Help seeds


Active Member
Hello im looking for some cheap feminised seeds , my price range is about £20 for a pack.
does anyone know any cheap websites with decent seeds .
i am a fairly decent grower , can any1 give me any advice on what strains yield big , not too botherd about the quality of the smoke

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
You can check out my grows in my signature. Both grows have been Nirvana seeds. They are about the cheapest seeds you can get that will actualy show up at your door. But on both of my grows I had a hermi problem with their fem seeds at the end of flowering. But both of the strains put out over 2 oz per plant with topping once. My LST didn't do so well on yeild. My NL from them put out some big ass buds and alot of yeild, just keep an eye out for naners while flowering.


Active Member
hey i have got a plant going right now half way through week 4 of flowering and some nannas appeared not many i just pulled them off the plant is full of bud aswell what shall i do


Well-Known Member
keep an eye on it and keep doing what you are doing.

And for cheap seeds, you are going to be hard pressed to find them that cheap. Like HS said, Nirvana is about the cheapest you will find that will be delivered to you.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
hey i have got a plant going right now half way through week 4 of flowering and some nannas appeared not many i just pulled them off the plant is full of bud aswell what shall i do
If it is the only one then you can try to keep up on the naners with tweezers. But if it is in with others then you are taking a big chance. If one banana opens all of your plants will get polenated and start making seeds. I choped mine down :( But it was in my flower room with 8 other plants. I didn't want to miss one naner and have my whole crop go to shit!


Active Member
ive got 4 other plants in there too , they all looking really good if it does pollinate is bud with seed better than no bud at all


Well-Known Member
bud with seed is still good. It will just have a little less weight in smokable materials.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
ive got 4 other plants in there too , they all looking really good if it does pollinate is bud with seed better than no bud at all
If I were you I would chop it. Naners can grow anywhere on the plant! You will probably miss one. How far into flower are you? I cut mine down and just by looking at it I can say for sure I will still pull 2 oz's off her and he/she was only 40 days into flower.


Active Member
4 and a half week into flower ive put so much time into this i dont want to throw the crop away , i might just throw that 1 away but it is the best plant coverd in bud will be alot on that 1 whats the best advice

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
4 and a half week into flower ive put so much time into this i dont want to throw the crop away , i might just throw that 1 away but it is the best plant coverd in bud will be alot on that 1 whats the best advice
Well I don't see fucking up three plants to save one hermi. I know it sucks bro I just went through what you are going through two days ago! ;) But in this business you need to learn to cut your losses. If there is some bud on there chop her and dry the bud out and smoke it. If you are going to sell your bud then people aren't going to be happy with seeds in it. And if your hermi polenates your plants your plants will concentrate on building seeds and not as much energy will go into the bud production. Like I said I know it sucks and it is a hard decision but I would take the hermi down. If you want to keep it then go for it, lessons are best learned from experiance.


Active Member
probably chop it down tomoz bro , is there any chance i could keep it in basement under a light or is it better to completely remove it from house

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
i dont have any fans in the tent tho can pollen still travel without moving air
Pollen will travel! even just moving the plants around or opening the tent can stir up polen. And why are you growing with no air movement? Oh and if you have room/light yeah grow the he/she downstairs. Just keep up on the bananas at least twice a day I would check it. And get some airmovement in that tent!


Active Member
i will do , the temp is spot on right now i will move her down stairs cheers again bro have you got any seeds to trade or anything

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
i will do , the temp is spot on right now i will move her down stairs cheers again bro have you got any seeds to trade or anything
No I have some seeds but not anything I am willing to mail anywhere. I am in the States and I am legal MMJ person but I wouldn't risk that mialing seeds to someone I don't know. You would be hard pressed to find anyone on here that was willing to take that chance. If I were you I would get some seeds from Sannies. Like I said I have only heard great things about them. And good luck with that hermi! If you stay on top of it you might be alright. Also check the whole plant! Not just the top buds. I had bananas growing everywhere on my NL hermi!


I have found from experience with hermies (about the only thing I have plenty of experience with) that you can spend hours every day looking and plucking and you really can't get them all. With that said I still do not chop them down. The pollination seems to be minimal and if you aren't selling it or you don't mind a few seeds it's worth saving. I got almost 3 ounces off the one I just harvested and I new it was going to hermie because I used a seed from a previous hermie because the bud was so good. ;)


I should make clear that you DO have to try and pluck as many balls and nanners as you can find through out flower to minimize the amount of seeds. The flowers that show up the last week or two I don't worry about anymore because they don't seem to have time to do any further pollination.