1st grow or last. Will need help, so tag along.


This will be my firt grow, or if i fail, maybe my last.

-150 watt hps (i have 2) and 3 26 wattcfls.
- fox farms h.frog soil
3 seeds i found in some pretty good smoke i found

In my closet.

?'s- it gets cold in the room they are in so im worried about the effects of cold temps with lights off? 40'f

How do i raise the humidity, i know the closet is dry.

Planted them in cups, when do i transfer?

I have only the cfls on, when should i turn on the hps for em?

Status- 2 seedlings have sprouted just working on dropping their seed shells. 3rd is not above soil yet.


Well-Known Member
You can't give up if you fail, and 40f is too cold for young plants, in a small closet grow you can grab a small humidifier from any Wallmart type store. Maybe you can add a space heater for the whole room during the night.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
you could start them whenever you want I would probably wait a week and turn one on or something. HUmidifiers are around 20$ I would say.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
I wanted to give up,
never did,
got me to where I am today.
Very pleased man..
Its defintly not worth letting go.



Day 3: 1 has dropped her shell, leafs starting to grow.
Second is still workin with shell, 3rd still not up .

Pics soon.


Day 3: 1 has dropped her shell, leafs starting to grow.
Second is still workin with shell, 3rd still not up .

Pics soon.


Well-Known Member
You can't give up if you fail, and 40f is too cold for young plants, in a small closet grow you can grab a small humidifier from any Wallmart type store. Maybe you can add a space heater for the whole room during the night.
+1 ^^^^ What he said!


Day 4- i cut the hps on for theyre first time, 2 plants are working on their next set of leafs and 1 is on its first set.


Well-Known Member
You plants are looking good from your last post. You can get a space heater like another person stated or you could run 24/0. Their young enough to where the light change shouldn't effect it much to none, also if your worried about sound a heater will give off some noise. I run 24/0 and they grow faster and I never worry about heat problem, being that it gets to 40f in there you shouldnt have to worried about over heating them (but double check)!. Keep going bud!, never give up. To me it's more of a hobby, once you see it that way you'll never want to rush, just don't over react it something goes wrong. I've seen people do this and they totally destroy to crop instead of just taking a breath and coming back!


Well-Known Member
when should I transplant them to their permanent pots?
the 2 bigger ones are planted in cups that were cut in half
A good rule of thumb for a pot is 1 gallon per foot of growth. I'd wait until the 4th to 5th week. Transplanting can send them into shock. If there to young they can die, I clone in soil it normal takes 2 weeks to get roots. I'll wait 2 to 3 more and transplant into a 2 gallon pot and I've never had one die.


Well-Known Member
Since you cut the cup in half I don't want to say yes and hate to see your girls die! You should be fine to transplant since you got 2 set's of leaves on them.
Wait for the soil to dry out a bit to where it will stay with the plant and drop them into a nice 1 to a 3 gallon pot. If you keep them in that little cup to long they can get root bound.