My first Grow Journal 3 Bagseeds, buds for less, LST, begginer, appreciating input


Weed Modifier
Man, I can't even THINK about what I'll get. Will it be 3 grams? or 1 oz? or more ? or nothing :) I'm so curious, but also I'm starting to build up patience, I will let them grow a bit bigger. In a week I'll also get my 6th CFL so I'll tie 2 together and have 6 total (4 2700k 2 6500k) so I hope that will be enough.. I will have a total of 150W CFL...
they have " Y " connectors for bulbs you can use...2 in 1. hardware store? i like you are doing mixed spectrum too... as i feel it benefits the plants. Full spectrum!!! lol


Well-Known Member
He says he dosn't want to go to big on lights but he got enough cfls to light up time square.:lol:
Joking dude i reckon you will get at least a ounce


Well-Known Member
:) thanks for the kind words. If I get an ounce out of them I will be more then super happy. I'm hoping for a few grams to see how my homegrown will taste, but yeah, if I get more I'll think about you guys every time I light up a doobie :)


Well-Known Member
I need help with something. My nutes finally arrived for the flowering, so I plan to go into 12/12 starting with Saturday. My question now is, since I'm doing 24 hours light now, will I fuck them up if I go into 24-36 hours of darkness to induce flowering? Does that increase chances to get hermies by any chace? Coz if it does, they I won't fuck with it... +rep for quick reply


hey, i think it's ok to put them on window cause the light its 12/12 now for 2-3 day, then u go on the cfl 12/12 ( i did this and they seems to be very healthy )


Well-Known Member
So, I took these pics about an hour ago, I'm sorry for the quality, my camera is acting up again.. but I hope you'll get the idea.


So? What do you say guys? Are they ready for flowering? I say they are! On Saturday I'm changing from 24/0 to 12/12 :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
I put my plants into 24 hours of darkness before flipin and nether had a hemie because of it. Can't wait to see the buds developing


Well-Known Member
I put my plants into 24 hours of darkness before flipin and nether had a hemie because of it. Can't wait to see the buds developing
yo thanks man, I'm super excited about how the buds will develop. with teraflora bloom and overdrive I hope that I will fatten them a lot. Also at Christmas Santa Claus will bring them a new set of lights for blooming, and I will have over 150W CFL in that 1 sqm space :) also I'm using fresh spring water from now on every time I feed them.


Hey guys!

So I promised some people that I will start a grow journal. Thing is.. I don't have any special equipment and I really do this to the most limited budget you can get (and still have lights) :)

I'm growing indoor bag seeds, all 3 coming from some of the best smokes I ever had. Funny thing is, they are 3 different seeds from 3 different bags and only one seed was in each bag :) Hopefully I'll get me some sensi... :leaf::leaf::leaf:

Now then, here are some picks from the begining. These were done on the 8th of Nov. View attachment 1273190View attachment 1273191View attachment 1273192View attachment 1273193View attachment 1273194View attachment 1273195View attachment 1273196View attachment 1273197View attachment 1273198

Give me a moment to upload more pics.
The sensi you refer to is just bud without seed, or the proper spanish translation from which sensimilla comes from is "uvas sin semilla or seedless grapes. The spelling of sensimilla came about because spanish and english vowels sound different.


Well-Known Member
The sensi you refer to is just bud without seed, or the proper spanish translation from which sensimilla comes from is "uvas sin semilla or seedless grapes. The spelling of sensimilla came about because spanish and english vowels sound different.
You been reading jorge cervantes books ain't ya, HB this is a book i would recomend


Well-Known Member
thanks shritpiece, I'll look into it once I have some free time at hand. Right now I'm happy I have some time for my babies. 2 more days 'till 12/12 and I got kickass nutes ready for 'em :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I'm happy to be back, had to take care of my girlfriend these past few days because she had some tooth surgery.. but now I'm back with updates and updates:

1. NUTES!!!! and stuff

View attachment 1316447 Here is what I got. I hope this will help me with the flowering. Unfortunately it seems like the PH tester did not work., but I'll look more into it. I've only ordered a few rockwool cubes buuuuut it seems like these are the fewest they can deliver so yeah. I think I"m good with those for the next few years :)

2. Flowering time, they are now on 12/12, I fed them the new nutes, I have no idea what state they are in now, as I fed them about 12 hours ago, and I can't see them for another 8-9 hours. I hope I didn't use too much. I have used 4 drops in 1.5L of water. Only watered both plants with half the water available. That's about 400ml per plant. I hope they will be ok.. :leaf:

3. Pics!!! New round of LST, both plants look very good, I still don't know what the other one is, but I'm expecting to see preflowers in the next few days:


Last night they got 8 hours of dark, and from tonight they will go into 12/12 .

I'm goign to need some advice with the nutes, and how often to use them.

Again sorry for pics quality but I think it's enough. Feedback!!! :) Peace :leaf:



Active Member
<3 Lovin' these man! They're goin V V Well :) I'm so proud! :D They look like a nice tidy strain as well :) looks like good bag seeds, they seem to always be the best, me and my mates found about 4-5 TOTALLY different phenoes, some where so colurful and tasty, and others looked not v nice but packed the punch. So all in all i hope you find some tidy phenoes =) <3

And nice to see ya over here OGPanda :D *WAVE*


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the kind words fellas, I'm super proud of them myself. Hopefully in a few days I'll see hairs, many many white juicy hairs...:weed: