Clincial Depression vs everyday depression


Well-Known Member

12 SQUARE of Flo
(144 FEET of stem under 600 watts)

Flo - DJ Short . <<< Link

Produces a unique motivation effect unlike any other marijuana strain I've grown or medication I've been prescribed. It does not increase energy so much as remove mental obsticals from your path - your dreams not only seem possible, you will find yourself working towards them without effort and sometimes realization. A singularly unique strain that is one of the corner stones of my battlements and ballistae in my arsenal to fight my eternal war against mood disorder.

A small producing strain, my lowest yield, but of the tastiest musky grape bud that turns purple on the plant in cold weather. Below are some pictures of a promotional grow that I am putting together to bring awareness not only of Flo to patients in the medical marijuana communtity, but to show the world that the impossible can be done.

I have 11' of stem in this bucket, this Flo is 6" tall. This picture was taken last week, the plant is closing on 12' with 2 double topped plants for 8 CCOB trained stems in the bucket. The horizontal nodes will not stretch in flower, the plant will have 16' of stem when done, and be less than 1' from the bucket rim. I will grow 19 of these buckets under a 600 watt hps just as I have been growing my plants for years, virtually no change - 144 feet of Flo stem. And then I will cut the wattage in half using an Elliptical Trough Reflector that I've design on a simple simple LED or Plasma light that I can't find so I'm going to have to build. My goal is 3000 grams from a 300 watt light for an Order Of Magnatude increase in yield per watt over what is considered an expert grow.

The impossible.

Pretty much the same thing I've been doing for years screwing around except that this time I'll have one strain in my flower garden instead of 12, and I'll do more than just make sure that the plants don't die of dehydration. And I'm not being terribly facicous, that ^ is pretty much how I grow. I've just combined the brilliant work of the giants who've walked the path before me, making several ONE TIME changes to my garden and substituting a few techniques. Now I stand on the shoulders of BOG, Subcool, DJ Short, Phife and Dr Jay to see just a bit further, as someone will do in the future with my assembly of techniques and technology. My grows and passing on my knowledge are my thank you to those giants who've walked this path before me, drawn the map and posted it online for my benefit - with no request of reward for themselves. Just as growers you help will thank you even it can only be read between the lines of their posts and in their pictures, YOU, the giant who helped them to become a grower.





I'll do a full strain report after I try the new genetics from 2 seeds in the bucket above. (2 double topped plants in the bucket - 8 stems)



Active Member
HAHAHAHA! Nice pics Hobbes! =D (Nice little plant too.)

...From then on i started smoking it for medical reasons and the difference was almost instantaneous. I stand by the statement that it unequivocally saved my life. It certainly hasn't cured the depression, but well the best way i can put it in few words is that i really allows me to introspectively question and examine my life without heavy negative emotions :) It has been one of my main angers with regard to it's illegal nature, it saved my life, fact, so as far as the government care, there is no medical use, they would rather i had died than broken the law. Who is anyone to tell me how i can or cannot tend to my ailments.
Totally! I feel ya! Another thing that prompted me to take the "fukitall" pill and do what I needed to do to stay here on this earth with my family was the old saying that if you feel a law is unjust or morally wrong it is your duty to break the law and stand up against it...or something like that lol. Kinda baked atm haha. =)


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA! Nice pics Hobbes! =D (Nice little plant too.)
Thanks! It's about 12 feet of stem now, going into the flower cage as soon as I get a milimetre over 12'. I'm going to get it down to 4" above the bucket rim for that picture but it'll probably grow at 8" - 10" with 8 x 2' stems after stretch. I might not get the 16' with this plant - there's no internode stretch for most of the stem because it's horizontal, I'll need 6" of growth per stem during the first week of 12/12 to get the 4' I need. I might have to veg to 14' next time.


