is this male, are there balls in there?


Active Member
ok u guys go to your corners and come out fighting when the bell rings
i got $20 on Diane lmao

Some people take life way too seriously. Anyway, when I take a REAL pic, not the one I posted for mr. crabbypants, ill see if it works out good enough to put on here. Thanks!


Active Member
congratulations its girl i can tell now that it is in focus by the finger nail polish
btw i got $60 on this girl now anyone want some of this action
;-) LOL so that one came out clearer i see. I just wonder if it makes mr. thong up his arse happy


Well-Known Member
I was happy before, am happy now...

You are the one going off if you havent noticed.


Active Member
i read it, and the finger is in focus if thats what your talking about. i was talking about her plant pict, thats where it all started.