hmmm. first grow, anyway to tell gender before flower?


this is my first grow, tossed my three sprouts (same seeds) in my closet under 2 48''t8 flo.'s
they're 5-6 weeks now.. and ive been noticing constant growth, i was curios as to why the three plants, under same conditions (soil,light,water,etc) are growing so differently.
One of my plant (the middle) is shorter and bushier, and the other two are taller with more spread out leaves.
I was also wondering why the leaves sprouting at the joints are so different in size, they are all just looking really dif. i duno if theyre m/f or maybe dif. seeds got mixed up or what.
also wanna know when i should change the light cycle to flower??:wall:
give me your 2cents, im a noob in need of some insight...


Well-Known Member
The size difference can be different factors, but I believe males do grow a little taller, so they hover over the girls for the pollen drop. But that does not mean a taller lanky plant is always a male. Sometimes one is just a little behind in veg production, they usually catch up. At maturity (8-12 weeks usually) they will start giving clues about sex, such as pre flowers. If you are just using a shop light, it's best to flower them pretty small, because the light will not penetrate to the bottoms. There are many CFL growers on here, you might want to read up on that, those are a much better option than 4 foot shop bulbs. If you are going with the shop lights, it's a good idea to mix the types of bulbs, 1 cool white, and 1 warm white,


Active Member
depends how big you want them, i vegged my last grow to about a foot tall and she was about 2 feet when done ,got about an oz and a half from the one plant with about 200 watts of cfls, and i would think about getting some little cfl lights around the sides pretty close to them


Active Member
sure theres and easy way to tell.

first take a tissue sample, then culture it to produce a good sample.
use some amino acids to dissolve the cell wall.
blend em. now use your electrophloresis cell to get a rough genetic profile.
and compare that with your previously documented samples.



Active Member
of coures! why didnt i think of that lol
sure theres and easy way to tell.

first take a tissue sample, then culture it to produce a good sample.
use some amino acids to dissolve the cell wall.
blend em. now use your electrophloresis cell to get a rough genetic profile.
and compare that with your previously documented samples.



Active Member
Make love to them. If they fall asleep afterwards, they are male. If they want to cuddle, they are female.

Otherwise, you'll have to wait until they are at least mature enough to start showing small sex organs at the internodes, wait until you flower them, or wait until they are big enough to take cuttings/clones and flower them earlier than the plants.

As far as when to start flowering, consider how much total height you have available and count on the plants doubling or tripling in height from the point you start 12/12 so you don't run out of space.
there to small right now, but when the nodes start alternating,they'll be mature enough to flower, when there ready,take a clone of each one,label them, put plants into flower, in 1 1/2 to 2 weeks,you'll know what is what.
fastest way to be sure.