When I was depressed, it's been ... months? Years? I can't remember if it was last year or the year before for my last mild depression. The worst part of the day for me was the split second on waking - there seemed to be something that happened while I slept that lessened the effects of the depression, when I woke in the morning without consciously realizing I would be hit with pain and despair like a tidal wave.

I've often wondered what physical mechanism caused that - it was every single morning. By reverse Pavlovian effect I learned to be moving as soon as I become conscious, I'm moving to be out of bed without thinking even though I might not have that problem now. I've never thought to check, once in a routine it's hard to notice the routine when it's reason is gone.

Has anyone else experience this? I'm curious if this is something common, if this might be a good avenue of research - maybe a chemical that's produced while asleep that will help the brain to function more normally.




Well-Known Member


The following is a hypothesis on how three different types of depression work in the brain. I have little science to back it up and I am relying on each of you to help me develop my concept into a theory.

Please don't be insulted if your own condition isn't adequately covered, I am working towards a classification system to help depressives understand what drugs they should be on and why.

Each type of depression has a different mechanism and must be treated with a different remedy. To treat all as the child of same cause will produce more pain in a cascade of depression and hopelessness.


The growth of all societies is limited to the amount of energy available to power both home and industry.

A society with no access to coal cannot make coke to produce steel. A cold land with no wood, coal or oil cannot support human life in the winter. If you have electric heat and the power goes out in the snow you cannot stay long in the cold. Every system needs energy.

The same is true of cels in our bodies, neurons as well as muscles.

From applying the Artemesia Annua model of malaria elimination to the mitochondria of cancer cels I came to learn some little of the power plants of our cels. Mitochondria produces a molecule called ATP that is used by the organelles in our cels to power cel functions, like the production of neuro chemicals in neurons.

One of the main building blocks of ATP in the mitochondria is hydrogen. H+ is so important to ATP production that the mitochondria have special hydrogen pumps to bring the precious element through its inner shell to the ATP production area of the mitochondria.

Without sufficient hydrogen the mitochondria cannot produce enough ATP to power the organelle functions. In neurons this means that not enough neuro chemicals are produced and the neurons cannot function properly.

I will build 3 models of depression based on the hydrogen pump premise, then I will lay before you solutions to each model. I am typing this off the top of my head into my iPad, later this week I will retrieve my MacBook and explain the same models with only diagrams and chemical equations.


Clinical Depression

Clinical Depression is depression with no trigger. There need be no stressor such as spousal abuse or neuron damaging mania, it just happens like a bus hitting you on the street. A natural part of the clinically depressive's life.

There are not enough neuro chemicals between the synapse to allow for proper brain function, and the brain has a high Ph, or potential hydrogen, which causes a 'soapy' environment with poor electro conductivity.

This happens because there is (either/ and / or): an under expression of mitochondria in the neurons; an under expression of hydrogen pumps in each mitochondria; under achieving hydrogen pumps in the mitochondria.

A big spooky sentence which means the same thing: not enough hydrogen is being used to make enough ATP to power the neuro chemical producing organelles in the neurons. Resulting in an under expression of neuro chemicals in the synapse (between the neurons) and in the neurons themselves.

And an over expression of H+ in the synapse and inside the neurons.

This last statement is the missing key for relief for Clinically Depressives. The extra hydrogen in the brain, that would normally be used for ATP production, creates a medium that is poor in electro conductivity. A 'soapy' brain.

Re uptake inhibitors will keep enough neuro chemicals in the synapse for moderate brain function but without a balanced Ph the brain will not function properly, the electrical signals will not reach their destination with the required power. Too much hydrogen that would normally be used for ATP production.

I again went to my malaria model and vaporized Artemesia Annua, drawing Artenesuate through the blood brain barrier. The weak peroxide bridge was cleaved by the excess H+ and the -OH combined with the H+ to form water (H2O) that was flushed from my brain, balancing the Ph and improving the electro conductivity in my brain.

