Hey Heatless, stoked on your progress! One thing to consider is a closed closet doesnt get much fresh air, its mostly stale air so your should air out your closet regularly also. Ive done monotubs in a closet but its a common practice with monotubs to have a small fan circulating air in the room, so that helps with air circulation in a closet with monos... problem is your not recomended to have a fan with a shotgun chamber because it messes up the natural process of how it works... So... I advise you to either leave your closet door open all the time as I do(recomended), or use the door to fan the closet out whenever you go to mist and fan the tub. Also, different cakes at different stages in the chamber shouldnt be a problem... just make sure and watch the older cakes for contams closely and toss em at the first sign. Also, all the cakes should pin in a proper built shotgun, but dont expect the same pinset from all of them... When working with multi spore syringes you basically have hundreds and hundreds of "strains", each of which will have different qualities... Some big, some small, some potent, some weak, some clusters, some single fruits.... any cubensis mushroom traight may be waiting to fruit from your cake. Often the crazy pinsets you see when the whole cake is covered in fruits of the same size and appearence, those are done by strain isolation. CHEERS! keep us posted!