Jacked up clone, wtf is this (pics)


just some guy

looks a little bit like my magnesium deficiency, my spots were more yellowed than white tho

good luck
Hi Absolutepain... thanks for the reply.

I was noticing that it has been 2 months since your last post in that thread that you linked. Did the problem work itself out? how did you remedy it?

I've pretty much figured my clone is a loss, it's sitting in a cup far enough away from my grow area to not affect my other plants. :-|

I've yet to figure out what to do with it.


just some guy
hi there i have the same problem but its far worse everything is just dieing and i have done everything i can do to find out but still no answer it was a every bushy plant but now not many leaves r left and i have the plants out side all there life I REALLY NEED ANSWER BEFOR ITS TO LATE
Boss, I grow indoors, and this is my first grow ever, so I cant really help you figure it out. Isnt it too cold outside this time of year? Good luck Jefe' I hope your plants dont die.

You should flush.Add h2o2 to your soup.This will add oxygen to roots and help fight root rot.Go to grow store and read directions close.You should not grow without h2o2.There is time.
Thanks.. and Agreed! I've been reading alot and have come to the conclusion that h202 would be very beneficial to have on my ever growing "grow shelf" ($$$)

That looks like one of my clones from way back in the day. It only ever happened once. Your clone looks like its way farther degenerated though. At first I thought it was zinc deficiency, but then it got little shifty white spots on it, at which point I transplanted and within a few days everything cleared up. But considering you're hydroponic, I got no ideas.
Appreciate the input! I really want to rule out pests, because there is no sign at all on any of my other plants, but perhaps they just have a natural resistence to thrips (or whatever pest may have overtaken this clone).

These little white spots are kind of shiney too.

Nope mate not at all.
All clones are dipped before they are sold especially if they were previously mite infested.

I have no exp at all with your kind of growing methods though so i cant be of any more help really.
I have heard of something called necrotic spots though so that might be worth you looking into,other than that mate sorry but i don't know:blsmoke:
I looked up Necrotic spots, and they look very different than what my plant looks like. Hopefully I've ruled that possibility out.

I really wish I had the space or setup to seperate this plant into it's own quarantined area with everything that it would need so that I could see if I can bring it back from whatever funk it's in right now.

I dont think I can though. I may put it in the garage in a 5 gallon bucket with a bubble stone in it. Not exactly ideal conditions, but I was stressing way too much about contamination.:?


Well-Known Member
Yeah i also looked up necrotic spots after that and i agree its not that.
If you ask someone like skunkushybrid or filthyfletch they have a lot of exp with hydro and aireo grows and if its some kind of deficiency they may know what it is.
It just looks like mite attacks to me but considering all the problems you say you've got i don't have a clue mate which is why i stick to pots of soil:blsmoke:


just some guy
Yeah i also looked up necrotic spots after that and i agree its not that.
If you ask someone like skunkushybrid or filthyfletch they have a lot of exp with hydro and aireo grows and if its some kind of deficiency they may know what it is.
It just looks like mite attacks to me but considering all the problems you say you've got i don't have a clue mate which is why i stick to pots of soil:blsmoke:
lol... I dont know why, but soil seems more complex and intimidating to me, which is why I decided to go for hydro.

Oddly enough, all of my problems were very minor, just simple things that I was doing wrong, that were very easily corrected. That was before I bought this clone. I guess root rot is contagious? I believe I still have time to fix the brown slime on my other roots, a simple flush and some enzymes should heal them up.

Damn this clone! This just goes to show that I really need to learn to clone successfully on my own so I dont have to deal with this.

I'm also going to build a system, and create an area where any new plants can relax in quarantine safely away from my other plants until I deem them "worthy" of my garden.

pics of horrid roots soon to come. ugh


just some guy
ugly roots as promised.

I went to the hydro shop to pick up some horticultural grade H202... they didnt carry it. I explained the problem, and he suggested something called "subdue" to kill the root rott pathogen. And I also got some hygrozyme to eat away at the bad stuff.

to answer my own question... root rott is HIGHLY contagious

This clone will end up costing me around 100 when all is said and done, and it may be dead! lol

Tomorrow I will make a simple 5 gallon bucket DWC for it, and jam it under a CFL for a cuppa weeks.



Active Member
umm without a doubt its mites. the weebing is only on the underside of the leaves adn that is not always visible without a scope. more likey you will see the tiny black or brown spots on the underside.. mites thrive and they are hard as hell to get rid of.. might as well get rid of it and clean everythign abnd start over. got any ladybugs? they love to eat those mites for breakfast


just some guy
umm without a doubt its mites. the weebing is only on the underside of the leaves adn that is not always visible without a scope. more likey you will see the tiny black or brown spots on the underside.. mites thrive and they are hard as hell to get rid of.. might as well get rid of it and clean everythign abnd start over. got any ladybugs? they love to eat those mites for breakfast
The plant is under quarantine right now, but it was in with the other plants long enough to give them root rott.

There are no spots at all on the underside of the leaves. When I originally figured it was thrips, the description said there would be visible poop and that I could see the thrips with a magnifying glass, well, I have a 30 power micro(macro?)scope and I still dont see anything. The white spots have actually got better a little.

Suprisingly so because I've had the netpot just sitting in a cup (as in the picture above. Just today I put the clone into a quick made up DWC from a 5 gallong bucket that I had in my garage. I have subdue and hygrozyme with very weak nutrients in PH'd RO water to try and heal up the roots.

I'll post a picture in a few minutes.