I also use a steam room to sweat out copious amounts of basic fluids, then replace the the lost sweat with water, which helps to balance Ph in the brain.

Scientists will develop a better tool than Artemesia Annua for this job, but they will use my model as it is correct making the needed solution simple.

Clinical depressives, balance the Ph in your brain as well as increasing the expression of neuro chemicals in the synapse with re uptake inhibitors. Your pain will ease and your burden will lighten.


Bipolar Depressive Phase

Bi Polar Disorder consists of a manic phase of over productivity followed by a depressive stage. The mechanism of major depression is different than clinical depressions under expression of ATP producing Hydrogen pumps.

The nature of bipolar disorder is an over expression of hydrogen pumps in the neuron's mitochondria and / or an over expression of mitochondria in the neurons and / or over archiving hydrogen pumps in the neurons' mitochondria.

Another long scary sentence which simply means that more hydrogen is drawn into the neurons' mitochondria and more ATP is produced for the organelles so in turn the neuro chemical producing organelles produce more neuro chemicals.

This results in the manic phase: over productivity, hyper sexuality, leaps of logic and euphoria. It also results in an under expression of H+ in the neural synapse and therefore an over expression of -OH which would normally be balanced by the missing H+.

The peroxide (-OH) in the brain is like a monkey with a power sander and it jumps around damaging the neurons, their mitochondrial and the organelles. Literally acid in the brain, ARTHRITIS of the brain, the same mechanism.

As well -OH in the brain destroys existing neuro chemicals on contact. -OH is acidic and destroys what it can and damages the rest.

The -OH damages the hydrogen pumps in the neurons' mitochondria so they work poorly and not enough hydrogen is pumped through to the ATP producing area, and therefore the neuro chemical producing organelles do not have enough fuel to produce the needed neuro chemicals for normal brain function. A similar result to Clinical Depression but a different mechanism.

The excess peroxide in the brain will also result in destruction of the neuron's myelin sheaths, a feeling of a burning of the brain.

Bi polars, during their manic phase, will experience an over expression of cavities from acidic saliva, and skin rashes between the buttocks from acidic sweat.

Bi polars should never take re uptake inhibitions because the root cause of their depressive phase is not the lack of ability to produce neuro chemicals but temporary damage to the neurons which can be cured by balancing the Ph in the brain and allowing the neurons time to heal.

Any doctor or psychiatrist who prescribes re uptake inhibitors to a bi polar is incompetent and has committed legal malpractice. Sue.

To balance the Ph in the brain:

Take lithium.

Lithium is one of the three primordial elements created in the big bang, along with Hydrogen and Helium. Lithium has 3 valance electrons and it's power to share it's electrons is so great that it will cleave the hydroxyl bond in H2O.

Lithium works to balance Ph in the brain, and to restore normal brain function - in the bi polar - with two simple mechanisms that no doctor no pharmacist could tell me, it took me a half hour of research on the net and an hour of walking to figure it out.

Lithium (Li+) bonds with peroxide (-OH) to form benign Lithium Hydroxide (LiOH) which is flushed from the brain and body. Try this with arthritis and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Lithium (Li+) also cleaves the hydroxyl bond in water (H2O) to produce benign lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and Hydrogen (H+). The hydrogen atom is used to both power the hydrogen pumps in the neurons' mitochondria and therefore produce more ATP for the neuro chemical producing organelles; and to bond with the excess peroxide (-OH) in the brain thereby balancing Ph.

The logic and model is correct.

Remedies to ease suffering from the depressive stage of bi polar disorder, other than Lithium, are to consume copious amounts of milk for the Ca+ which will bond with the excess -OH; and to sweat out copious amounts of acidic sweat and replace this with Ph neutral water or milk / chocolate milk.

I have done research on vinegar consumption to balance Ph by providing H+ to the body but I have not done enough formal research to explain my practical results. Jesus did this on the cross with vinegar on a sponge, the source for my hypothesis.

