opinions please


The 4 small plants have been in flower for 5 days. The first 2 pics, leaves are ruffely and want to droop IMG_1363.jpgIMG_1364.jpgAs for the little ones, Do they need a little N maybe? The new groth seems too light but the older leaves are not yellowing at all.IMG_1362.jpgIMG_1361.jpgWhat do you think of my clone?2 weeks in flowerIMG_1360.jpgone last pic of the youngin'sIMG_1359.jpg

What say you?


here they are before the switch to 12/12IMG_1320.jpgIMG_1319.jpg
somethings lacking, what are you feeding them with ?
They are in MG soil so I hadn't gave them anything until the swtch to 12/12 then I gave them 1/4 dose of FF Big Bloom. Also I am PHing the water this time around. The PH and the Big Bloom are the only changes I made, 4 previouse grows were all MG soil and well water only, the only prob I had was running low on N too soon. Thought that maybe getting the ph right would fix that but now I have other issues here. sigh


Well-Known Member
are these new strains for you ? and are the yellow ones all the same strain. I've heard some strains are Magnesium hogs when they bloom. Your Phing may be off and you have a nutrient lockout. Foliar feeding epsom salts is safe and fast if it's a magnesium deficiency. Well water is usually very high in dossolved minerals if you don't flush them ouit you could get problems. Try rainwater if you can collect it (or melted snow)


I have a ph 600 "pen" meter and both the collaboration solutions. My water is around 8 so I have been lowering it to 7, the run off still comes out high 5's. OH yea, I added more perlite to the soil And added some dolomite to a couple of them to see the difference. So if it is lock out adding anything won't help, right? Flush? This is the same bag seed I have grown each time. I want to get this all figured out before I start good seeds. Has anyone heard of a strain that is Hindu kush x Pineapple Kush X Sour Diesel? That is what I have for when I am ready to try something other than these bag seeds (can't complain about the bag seeds tho, they have produced some super dank buds)

Thanks you guys for chiming in, I really appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
I. So if it is lock out adding anything won't help, right? Flush?
is that a peat based soil, if so flushing is ALWAYS recommended. As the peat breaks down it acidifies the soil if you don't flush out the humic acid. Dolomite is a very hard limestone so it has to be incorporated into the soil at the beginning of the grow. Perlite is neautral so you can (and should) add as much as you can afford.
It's recyclable BTW, dump your spent soil into a tub of water, it floats and you skim it off with a screaned scoop.