Making Mescaline HCL A Bold Reality!


New Member
i did get the inner part :) i dont really like msskng with chemicals. im prepraed i survived a 15 HBWR lsa trip. berry smoothies ae the bomb


Well-Known Member
i did get the inner part :) i dont really like msskng with chemicals. im prepraed i survived a 15 HBWR lsa trip. berry smoothies ae the bomb
The all natural route I see :)

Well if it works let me know and I might give that a try! It's just something about pure mescaline that steals the moment...

I hear if you don't concoct the seeds correctly... you're in for one nauseous ride. But hell you seemed to be the master chief in it!


Well-Known Member
If it ensues with nasty stomach cramps then I rather pass. I get top rated chemicals... but I do believe in the natural way of things. But I rather extract to prevent nausea ;)


Well-Known Member
You talk of mescaline like its so abundant. *Who would deface the value of mescalito by taking 2 grams? *But why so apprehensive with the Xylene :lol:[/QUOTE

Well I never start out thinking I am going to take that much, but just keep taking more as the night goes on. It's easy to do when it is so clean feeling leaving you with no nausea. I usually have an abundant amount when I do an extraction on 6-8 foot long cuttings at a time. To me there is a huge difference in the larger dose mescaline trips than my lighter journeys. The large doses are the ones that are stored as memories to me in ways lower doses can not compare, which for me it's about the quality of the trip not how often I can dose again. Two grams does sound like too much for me (for now) but was just stating it can be done without much harm.*
Xylene is just a nasty chemical to me. I just open the container and my entire house reeks of it, much different from naptha. I usually extended an extraction over a large period of time, so that much exposure to xylene is something would like to avoid. Maybe I try using D-limonene or something with a much milder smell if I start one up soon.


Well-Known Member
Can't argue with that brother!

Mescaline is such a gentle creature of insight... and when the final product comes in and its top notch there is little to no body load, much like the Fluff :)

I bet the two will compliment each other very well!

Xylene bites you in the ass when it comes to the smell... I'd suggest the D-Limonene route in your case. Email me mate ;)


Well-Known Member
Can't argue with that brother!

Mescaline is such a gentle creature of insight... and when the final product comes in and its top notch there is little to no body load, much like the Fluff :)

I bet the two will compliment each other very well!

Xylene bites you in the ass when it comes to the smell... I'd suggest the D-Limonene route in your case. Email me mate ;)


Well-Known Member

Just clean your stuff with acetone, no need for limo.
The batch I posses is tan... like golden yellow ANC. It smells quite nice... nothing like solvent or anything. The person said it only has some chlorophyll and polysaccarides from the cacti itself... no stomach discomfort from it. What's your take on tan mescaline?


Well-Known Member
The batch I posses is tan... like golden yellow ANC. It smells quite nice... nothing like solvent or anything. The person said it only has some chlorophyll and polysaccarides from the cacti itself... no stomach discomfort from it. What's your take on tan mescaline?
i've heard from tan to white is best.... brown is another story though, plus no bad smell is good sign im sure you know all this and thats why you ask anc for his opinion lol im sure he has much more to tell on the tan color...

any one read this book
"The organic chem lab survival manual" by James w. Zubrick


Well-Known Member
Great suggestion Darth. I'll look into that book very soon. The person who gifted me with the mescaline is a pioneer in the area so I fully trust in him. I love the aroma of this mescaline... although I wish it came in crystal shards!


Well-Known Member
I haven't read it but i think im going to soon, its like super beginners to organic chem book there are more advanced books for sure but this one is suposed to be somewhat entertaining while teaching... good for beginners like me


Well-Known Member
If you can vouch for the person, I would not worry about the colour.
Letting the xtals stand open for a while will allow the solvents to evaporate off.

That being said, with entheogens natural purgeing effects are not to be combated, it is part of the cleansing, is normally of short duration, and quickly forgotten when you reach your peak.


Well-Known Member
I plan on doing this soon... just trying to find fresh free cactus... if i cant i'll buy them from my local cactus store... at 2 dollars an inch it wont be as cheap though.....


Well-Known Member
If you can vouch for the person, I would not worry about the colour.
Letting the xtals stand open for a while will allow the solvents to evaporate off.

That being said, with entheogens natural purgeing effects are not to be combated, it is part of the cleansing, is normally of short duration, and quickly forgotten when you reach your peak.
How does good Sanchez smell in your experience?