I Just Bought Mephedrone

can you stop bringing up the FDA... nobody really gives a fuck. they are corrupt... go by science. and if you don't know. leave it alone

Endangered has been around here a while, not to mention, makes an extremely valid point. Regardless of the corruption of the FDA, research chemicals are not regulated by them for a reason.. more than likely having to due with the lack of safety in regards to long term effects.

Just because you didn't understand his post does not mean you have to be rude.
lol yeah, after reading this thread I thought.... Has anybody tried pouring cough syrup in their ass for super epic dxm trip?

and yeahhh.. I googled it. and no answers.lol
What a greedy thread. :) You can still find a solid Mephedrone source. :) Easier I'm sure then a JWH source. Taking into account that the source seeker is a U.S. resident.
Depends on what is in the bathsalt. I think Tranquility may be Mephedrone, if that is the case I would imagine it could FP for amphetamine (or methcathinone if tested for)
well the head shop said its legal and want show up on a test....but im just wonderin cause i know they got to make money to so they are gonna say its legal