Club 600

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
mr west- I had a serious problem with PM and spider mites my second grow. I was spraying to get rid of the mites more then the PM. The neem oil did nothing beneficial for the PM, it would come back in a couple days. Green Cure was used on sperate days to battle the PM. The PM was gone within a month or two after using greencure, the mites have never gone away completley. I have a layout for the war I will be waging on the mites, if it proves successful I will let you know. I have controlled the mites population for a long time (seriously a loooong time) but I want them all DEAD!


Well-Known Member
mr west- I had a serious problem with PM and spider mites my second grow. I was spraying to get rid of the mites more then the PM. The neem oil did nothing beneficial for the PM, it would come back in a couple days. Green Cure was used on sperate days to battle the PM. The PM was gone within a month or two after using greencure, the mites have never gone away completley. I have a layout for the war I will be waging on the mites, if it proves successful I will let you know. I have controlled the mites population for a long time (seriously a loooong time) but I want them all DEAD!
You need to make some seeds and shut down for a few weeks, Bleach and clean everything.
Thats the best way. Wear gloves & bag your clothes comming in and out.


Well-Known Member
I got spider mites on my first grow bad since I didn't know what to look for or what I was looking at until it was pretty far along. I was able to kill the little bastards pretty quickly and hadn't seen any signs of them until I brought the WW and the JH clones home from a dispensary that I have going now. This time around they are proving much more difficult to remedy. I decided to try spraying more often and in higher concentrations to see if that helps before buying a different product. I sprayed on Thurs night with the intention of spraying again on Sat night but didn't get to do it until Sunday. I sprayed the plants in the veg room yesterday and all of the plants again this morning. I didn't spray the flowering plants yesterday because I fed them and the humidity goes up quite a bit with that. I know the humidity would go up even more with the spray so I waited til this morning. The humidity is still high but not off the charts and I stuck another fan in there to circulate the air better for the day.
I sprayed the walls, floor and doors too the last couple of times while I was at it just for good measure. Only place I didn't spray was inside the cooler that is to be my reservoir for the hydro.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
You need to make some seeds and shut down for a few weeks, Bleach and clean everything.
Thats the best way. Wear gloves & bag your clothes comming in and out.
...weeks huh. Im pretty sure that would require more then a couple weeks of shutting down the op. I dont have the option of shutting down shop for 1 week. My grow isnt just a hobby, and I have been growing with mites for a long time. They didnt really bug me when I started growing. Now im just tired of the routine to keep their numbers down. Many growers in my community have had this problem for longer then I have, and we shared our knowledge and have defeated them in other grows around here. I was cautious at first about the program, but its worked or friends, and should work for me. I will post my results and how I got there when im done. I honestly dont have time to discuss the plan in full and answer questions. I dont think it would be fair to lay out a battle plan and not be here to answer questions readily. I just dont have the option of closing up shop, my grow is perpetual, it would take awhile to get it back up....minimum of 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
You need to make some seeds and shut down for a few weeks, Bleach and clean everything.
Thats the best way. Wear gloves & bag your clothes comming in and out.
I done that and then managed to re-infect everything from my outdoor....I wish I had somewhere else to dry as I had to dry my outdoor in the grow room, this brought my PM and my Mites back with evengance. I have once againe moved everything out of the grow room, cleaned and now back again.

I have just finished tinkering around with my air flow in the room. So now I have fresh air coming into the cool tubes, I have a y splitter, one side going to the cool tube, and the other that leads off to another fan to have some fresh air come into the room, (NB the fan for the cool tubes is a ruck fan and the fan for the side duct for fresh air is just a low powered one - anyone think this'll mess up the air flow going into the cool tube? Seems to be okay at the moment) Then the top of the light tower the fan exhausts back out and down through ducting that exits next to the inlet ducting. This then blows the warm air back out to my door where there is a gap to the outside.
I have effectively eliminated the carbon filter for the time being and I am considering having a carbon filter on the end of my exhaust that will take the hot air back into my house to heat the house (bearing in mind that this hot air doesn't get mixed up with the smell from the grow cab anyway)
I know you should pull through a carbon filter, but any thoughts? Perhaps another fan to draw the air from the exhaust and through the filter.....

So in brief - Outside Air>Duct>CoolTube>Fan>Duct>Outside (but I am wasting all this hot air!!!!)

OB 1

Active Member
no idea man probably not, but then again i would have said this was a 1 in a million chance it would happen to me. but it did.

re the mites. this strip will kill pretty much all pests in the grow room.

works 100%, bout the only thing that does.
I HIGHLY recommend these No Pest Strips - they are the only thing that will absolutely kill every mite. You just can't hang out in the grow room for hours since it's not good to breathe. Still, it's SO much better than getting buds wet with sprays IMHO.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn straight OB1 honestly buy it hang it up in the op 3-4 days later remove it and chuck it out, they are pretty hardcore. they killed the test rabbits pretty quickly apparently.


Well-Known Member
carrying cancerous properties by all accounts.....3-4 days in the grow room, how the fuck are you supposed to water your plants without killing yourself, lol??
damn straight OB1 honestly buy it hang it up in the op 3-4 days later remove it and chuck it out, they are pretty hardcore. they killed the test rabbits pretty quickly apparently.


Well-Known Member
customer review......

"There is sufficient evidence from non-mammalian systems to indicate that DDVP has the intrinsic potential for inducing genetic alteration . . . I would recommend that human exposure be avoided if possible."

Dr. Valcovic's concern is with the silent violence of low level chronic exposure which millions of people here and abroad have unknowingly, endured.

Shell, on the other hand, does not seem to be as concerned. It pays its laboratory testers and gets its com forting interpretations while the cash registers merrily ring up millions in annual sales.


Well-Known Member
I don't do anything quickly, haha, I think I'll wait and see if mine return, then go for something drastic like that. problem is I smoke in my grow room, otherwise cancer ain't gonna be an issue, hypothermia may though, lol

quickly hahaha seriously tho your exposure for that half hour wont hurt you.

everything gives you cancer these days man.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so i could have unbeknown to myself been genetically altered by the hot shot strip!?!?!?

well if you want something dead i guess mutation at a genetic level and cancer will do it for you :shock:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Masonman and Dez, my headband and casey jones will be six weeks old tomorrow, my headband is nine inches tall and the casey jones fourteen inches. I'm curious, how did you guys get to the point you are at now with your plants...meaning. I let my beans soak in water until a tap root appeared, put beans in jiffy pots until plants appeared. After several days, put jiffy pellet into party cup with soil. After a week or so transplanted into half gallon grow bag. Two weeks later, bottom of bag cut off and added to two gallon smart pots. So each plant now has approximately a two and a half gallon container. The girls have each grown only another five inches since the transplant two weeks ago. I intended to use the plants for clones but once they started growing, they both stayed so compact I decided to keep them and move them into bigger homes. I'll be taking a few cuttings from each plant this weekend, maybe six each and it will also clear out the bottoms of the plants a bit, they need it. I'll get some new pics up either tonight or tomorrow night.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip on the strips, haha. Ordered some just now from Amazon and will hang them up ASAP. I just cant stand the damn things and like someone already mentioned, I don't really like spraying my plants with stuff. If these things really work like you say, I'll be spraying all of the plants with some plain water daily for a week or so to rinse the other crap off before harvest.

I'm at day 60 with the autos and they're getting that finishing look to them now. Gettin their swell on, lol. Two of the Afghan plants have some pistils starting to change color and are swelling a bit too so I think they're getting close, maybe another week or two until chop for them and the other should be about a week behind since it went in the flower room about a week later.


Well-Known Member
Masonman and Dez, my headband and casey jones will be six weeks old tomorrow, my headband is nine inches tall and the casey jones fourteen inches. I'm curious, how did you guys get to the point you are at now with your plants...meaning. I let my beans soak in water until a tap root appeared, put beans in jiffy pots until plants appeared. After several days, put jiffy pellet into party cup with soil. After a week or so transplanted into half gallon grow bag. Two weeks later, bottom of bag cut off and added to two gallon smart pots. So each plant now has approximately a two and a half gallon container. The girls have each grown only another five inches since the transplant two weeks ago. I intended to use the plants for clones but once they started growing, they both stayed so compact I decided to keep them and move them into bigger homes. I'll be taking a few cuttings from each plant this weekend, maybe six each and it will also clear out the bottoms of the plants a bit, they need it. I'll get some new pics up either tonight or tomorrow night.
I used the paper towel method to crack the seed. Then I put it in Rockwool cubes until there was a plant. Put the cube into a party cup for a couple weeks and then into a 1 gal pot for a bit and finally into the 3gal pot it's in now. Mine has stayed really compact and I cleared the bottom out yesterday since there were a few skinny little branches hiding under there and some big fat leaves that were resting on the soil so that they were getting burned from the nutes in the soil every time I watered. I haven't given any nutes, it just gets whatever is in the FFOF soil.
Mine is probably only a foot or so tall now with a bunch of budsites around the top of it. I topped it for 4 tops and then topped those 4 tops so they split into 8 new shoots all up top. My Cat Kush is a little taller but not by much and it got the same treatment as the HB.