Full info on Vinegar.
My tap water has high Cal..and high PH..
it is 8.4 ph which is the Higest acceptable level for drinking water..
so Most people will be below that level.
The high Cal is See-able in the kettle..it furs up the element.
When it furs up the kettle...you fill it full of water and a cup of white wine vinegar and boil it.
It dissolves the calcium..and your kettle comes up like new.
(Old fashioned Tip..)
The water that comes out the kettle is Clear..no residue/slurry...in fact..the water looks brilliant/clear.
FullD got me oxygenating my tap water..and balancing the PH..
(simply..if your water is too acid..you add an alkali...if your water is too alkali..you add an acid...)
We balanced the water with Pool ph down.
Although I saw a difference with the oxygen...I was still getting Cal build up in my leaves by around 6 weeks.
(leaves are the Lungs of plants...if you clog them up...you screw the plant up..nothing can live with no lungs..)
Knowing the vinegar clears it in the kettle..And the fact that it is an Acid...so it would lower my PH as well...
I thought I would give it a try..
Worst case senario..it would kill my plants.
What I wasn't sure of was would the Vinegar dissolve the cal in Cold water..
I couldn't afford to boil all the water..I use 50 ltrs a day in the summer.
So..the vinegar was added to the COLD WATER and I bubbled the water..to mix it thoroughly.
Checked it with my ph meter.
On MY water ph..it takes 250 mls..to 50 ltrs of water...50 ltrs is around 110 Pints.
That is ALL that has been done...
(compo..ferts all the same..)
not only have my plants returned to the vigor I had before the cal build up..
they have exceeded it by about 30% in growth
(work That one out on your last harvest figures...)
So...we are not sure if the vinegar is simply dealing with the cal build up...
or if it is actually feeding the soil as well.
I can't explain it...
I know certain tannins can help soil..
thinking maybe some wild yeasts..but they can't be active or the vinegar would be cloudy..
I really don't know..I Think the dilution is too small to hold anything significant.
But..looking at the results..Something is happening...and it is right across the board..
ALL phenos..ALL genetics.
What FullD wants is a couple of you that have multi-pot grows to try using the vinegar as an additive to see if you all get the same results as Me....
OR..if it is My particular water problems that are being resolved.
So anyone wanting to volunteer to TEST the theory...would be greatly apprecited.
IF we can get a 30% increase on plant vigor with something as simple as a spoonful of vinegar
we would be Heros......