brownin on leaves i need a solution


My plant only had a few spots on separate leaves yesterday and now its gotten severely worse, at first I thought it was a calcium def. So I foliar fed with garden lime and egg shells for cal. And also I thought it was a ph problem but I bought a ph tester today and the ph is 6.0 before I flushed it earlir today and now is still at a 6.0 after ? Any ideas ? I had this problem before I used nutrients yesterday for the first time on the oldest fan leaves that I just chopped off yesterday as well. Any imput will help this is the only 1 of my 3 plants that is having this problem

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Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Only flush when you're sure there's nutrient burn or once at the very end of flowering. Flushing washes away the nutrients the plant needs to survive and so will usually hurt the plant. It looks somewhat like Phosphorus deficiency.