

Active Member
I have a 91 watt that replaces a 400 watt ufo led light. Are these lights good for your plants????
never seen a 400 watt led sure you dont have a 90 watt led that replaces a 400watt?

LEDs work if you use them right....and you get quality LEDs


Active Member
no a 90W led will never be able to replace a 400w hid

yes a 90 incandesent the worst possible grow light but still a grow light is better than a 4000000000000000000w led, because the only problem witha incandesent is its inefishent not it does it work.

LED=idk but it bad very bad not even the dealer not sales reps but main dealers/distributors can answer q's about there real square foot coverage as caompared to heigth and the fact that they state that they will cover a 10x10 room with modle xxx for 3000 bucks and then it has to be within 18" of the palnt wtf any ideas go get fucked led dealers.

my moneys on the chrismas light guy hes got balls and brains!!


Active Member
quality leds all leds are made in china there may be some led panels put together over her but c'on for reals there all the same shitthats been in our vcr for decades bro and yes they were red then too and my house palnts grow like grazy almosst like tey got 24hrs of light, im glad your happy withyour leds, add a little wattage to your grow and poundage to your harvest get an hid.


Well-Known Member
quality leds all leds are made in china there may be some led panels put together over her but c'on for reals there all the same shitthats been in our vcr for decades bro and yes they were red then too and my house palnts grow like grazy almosst like tey got 24hrs of light, im glad your happy withyour leds, add a little wattage to your grow and poundage to your harvest get an hid.
sounds like a rap song:cool:

LED's just don't work for flowering, and are not cost effective as claimed..


Well-Known Member
you wanna know the footprint of an LED fixture? its pretty simple......

the diameter of the fixture is the diameter of the footprint...

thats right folks, LED's are a form of directional lighting, that is, the light is focused by a tiny lens on the LED and directed primarily in one direction, straight.

and thats why LED's are not so good for grows bigger than 1-2 plants per fixture.

HID, omni-directional lighting, that is, light radiates in all directions from a single point....

think im kidding?

try this simple experiment if you happen to have a UFO or some other type of led fixture, AND a simple small HID, such as a 150w or 250w mh/hps whatever.

set up the 2 fixtures @ equal distance from each other, say 36"

now take a vegging plant, and put it in the exact center between the 2 fixtures.

after 2 weeks, it will be painfully obvious which light the plant grows towards....


Active Member
LEDs do work, see my sig
went thru your grow for the fourth or 5th time it cool but and 400w hid would have yeild you more than 2z per plant no dout, no knock on you just the litghts and your chioce i mean how much were those pos hy buds are bigger than that at week 5 wider and taller.

so leds work like shit i now have new opion of leds they work but very bad and very limited space coverage even thought, well what the fuck ever ther worthless i tried.


Active Member
went thru your grow for the fourth or 5th time it cool but and 400w hid would have yeild you more than 2z per plant no dout, no knock on you just the litghts and your chioce i mean how much were those pos hy buds are bigger than that at week 5 wider and taller.

so leds work like shit i now have new opion of leds they work but very bad and very limited space coverage even thought, well what the fuck ever ther worthless i tried.
i said they work, never said they beat anything in terms of yield. you can bash LEDs all you want not my fault your a idiot and cant grow with them. Your also a failure for believing they might beat and HPS, i love LEDs but id prefer MH and HPS in a perfect world.

I know that LEDs are only for smaller grows with limitations. If my situation allowed for a 400 watt i would have it fosho, but heat and fans i cant have.

Don't hate the light man, hate yourself.


Well-Known Member
most LED companies will claim their lights produce equivlent of 4x times the wattage (power factor of .25). This is basically wrong. In general plan on 2x (power factor of 50%, roughly equivalent to t5's), so a 90w is more realistically comparable to a 200w.

Beyond that it's nauseating how much misinformation is out there.

To set a few things straight, LED's are what are called point source lights, just like HID (as opposed to fluorescents which emit light over a broad surface area). A diode (often called emitters) will have an angle which is emits light at. However, LED is more complicated than other technologies, so you can't just look at the diodes, you also have to look at the optics, which are rated by (again) angles. Without getting into trig and photon distribution, the angle of optics determines the spread of light as well as the penetration. All this crap I keep hearing about how LED are directed in points is just that, crap. These people simply have no idea what they are talking about :) (For instance, a setup using 1w led's using 30 degree optics would penetrate better than 3w led's using 90 degree optics, but would require more diodes to match the coverage).

Anyway, most people don't understand led, and are still stuck in the mentality that there is a best. If you don't mind spending a big premium for LED, than I'd do a lot of research and come to your own conclusions of what fits your grow best. If you aren't ready to spend a big premium on lights, then just ignore all the BS you read and don't use LED.