Stress, Hyper Vigalence, Depression

The mechanism for Stress related depression is similar to Bi Polar depression and the solution similar.

Take for example an abused wife protecting her children, she must be mentally hyper alert at at all times to protect herself and watch over her children. To maintain this state of mind she needs more neuro chemicals in her neuron synapse and in the neurons themselves.

To produce extra neuro chemicals she needs more ATP for her neuron organelles, where the neuro chemicals are produced. To produce more ATP she needs her hydrogen pumps to work overtime, which will tire and damage the H+ pumps.

The result of drawing more H+ through the inner shell of the mitochondria is an over expression, an imbalance, of -OH outside of the mitochondria. This over expression of -OH results in damage to the the neurons' parts as well as destruction of neuro chemicals when they come in contact with the acidic -OH.

-OH is a monkey with a power sander, damaging or destroying everything that it touches. Myelin sheaths, neuro chemicals, mitochondrial parts, everything.

Through my botany studies I learned that constant bright light destroys the chloroplast in plant leaves. Chloroplast are like solar panels for plants, turning light energy into chemical energy. The greatest irony is that the more constant lumens (light energy) directed at plants the less energy is converted to plant food energy. Plants need varying light, like the passing sun, cloud cover, trees blocking light for smaller plants.

The single best improvement that a Bi Polar or Stressed depressive can get is to balance the Ph in the brain, through a sweat room, hot tub, massive water intake, milk, bananas and Lithium supplements from a doctor.

Keep it simple, just get the fucking job done.

No re uptake inhibitors for the Stressed Depressive because the root problem is not a lack of production capability of neuro transmitters but damage to the brain due to an over expression of -OH.

Similar to arthritis of the brain, Bi Polar Depression, but with a slightly different mechanism.

Do NOT take re uptake inhibitors. The problem is not the capacity to produce neuro chemicals but damage to the neurons themselves. And destruction of neuro chemicals by contact with -OH.

Re uptake inhibitors will cause a shift into mania and a subsequent damage to the neurons resulting in a continuing bi polar like cycle.


Marijuana Treatment For Depression

There is chatter amongst psychiatrist that marijuana will cause a manic swing in bipolar depressives. There is no empirical data to support this.

In my opinion there is pain in the novice Bi Polar Depressive which they self medicate with alcohol, street drugs or marijuana then the intellectually lazy look backwards from the effect and blame the cause on the easiest stimulus. There is no group of people on this earth more intellectually lazy than psychiatrist. Some of the most deplorable people I have met are doctors and psychiatrist are the worst subgroup of the lot.

That being as it is, I would recommend that Bipolar depressives go easy on the bud until I get an hour or two to research the mechanisms of marijuana on bipolar neural function. Particularly during the time that you come out of depression and go into mania.

Strains For Mental Illness

Marijuana is aspirin for the mind, not a cure for mental illness. See a doctor if you are sick, get the proper medication.

Flo - DJ Short

Flo is a unique motivator that removes barriers, it does not jazz a person up with energy, it does not make one hyper. Flo simply removes mental barriers, reduces depressive feelings, reduces fear, reduces doubt. Tastes like grape,8 week flowering time, small hard buds, excellent for Crop Circle Of Bud growing but little yield per bucket. In my video Tear Down The Wall I have a bucket demonstration of the number of Flo's that can be grown in an 8' x 3' area. I had 19 buckets, which would hold 2 plants each, for 38 Flo plants under one 300 watt LED grow. Worth the effort.

Jack The Ripper - Subcool

Good pain numbing strain but not couch lock. Good for depression.

Kali Mist - Serious

Makes on social, good for depression and menstral cramps. Tastes like spice, women's favorite strains at Cannabis Cups. 12 - 14 weeks flower, I got mine down to 10 - 11 weeks worth Crop Circle Of Bud growing.

