Club 600


Well-Known Member
Wish I knew since we changed to AT&T U-verse today and have now lost everything that was on our DVR boxes. Lot's of good stuff for the kids on there that doesn't play anymore so we're a bit bummed.


Well-Known Member
Recording! how do you get them off the DVR? to a hard drive?
They have DVD recorder machines... like VCR's but for DVD's. I bought one once to get stuff off my DVR when I switched from Dish to Direct. Then I returned it two days later. Said I wanted a better one.


Well-Known Member
Damn one of us should have broadcast that shit live on the 600:wall:

Boy from the medias standpoint lets go smoke a joint ayy:-P:weed:

The wave is upon us :clap::clap::clap: fantastic news to me ears


Well-Known Member
Here's a better pic of what I have coming soon to a thread near you. I bought a 400 g/h water pump... and I think I'll use my 200 g/h pump in unison... not sure if it will go that high though. Need to install the meter, fans, seal the bottom level, hang the bottom level. Then get my ventilation right... need to reconfigure some stuff. I think I realized what my problem was from my last couple grows... too long of a story to tell... but had to do with ventialtion fan placement and timing.

Can't wait to show you guys some bud shots from my closet again. I did forget how fucking bright HPS lights are. I swear I can't see right now, lol.



Well-Known Member
You going to be running 1 or 2 1000w bulbs in there?
Just the one. I might add a 250 I already have to the mix... just for shits and giggles... but probably just the 1k.

jig- im stoked to watch this your grow. have you plugged some seeds or are you going from clone?
Clones this go round. I really want to get things started and don''t have the patience to try and germ for my first time. Which brings me to a question.

How long would it take from plopping seeds in water, or a towel, or whatever you do... till they will be ready to go in the setup. Or in other words how far before my predicted harvest should I germ, so that the new plants are ready to go in? They basically just need about 3 inches of roots.


Well-Known Member
I reckon you would be good to go in a couple of weeks from seed. Especially with the set up you are going for which will require less veg time than normal, imo. Looking great bru!!!!

Just the one. I might add a 250 I already have to the mix... just for shits and giggles... but probably just the 1k.

Clones this go round. I really want to get things started and don''t have the patience to try and germ for my first time. Which brings me to a question.

How long would it take from plopping seeds in water, or a towel, or whatever you do... till they will be ready to go in the setup. Or in other words how far before my predicted harvest should I germ, so that the new plants are ready to go in? They basically just need about 3 inches of roots.
Thanks for the pics Mutant lizzard, some nice chubby indica leaves going on there, and your light reminds me that with a very sore head and hungover feeling I should really be sorting out my ventilation. I put my 600hps and my 400mh on yesterday and the room just went mad hot!!! Not good.

ok, laters peeps,



Well-Known Member
i know you mentioned your set up in a quite detailed way D, but how a bout some pictures? come on now, you know the saying.


Well-Known Member
yah its had some crazy growth since day 1,i didnt toss her cause i always wanted to flower a mutant!..she looks good though :)
I dont consider them mutants when they have "odd growth", like extra leaves and stuff, it just sounds kind of negative. I look at it as a good thing, Im either doing something really good to get it to grow extra stuff, or its good genetics. Extra branches and leaves are a plus to me, more bud, or more energy for your plant. If I did I would probably call my whole last grow a mutant grow because almost all of my plants had leaves with blades in odd places, double leaves (2 on 1 stem), split blades, or extra node sites, like 3 where there is usually 2. But yeah your right, your bubba does look damn good. I see where my Sour Kush got its structure looking at recent bubba grows including yours. Not the biggest buds, but tight as hell, stinky and killer.


Well-Known Member
i am cameraless at the moment, apart from my phone and that sucks. I think I am going to do some shopping, going for a Ruck150l or higher me thinks for the cool tube, i think my 125l is not really doing it for the 2 600s and the 400. Once I get that I'll then look at cutting through the wall and using the exhaust air to warm my hoose, if not i was thinking last night that I may add a y duct to the current exhaust that is in there for the house ventilation system....we shall see. If I can overcome this hangover then I will get some pics....

i know you mentioned your set up in a quite detailed way D, but how a bout some pictures? come on now, you know the saying.


Well-Known Member
Hercules Double IPA...9% - Denver USA!!

And also Double DOG (hahaha) 11%

Okay, re-assessment, I am talking shite, the 150L is also not good enough by my calculations. For anyone using cool tubes this is what I found out.

Wattage of lights added together, divide by 2, then add 20%, this will give you the cubic room size that you need to account for. Mine is over a 1000 so I think I need a 250L....