Completly new to growing a little help please?

Ice Pack2

Alright im a complete noob to growing so work with me here lol. I have 2 plants bubblegum kush and then just a regs plant..Its my first time so I used regs and kush to see the differences in the grow and really didn't care if it died or whatnot...Now that they are looking pretty damn sexy I am really gonna be pissed if they died now lol. For some reason the bottom 2 leaves on the regs plant turned brown as if they were dieing but the plant itself keeps'll see 2 pics below. What I ask really is what the light/dark ratio should be at .. and how far along in the grow i am, as well as any other tips I can get. Im not the creative type but i think my little grow box is pretty cool as its hidden and whatnot and if i get caught up im pretty muched screwed lol.. But yes any help...any tips....suggestions...anything from fellow potheads/growers would be greatly appreciated..Ive been looking around this site and i dont notice much immaturity and everyone seems really nice to eachother so it would be great to know id get the same treatment :) Please reply back so i can get started on what i should be doing next. Thanks guys and gals.



Well-Known Member
What kind of light is that your using?

Only one problem i can detect is the plants will start to stink. You said your running stealth, so i thought i better mention it. I grow one plant my first time out and it stank up my whole closet and it was a neutral strain meaning it doesnt smell like weed. But it gave off a heavy "plant" smell though.

Im not trying to bring you down, just looking out for you.


Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Where to start... well first, give us more info. What kind of soil are you using? Are you using nutes? When did you start them? Do you have some kind of filter/vent combo to deal with the smell they'll get later? They look pretty happy for the single light bulb they seem to have.

Ice Pack2

its just a desklamp light that detaches from the stand i drilled a hole in the back of the box and pulled the plug through. I know im running stealth but its not much of a deal as i never get snooped on im just meaning that i am hiding the box and i am growing just 2 plants because i dont wanna have to worry about alot of work till i get a new place then ill grow alot more. So far it doesn't smell much. And when it does imma just burn the little air freshner trees around the box or something but it doesn't really smell at all. So far :P Does this show how far into the grow i am maybe?


Well-Known Member
the plant on the right reaching over for light is can clearly see the pollen sacks in the last picture.get rid.

Ice Pack2

The soil is just plain dirt from the backyard LOL .. and no fert is being used. I started them i would say about a month ago maybe more...month and a half at most.


Well-Known Member
What soil are you using when did you plant them? Have you given them nutes..the pics are kinda hard to see with the light reflection but what I see looks good also one thing you don't want to do is grow them in the same container...but welcome and hope you enjoy the site


Well-Known Member
Lol sorry about the repeat questions slow connection here...your only using a desk lamp? You need better light and some nutes also need lights closer because they are stretching it looks like

Ice Pack2

i could lower the light down and tape the cord to the back what nutes do you recommend? and does the last picture really give it away that the plant is a male? because those arn't little balls of pollen they're little leaves.


Well-Known Member
i could lower the light down and tape the cord to the back what nutes do you recommend? and does the last picture really give it away that the plant is a male? because those arn't little balls of pollen they're little leaves.
what kind of light is it a regular bulb or cfl sorry can't help about the male question as I am on a phone but as far as nutes you need them I personally use botanicare as its pretty fairly priced and has worked great for me also how far is the light??

Ice Pack2

Also is it possible to tell if i were to move the light closer how much i can gain off 1 plant? reason i say 1 is because there is a chance i might have to take the 1 down considering it may be a male plant?

Ice Pack2

the box alone is about 3 feet i would say the light is about a foot away from the bottom of the plant and its just a flourescent light bulb energy saver one if that makes sense lol and alright ill get the nutes put on as soon as i can.


Well-Known Member
it is definatly male,those are pollen sacks not leafs.and you'll need to upgrade your light if you want and good yield.look at your picture then the 2 below.

i feel bad for having to tell ya,but hopefully your other plant is a lady.



Well-Known Member
Well final yield depends on tons of things, most importantly light. Throw all the light you can on the female.
Most of us use Y adapters when working with CFL's. You can get them for under 2 dollars and makes two light sockets out of one.

If your interested in building a light i could help, i put together a simple light from a vanity bar and Y adapters. gave me six bulbs to work with.



Well-Known Member
the box alone is about 3 feet i would say the light is about a foot away from the bottom of the plant and its just a flourescent light bulb energy saver one if that makes sense lol and alright ill get the nutes put on as soon as i can.
Yeah actually makes sense you can move it way closer they don't put out much heat and I suggest you get more lights and read up on nutes when you give them you will want to start at 1/4th strength also do you think you can get another pic of the one in question

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
And the little trees aren't going to help with the smell. Late in flower, it can be PUNGENT. Stronger than a teenage boy's room. Really. You're not going to get very far in flower if you don't solve that issue before it's a problem.

Ice Pack2

Alright so i have concluded it is a male like he said i never noticed the top ones i was looking like underneath more and it was sitting directly behind a leaf so i didnt see it untill i moved the leaves around...I lowered the light to like 2 inches away from the stem on the female plant but im afraid it will burn it? should i be concerned about burning or no? and also how long should i leave the light on and off? and if thats a bad spot for the light where do you thinnk i should put it should i re upload a picture of where i got the light at right now? and is there anything i can do with the male plant or just yank it outta the dirt and throw it out?


Well-Known Member
Well you can collect pollen for breeding experiments, but mostly i put a trash bag over it then cut the male. You totally do not want pollen in your cabinet, will eventually cause seeds and ruin your seedless haul.


Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Given the size of your box, and the fact that they are showing sex, put them into 12/12 now. I think the only thing you can do with the male is compost it.