Endless Sky - Dr Greenthumb's

A grounding strain for mania and couch lock for when pain from depression is too great to ease with uplifting strains. Great yield and has a 6 week pheno. Doc is a great breeder and eccentric, he will take care of you.

The Dope - Dr Greenthumb

The most mind rocketing strain of the 53 I've grown, great for depression. Stratotropic. Medium yield and 9 - 11 week phenos. A MUST grow for the cannaseur.





Ursus marijanus
I am a clinical depressive (whose condition has resisted all treatment) with a background in biology and chemistry, and I will admit this is the first time I've encountered the mitochondrial hypothesis of depression. Where might i read up on this? cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I am a clinical depressive (whose condition has resisted all treatment) with a background in biology and chemistry, and I will admit this is the first time I've encountered the mitochondrial hypothesis of depression. Where might i read up on this? cn
ditto. This has piqued my interest.


Well-Known Member

My hydrogen pump hypothesis was born of whole cloth while pacing a ward while hospitalized for an oncoming massive 10 month depression, the worst of my life brought on by massive levels of Respirodone.

While simple and intuitive I have no background support for my hypothesis other than how Lithium works chemically, how the mitochondria works, and the biochemistry of the body.

My solutions - massive sweating and fluid replacement, reputable inhibitors for clinically depressives only, fluid circular motions to release endorphins, etc - all work to make me feel better. I THINK that my hypothesis will stand the test of time and therefore must stand up to your questions and criticisms.

Hit me hard with questions and criticism and we'll build this into a theory together, something that will give relief to you and others.


I have done the impossible after 47 years of constant mania and depression and I KNOW that you can do it too!

1,200 mg Lithium
800 mg Seroquil
4 mg Halodol

Daily steam baths (hot tubs or saunas will do the job)
Massive fluid intake to balance brain ph
Dancing to release endorphins
(Tai Chi, speed bag training, Tai Ga)
1+ hour of walking per day
More and more simple movements

No reputable inhibitors FINALLY, and I had to FIGHT the doctors to get this medication mix. What meds are you folks on?



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

With your questions tear down

The fortress of my mind

And from the rubble I will build

My Kingdom Of Heaven



Well-Known Member

Carne thank you for the link, this is the first that I've come across support for my hypothesis!



Well-Known Member

My manic episodes are being treated with a mixture of Lithium, Seroquil and now Haladol.

There appears to be great success in holding down the manic period of my bipolar cycle which in turn should allow less damage to my brain and, in my hydrogen pump model, cause less subsequent depression.

In my model the mania - caused by excess ATP produced to power the neural organelles - causes the damage to the brain that results in depression.


In the bipolar model the mania always comes back after the brain heals itself during depression.

Mania is the natural state for the bipolar brain because there is more ATP being produced to power the neuro chemical producing neurons, as well as extra fuel produced to power all of the Brian's functions.



Well-Known Member
hobbes thanks for the info i think.

This is good information,it has prompted me to look further into
some ideas I had previously rejected.

now i am not pleased with what i read. looking into a proverbial mirror is not pretty.
Is the mirror me or the bipolar model Lokie?

I have fought and fought with bipolar disorder for 25 years and now I think that I finally have a solution through witch I can live a relatively normal life without the pain of depression or the lack of control of mania.

My only proof of my model is my success.


Pharmacist's Adage:

It is more fruitful to teach physics to a monkey than it is to talk biochemistry with a doctor.



Well-Known Member
I see. I am unipolar and not a lithium candidate. My quest continues, plowingly. cn
Cannabineer I assume that you are on reputable inhibitors for clinical depression, you may benefit from steaming or hot tubs to remove high ph sweat (basic) and replace it with apple juice or water to balance PH in the brain.

Balance PH to improve electro conductivity in the brain. Your ph won't be off by much, a fraction of a percentage point will help or harm you.

The opposite of my problem with bipolar disorder.


Dancing or fluid movements like Tai Chi will release endorphins to improve mood.



