Critters eating my stalks

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
3o days into veg and noticed mice were nibbling at base of stalks of some plants. Set out traps and caught 4 in 4 nights, Is there something I should do more and should I be doing anything to the affected areas of the stalk (about three inches up the stalk).? They seem OK but maybe a little stunted compared with the others.


Well-Known Member
Well I never had mice nibble on my plants and dont know the extent of the damage but My dog has stripped the bark off one of my larger plants in my green house last grow and I got some plastic and wrapped it up. So yea, I would say cover it for a couple weeks to help it heal and maybe get a cat.


Well-Known Member
This happened to my buddy. He went in and there would be a hole plant gone... just a stump left lol. For like a month he thought someone was breaking in and jacking his crop. Set up cameras and everything. Well one day I'm chilling there and heard the little (really kinda large. Like 8" body) bastered moving around. Let like 200 sticky pads latter we got him.
Seal up any way they can get in. Look for holes, cracks and gaps. They can fit threw a hole as small as a nickel


Well-Known Member
3o days into veg and noticed mice were nibbling at base of stalks of some plants. Set out traps and caught 4 in 4 nights, Is there something I should do more and should I be doing anything to the affected areas of the stalk (about three inches up the stalk).? They seem OK but maybe a little stunted compared with the others.
Temporarily wrap your stalks in tinfoil until you get rid of your vermin.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Now they are showing signs of being stressed or damaged. Two of my plants are drooping badly (they are the ones they have nibbled on). Any suggestions on what can be done if anything to salvage them or should I quickly take as many clones as I can before they die? The tinfoil sounds like it might keep them away from plants moving forward but again is there anything "medically" so to speak that might keep the others (damaged) alive? Thanks in advance for your help!


Well-Known Member
Now they are showing signs of being stressed or damaged. Two of my plants are drooping badly (they are the ones they have nibbled on). Any suggestions on what can be done if anything to salvage them or should I quickly take as many clones as I can before they die? The tinfoil sounds like it might keep them away from plants moving forward but again is there anything "medically" so to speak that might keep the others (damaged) alive? Thanks in advance for your help!
You could use horticulture parafin, but I just seal wounds with candle wax. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
If the bite took more then half of the stalk I would take as many clones as I could from it right now and start over. If the bites took like 25% of the stalk then I would cover it so it could heal.
Its been a couple days now, if she is going into shock better take what you can.


Well-Known Member
If the bite took more then half of the stalk I would take as many clones as I could from it right now and start over. If the bites took like 25% of the stalk then I would cover it so it could heal.
Its been a couple days now, if she is going into shock better take what you can.
As long as it didn't girdle the stalk, you'd be surprised at how it might recover. Maybe. You could split the difference and take some clones, but leave enough so the plant has a chance to get back in gear.

Always water 20 min before taking cuttings (if you are going to try and save the plant.)