves me

they wont do anything while I am alive (for another 50 years or so give or take) so I dont worry about it.
No kids so I sleep fine not knowing what is happening and watching my medicine grow and stay in mny house with my land, which i bought the other day.
do you really know how much land costs?
go buy an acre or two and see how many people want to get into your pockets with certificates and copies and letters form the government, MF'rs got me for almost 120k more than I was expecting.
But it s mine and noone can take it from me, it is mine (ours, my wife) and it wont go anywhere. take my house I have a tent, take my water and electricity I have a stream/pond and hydro equipt. Take my american car, I have a dog which I cant ride but he is good with horses and the neighbor has them (10 miles away some neighbor).
i have guns and shovels for people that get too nosey with my stuff.
paranoid? hell yes!!
prepared? better fuckin believe that!!!

only problem is if i dont keeep taking clones when the shit hits the fan than I am out of cannabis.

random paste picture



Active Member
I think that this is part of the problem, seeing that on a day to day basis there is no obvious signs of foul play. Only once you start looking closely at the guys who are in power then it becomes totally clear that something is not right.

The other problem with these theories is that there are so many out there ranging from UFOs to the Holocaust hoax that telling the difference between truth and lie is almost impossible. For example; David Icke has some great stuff but just as you start completely agreeing with him he throws some random piece of turd into the mix and your back to square one. Another interesting character is Mark Booth, he wrote a book called 'The Secret History of the World' and it is a must read if you are interested in all these conspiracies, But just like Icke he from time to time tosses in a line that makes you doubt everything you have read up to that point.

I take everything I hear with a pinch (or a packet) of salt. Listen to everyone but don't believe anyone. Go check every word and statement out for yourself and then decide whether or not its worth believing. In the end its no use walking around with tin foil hats in order to block out the 'evil forces' or not speaking on your mobile phone because 'they' might trace it. To whoever is in control of everything we are just little drones, why the hell would they take the trouble of tracing a bunch of unimportant dopers?
lying, deceiving, greed.. All part of human nature. I can say that I've been guilty of a few myself, never to intentionally hurt anyone though. I have no doubt that governments lie to their people, take Germany during Hitler’s reign for example using people of other races as scapegoats to further their political agenda. Every government has secret classified documents for a reason. I get it, I think most people do, Its business. As long as I have my rights and I am free to pursue anything I desire then I will be happy living with it. I leave all the worrying to the people not contempt with the way things are done. Hell maybe one day we'll get to a point where there is total transparency of the government, that would be an interesting day