Well-Known Member
Before today my perception was "THE ENTIRE WORLD IS FUCKED UP" except for me.

Now I must consider "THE ENTIRE WORLD IS FUCKED UP" including me.

I have never put faith in "shrinks" how will a session go when I say "I'm here for help but let
me start by saying I do not believe in your profession."

excuse me while i resist the urge to pound rock into sand bare fisted.

If someone is an asshole avoid them. If everyone is an asshole then look at one's self.


I see myself in your writings Lokie.

I do not trust psychiatrists or their profession. I have been in 4 hospitals for mania in the past 2 years, 3 months being the longest time. Every doctor had me on different medications, in the end I was on 8 meds from 5 different doctors until I found one with courage who combined my meds to what I wanted, and still I had to FIGHT every step of the way.

And yet this one 'brave' doctor would not say that the others were wrong in their prescriptions.

Reuptakes for a bipolar is black letter malpractice.

(Pounds stone to sand. AGAIN!)



Active Member
my dr told me, after prescribing celexa to me, that in the last four years or so, he and his fellow drs, have done 50 times the norm on prescribed anti- depressants. this, hopefully, will suddenly slow down, with a new administration. anyway. there have been studies, that show our "medicine plant", can, and has, caused depression, and even schzophrenia, in SOME people. some are allegic to peanuts. some bee stings. and some are not meant to use ganja. im 54, and pride myself, on being open minded. dosent matter what the subject is, or what "side" likes a certain topic. truth is, after all, truth. i have found, that smoking some jack herer, is an "antidote' for me, if i did some of my godbud, which really had a tendancy to bum me out. negative reflection, i call it. but, smoking some sativa, will break me loose from these feelings. i know of others i have spoken to, that agree. sometimes, abstinence, is all that is needed. take a month off. none at all. see what happens. if notheing else, it will be a nice "clean out" of your systems. to much of anything, is not a good thing.

I live with clinical depression, panic disorder, PTSD, and chronic pain from four crushed vertebrae. Treating my issues by taking a steam bath and eating bananas to correct a "pH imbalance" is a joke. I'm not saying it can't benefit some people, just that it's a very simplistic approach to an extremely complicated problem.

I do agree with your assessment of the mental health profession in general, however. I've seen a lot of doctors over the last few decades, and tried just about every drug, diet and exercise plan on the market. Nothing worked. Most of the physicians treated me like a guinea pig for testing new products and writing papers, rather than expressing any real concern for my suffering. It seems that their primary job is to serve as recruiting agents for the pharmaceutical industry. Today, instead of taking a dozen different meds (including meds to treat the side effects of my meds) I only take one. It's certainly not a cure, but it does help me feel much better about life. I relate the effect of cannabis to the way heavy narcotics treated the pain. It doesn't eliminate the problems, but it reduces them and provides a sort of serene detachment so that I can face them without the overwhelming urge to blow my head off. And unlike aspirin and many other drugs I'm not wrecking the rest of my organs and risking my life to gain a little relief from the endless misery.

You've clearly been around this forum much longer than I, and my biology experience and familiarity with the ATP-ADP cycle is limited to collegiate pre-med. I don't know the chemistry of why cannabis works for me, I just know that it does. Maybe you're on to something. I'm not trying to discourage your studies and every great benefit to medicine begins with a tiny seed, I just think it's premature to make any definitive claims. I don't know you at all and perhaps you're being somewhat satirical in your advice, so please don't take offense if I'm way off base, but including recommendations for several strains of cannabis gives me the impression that you're pushing pseudo-scientific snake oil in order to sell the stuff you've been growing. Only an hour or two to research the mechanisms of marijuana on bipolar neural function? ROFLMFAO. Maybe you should go into psychiatry. ;P

And, as a minister I feel obliged to point out that Jesus did not take vinegar on the cross to manage his bipolar disorder.

:leaf: Golden Buddha :leaf: