How much do co-ops usually pay for their marijuana?

We got from $1600 for white widow up to over $3200 for kill Rocklock..i would say it averaged $2500 to $2800 a pound..But you had better have it graded and cured and it has to be real top shelf...We signed a agreement with two places for next year..They see the real growers and the want to be!
We got from $1600 for white widow up to over $3200 for kill Rocklock..i would say it averaged $2500 to $2800 a pound..But you had better have it graded and cured and it has to be real top shelf...We signed a agreement with two places for next year..They see the real growers and the want to be!

Very nice, here in SD some dispensaries will pay that much but most are just a little lower. However in the past I have seen White Widow sell for more depending on the supply. And as for Rocklock I am not familiar with that strain but I will be looking into it :idea:

Peace out :weed:
"Medical Strains" mean that they cost 5 dollars more to buy. Haven't found a difference other than that. I've had plenty of chemdog that was better than OG Kush. Also, "medical" depends on your location. Sweet Tooth Kush, GDP, Purple Kush and other strains that are prone to turning purple are medical in SF, but in SoCal purples aren't even considered good. A good friend of mine can sell his "Sour Grapes" to a club for $3600 a lb, easy. It's all about demand in your area.

I take it that the club your friend is in business with is in So. Cal.
why would you laugh sir? Are you not aware that every different kind of herb is a little bit different the term "medical strain" only comes from the fact that those specific strains have been proven en masse to help certain kinds of medical conditions. If you couldnt sleep would you go and smoke a sativa? no you would go find the strongest indica you could find and take a fat nap. There are strains out there that are very specifically beneficial to medical patients what would you say we should call them to classify them so patients know what helps them. If you got a better idea im sure the whole community would like to hear it.

Why would I laugh? Because it's ALL medical. That's why. If you got it from the dispensary, it's medical.
Why would I laugh? Because it's ALL medical. That's why. If you got it from the dispensary, it's medical.

The whole idea that some strains are medical and some are not is pretty lol. Good strains are all medical, the bad ones too they just aren't as effective.

Anything that falls under the categories of Cannabis Indica or Cannabis Sativa is has medical value.

The only strains I've seen which are specifically medical are those new high CBD content strains that go ~6%THC 8%CBD.
OG Kush, P91 among others. Normal weed like chem dog and other common street varieties will also sell, but at a far cheaper rate, as it should.

Chem and OG are genetically very similar. I don't see why one would be more medicinal than the other.
Chem and OG are genetically very similar. I don't see why one would be more medicinal than the other.

I think one reason why is that Chem Dawg down here in SD is fairly common while OG is usually hard to find and more popular than Chem. Dunno why but most I know consider Chem to be more street but since the genetics are similar the effect should be also. In my current grow we will have both for comparison so time will tell :bigjoint:

Peace out :weed:
clubs usually offer bottom dollar. there are so many rookies selling their shwapp for whatever they are told, you will get that same bullshit offer without a look. when you look at what they are actually holding, its usually nothing impressive. They mostly alienate themselves from the real experienced growers with the super. you can expect about 1/3 to 1/2 fair market value id say. im sure there are some exceptions, but as they say, theres a sucker born every minute. that seems to be the meat and potatoes of the cannabis club business model for the industry at large, oh and a big fat list of the super dank they are 'sold out' of. growers should unite, and demand a fair market value for our hard work. ill get started. join me when you can.
Chem and OG are genetically very similar. I don't see why one would be more medicinal than the other.
when they crossed in the mass skunk, it changed the lineage. i feel sorry for those smokers who bought the fake or rookie ruined chemdawg and convinced themselves that it is common or ordinary. that shit is so psychedelic, i cant smoke it if i have to go in public. it happens all the time. now when its done right, it gets some other name that hasnt earned a shit jacket. the dawg is exquisite, but even the blue dream or the green crack are super firey when grown right. buyers always end up calling it something else.
i for one believe shops who charge $15g-20g bullshit. im sorry but their needs to be a new market established. one thats NOT based on the black market. because then it is IMPOSSIBLE to say something is 'medicinal' and shops show 'compassion' all while working under a legal version of the blackmarket. another big dissapointment i have is the lack of quality "tenders" most seem to go by a text book sales pitch that emphasizes on gchoice verbs lol. i know this doesnt apply everywhere but im sure we can all agree its their.

if a shop is 'compassionate' they would not be following the blackmarket price table.

i know ill get tons of haters but i really feel for what pot is, its hella inflated and no one will actually stand up for a movement to get away from these blackmarket models.
everyone that grows their own stands up to the clubs. They had my business long enough for me to get my first harvest in. They don't get a dime now unless i want a medi-cone for Monday night Football. I grow decent herb and it costs me about 40 bucks an ounce, just like it should.

Clubs are for those that haven't got their grow on yet.
when you say $40, you mean thats about the cost per oz once you factor in equipment, soils, and what nots?
its just crazy how much my friends complain so much about shop prices, but i guess it makes sense, your paying the convenience fee** for just being able to get it.

so pot really isnt worth $20/g. what your paying for is the labor to get that? but for those who got the grown op down it works to their advantage since they dont need to tend as often since they know exactly how to go about it and when to do it?

jeez if only they'd get it in their head to just grow lol...
i for one believe shops who charge $15g-20g bullshit.

Blame the people who walk into clubs only looking to buy bud that's $60 per 1/8 and $20g. There are a lot of people like that. They are why bud sells for those prices.

Even clubs that sell buds for those prices usually carry buds that are good at a much lower price. They just don't look as pretty, but they are just as good. It's easy to find good bud at low prices at clubs. But if you want buds to be good AND pretty looking, you're going to have to pay more for them.

if a shop is 'compassionate' they would not be following the blackmarket price table.

That's not the problem in most cases. If you can buy good bud for $45 an 8th, or good pretty bud for $60 an 8th, that's fair IMO. The difference is cosmetic primarily. Cosmetic differences have nothing to do with medical value and therefor compassion isn't part of that equation.

The overwhelming majority of clubs have high quality medicine at a low price and pretty looking medicine at a high price. I don't see a problem there. If people want to pay $60 an 8th for pretty buds (make no mistake about it, people do want to pay that), why shouldn't clubs give them what they want?
VRADD......some don't have the time or place to grow it.
It I had a farm would raise everything to eat. I can't so that's where the grocery comes to mind.
very good explanation.

i guess i just didnt want to believe people are that naive. even funnier is that theirs an american past time embedded into all that also lmao..
very good explanation.

i guess i just didnt want to believe people are that naive. even funnier is that theirs an american past time embedded into all that also lmao..

Don't get me wrong you are right, people are that naive. That's why the things we buy are expensive.
Don't get me wrong you are right, people are that naive.

It comes from the fact that a lot of people can't tell the difference between good and bad bud by looking at them. It's this way for a lot of casual smokers. They doing want bad bud, so they seek out the most expensive buds they can find.
It comes from the fact that a lot of people can't tell the difference between good and bad bud by looking at them. It's this way for a lot of casual smokers. They doing want bad bud, so they seek out the most expensive buds they can find.

I'm gonna take back what I said calling people naive. I will say "less informed" because I used to be naive too until I did research.