I fucking hope it's not 'without a doubt' mites, that will really bum me out. IF they are mites, they are super fuckin tiny, because I cannot see the little bastards!

Thanks for the post KFJohn, I'm going to go take a picture and see if I cant spot a mite somewhere on the plant.


Well-Known Member
If i had to guess from 4000 miles away:mrgreen:i would say that the mother had mites and or thrips,they dipped the plant and got rid of them all but the mites and thrips had already infected the plants stems and now all though the offenders are gone the diseases that they spread and the damage they do have spread to the rest of your crop.

Apparently the germs spread by thrips cannot be gotten rid of.
I wouldn't buy clones from that place ever again as they obviously either haven't a clue or are ripping people of for money.
Seeing as the plants have been dipped to get rid of whatever bugs there were i expect they just ripping people of and trying to get some cash back on their ruined plants.

We know that there were some kind of bugs infecting the leafs because of the spots so we can assume that they are using bad clones either out of foolishness or profit greed:blsmoke:


just some guy
If i had to guess from 4000 miles away:mrgreen:i would say that the mother had mites and or thrips,they dipped the plant and got rid of them all but the mites and thrips had already infected the plants stems and now all though the offenders are gone the diseases that they spread and the damage they do have spread to the rest of your crop.

Apparently the germs spread by thrips cannot be gotten rid of.
I wouldn't buy clones from that place ever again as they obviously either haven't a clue or are ripping people of for money.
Seeing as the plants have been dipped to get rid of whatever bugs there were i expect they just ripping people of and trying to get some cash back on their ruined plants.

We know that there were some kind of bugs infecting the leafs because of the spots so we can assume that they are using bad clones either out of foolishness or profit greed:blsmoke:
This was the first clone that I've ever bought, and ... needless to say, lesson learned.

here are updated pictures of the kush clone in it's new segregation unit.



Well-Known Member
Well i read the other day that clones or plants that are infected by some germ spread by thrips can never be healed.
Be careful that you dont constantly infect all of your future efforts.:blsmoke:


Active Member
yeah dude.. they are tiny.. but i can see the eggs on the undersides from here.. and I am in the far east bro.. but yeah looks like mites to me.. not thrips. I would quarantine it in a chamber with alot of lady bugs. you can buy them someplaces.online if anything. that is about the only cure that i have ever had luck with.. keep everything way clean too... mites are a bitch to get rid of and then some. But you at least got to try.. take your scope and look very carefully at the underside of the infected leaves. Tell me if you see some almost clear loking bugs.. you should be alble to see them with your scope.. but i have dealt with those things many times and for now that is still my prognosis.. cheers man..
ps.. 100% NOT a fert problem or a pH problem.. these are mites man..I really hope that I am wrong!! After all I cant see them up close.. but take a gander.... look for them eggs and adults on the undersides. everyone of those tiny white spots are where the mite has sucked thier food from the leaf.


New Member
mites are quite evil creatures. ive had spider mites 1 time in 3 years of growing weed man. I never bring in clones from an outside source because of the risk of pests by it. outside clones from other people, and outside clones from my plants outside as well.


just some guy
here is a nice shot under magnification of some mites and some mite eggs..
Awww... they're almost cute! (sorry to everyone who hates them, I hate them too)

So katfishJohn... you ... were... RIGHT. FUCK!

I was sipping my milwaukees best, and I walked by the sick clone that I had in the kitchen, I happened to just glance at one leaf at the right time, and two little tiny things were moving! mother of fuck... I cant even be having that shit. I think that the mites were off of it when I first got it, because as natmoon suggested, it was probably dipped. But eggs must have survived, and the eggs hatched.

Now on to my final solution...

I will take Kochab's advice to heart, NO clone comes even close to my kids unless it's had two or 3 weeks by itself well away from my grow area. Even then I dont really feel safe, but I'm leary of clones that I can buy now.

I am also lucky enough to have 3 plants in flower, 1 super-star, and 2 satori plants, and they are ALL female. Additionally, I see roots popping out of 2 of the clones that I took from each strain. I really feel lucky, I just hope the mites dont get to the other area.

(more pics to come of the viking funeral of the Master Kush clone)

BIG THANKS to everyone who replied to this thread and helped me through all of this. Another thing is I still dont think they are spider mites, because there were no 'web' like things that I could rub off with my fingers. so I guess the final diagnosis is thrip eggs, that popped.


Well-Known Member
Thats some lush blue yak what kind of light is that?
Sorry to hear that you had to burn that plant,i take it you didn't want to risk reinfection.


just some guy
Thats some lush blue yak what kind of light is that?
Sorry to hear that you had to burn that plant,i take it you didn't want to risk reinfection.
I Burnaby Jonesed those fucker mites. Everything was going so well till the kush clone came in... so trial by fire for 'her'. Tis a shame, but I think it's worth it.

The story behind the light... My camera seems to have a hard time focusing with the 3 150 Watt HPSs on, so I followed someone's advice on here (BSI?) who suggested to turn the lights off and just use the camera flash. I took those pictures in the dark , the resulting pics (the blueish ones) are what the flash does in the dark.:idea:

I use cheapy 18 dollar lights that I purchased from amazon.com via the keen eyes from some people here at RUI. The plants seem to like the light so far, but I'd still like to get a nice 600W digital with an air cooled hood. OR a cool tube, I cannot decide between a cool tube or hood yet.

decisions... decisions.:?


Well-Known Member
Try taking a look at these new cmh bulbs from phillips they look very good on paper.
I am waiting to hear back from phillips on a few technicalities but definitely worth looking at:blsmoke: