Best cost effective nutes for the money?


Indoor grow, 1000w x3 in soil. Looking for input on what your experiences are considering cost and results. Thanks.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Blood Meal (N & micros; $1/lb), Bone Meal (P & micros; $.80/lb) and Palm Bunch Ash (0-0-30; $2/lb) should supply all of the nutrients any plants need for any growth period. They are all very cheap but the prices listed are in large bags. I wouldn't grow without Worm Castings as well if I could avoid it.


Thanks Guys, much appreciated. I am hitting them with AN mixed in with Super Thrive at this point as I had some left over from my citrus orchard.


Well-Known Member
The exact opposite seems to be true when it comes to nutes.

OP: If you're looking for cheap nutrients, checkout DynaGro. It's highly concentrated, very easy to use and won't break the bank.

Actually, it is true. Some items just have less "pixie dust" than others; PD is a hot commodity in these troubling times. Prices keep skyrocketing!!


Active Member
For over a decade, I've recommended using the products from AB Fertilizers. As long as you pH is correct, you cannot screw this up nor can you ever have a problem that is nutrient based in hydro. In soil it is the same, except for watching salting up with moms after 6-months or so....

Consistency is king with AB, and you can avoid all that "knowledge", LOL.... Just kidding. You still have to know what you are doing and your plants... just nothing about nutrients... it is done for you. I'm currently looking into finding an all organic certified nutrient that is as good and can be brought to market for a lower price than what is out there or is better than what is out there. So far, nothing has done the job as well as AB.

Good luck in your endeavor.....


if im honest im a noob to this,, 1st time grow and using biobizz bloom and topmax. didnt use the dosage as stated just started off small an upped it each week and the crop is STINKY :)


Well-Known Member
Another newbie just passin on what I've been told by a few successful growers and that is simply put..., Whichever nutes you settle on..., don't forget the benfits of Molasses.