I think my house is being watched

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Shit, shit, SHIT!!! Fuck it all!!! I gotta put off growing now. I just had an "incident"

I wasnt planning on growing herb when i set up my indoor vegetable grow. I have a tiny house, and there are few places that can't be seen from the front window. So i set up my 2 foot 4 bulb T5 in my kitchen, which can be seen from the street, if my curtains are open. A friend of mine just left my house, and noticed a Sheriff sitting out in front of my house. I dont know how long he was there before we noticed him, but he was there for about a half hour after we noticed him. He was sitting in the exact right angle to get a good view of the T5's. Though you can see the lights from the streets, the plants are probably too far away to tell that they are just veggies. As soon as my girlfriend turned off the T5 lights, he pulled away. Like 30 seconds later. Then, he sat at the end of the block with his lights off, about 50 feet up the road, for another 30 minutes.

So, it's pretty obvious that i'm being watched, and possibly suspected of growing illegal plants. I am not growing anything illegal (yet) but i do have herb and paraphernalia that i dont want them stealing, if they get a bullshit warrant.

I gotta get some hidden cameras ASAP cause they have no actual evidence of anything, but i think they suspect it. I imagine they might do some illegal snooping.
why would you put it in plain view. Why not a closet or somthing? Id say keep your weed and pieces at a friends house, thats tweaky man
Just watch out the next couple days, I'd put any nice glass or large amount of bud in real good hiding, locked up, or even stash at a quality friends. Only keep what paraphernalia you need around some bud, a basic grinder, and something to smoke out of and not too fancy. Keep your legal plants growing, if they bust in and find only a little bud for the most part you'll probably still be ticketed and perhaps arrested, but really nothing bad would happen from there, any okay lawyer should be able to argue that case. Just keep growing your legal plants in plain sight, and when you want to get a herb setup going keep it well hidden, and you'll always have the perfect cover.
Go out out and ask if he would like to partake in some delicious homegrown medicinal tomatos.

But seriously... go out and ask if he wants fruit or veggies to take home. Say something like "I noticed you might be on break or something, I just wanted to show thanks to your hard work by giving you some homegrown veggies". If he says yes, hand em over, if he says no, like he most likely will... either way he's over suspecting you of growing pot.
I think you're paranoid dude. If you're being watched, they don't sit out front of your house in a marked car..
Florescent lights are not the usual grow lights, so there would be no reason to think you were growing just from seeing some florescent lights..

That being said, you must have a place in your house that can't be seen from the road, like your bathroom or bedroom or in a closet.. I wouldn't worry about it, you're just being paranoid.. If it makes you feel better, wait a few months then try again, in a better spot this time..
Go out out and ask if he would like to partake in some delicious homegrown medicinal tomatos.

But seriously... go out and ask if he wants fruit or veggies to take home. Say something like "I noticed you might be on break or something, I just wanted to show thanks to your hard work by giving you some homegrown veggies". If he says yes, hand em over, if he says no, like he most likely will... either way he's over suspecting you of growing pot.
lol thats a good idea
Go out out and ask if he would like to partake in some delicious homegrown medicinal tomatos.

But seriously... go out and ask if he wants fruit or veggies to take home. Say something like "I noticed you might be on break or something, I just wanted to show thanks to your hard work by giving you some homegrown veggies". If he says yes, hand em over, if he says no, like he most likely will... either way he's over suspecting you of growing pot.

how would you like some homegrown bud i mean tomatoes FUCK

Shoot the cop. Problem solved.

Shooting the cop would end that problem, but start a whole new set of problems.

It's barely visible from front, its in the far back of the house, but it's a really small house. I wouldnt grow herb in plain view, and i wouldnt have placed the T5's there if i had planned to grow herb later. Anyway the cop left, and i havent seen him back.

I never keep quantity around, and i'm not too worried about getting caught with a pipe and a small bag. But i dont want them to take my bag, currently some awesome Sour Diesel, or smash my door. Also, if i hear someone breaking in at night, i will probably reach for a defensive gun, which would be a BAD situation, if the night burglars were police. He might have just been doing paperwork, and i'm just being paranoid, but i still want to be on the lookout.

They wouldnt have the evidence to get a warrant, but it might be enough for them to take a closer look.
Hmm...If you didnt smoke, then there would be nothing to worry about. But because there are lights and possibly plants within plain view, they suspect the worst, and are trying to get a warrant. If i were in your situation, i wouldve put anything that looks suspicious into a closet or somewhere. Even if its just vegetables its still suspect as weed.

If you start freaking out and putting up cameras, you're just advertising to the public that you have something to hide, and something worth putting up cameras over. I dont recommend putting up cameras.

Put the veggies into hiding, stow away your respective pieces and what have you...and keep your shit quiet for a few months.
if i hear someone breaking in at night, i will probably reach for a defensive gun, which would be a BAD situation, if the night burglars were police.

Police dont quietly break into your house at night...You'll be asleep one morning at 6 or 7am...and hear the 3 words any grower fears more than anything: "POLICE, SEARCH WARRANT". Police have to announce who they are, and what their business is.
If he parks in that spot again, in view of the setup, take your veggies outside (where he can see them closer) to give them some sun. or if you're in a warm climate, go outside and plant them in front of the cop (if the certain veggies can be planted outside this time of year)
Dont go freakin out now.. I flushed a whole grow over a little scare just like this (but with 2 cops) I bet I can even pull up the grow too(HERE LOOK I CLOSED IT).. But anyway it was just 2 cops doin paper work or something, never saw them again and freaked out over nothing....do u live off or near a main street? That might be youre answer
if they park out there again....be more aggressive....run out there....bang on his window really hard...ask him what the fuck he is doing..tell him you head the neighborhood watch and you want to make sure he isnt up to no good...ask him for id...if he gives it to you....do what they do...take it and go and sit in your car for 15-20 minutes...then come back...hand him his id...tell him to have a nice day..and to stay outta trouble.....its good to catch them off guard...they always think they are on top of things....throw him off a lil bit...he will leave you alone...if i was pork in a blue suit...i wouldnt think anyone that would do that to be growing weed...maybe crazy...but crazy isnt illegal...or half these cops would be locked up anyways
if they park out there again....be more aggressive....run out there....bang on his window really hard...ask him what the fuck he is doing..tell him you head the neighborhood watch and you want to make sure he isnt up to no good...ask him for id...if he gives it to you....do what they do...take it and go and sit in your car for 15-20 minutes...then come back...hand him his id...tell him to have a nice day..and to stay outta trouble.....its good to catch them off guard...

ROFL at the bold bongsmilie :lol: