Club 600

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Not sure what to do but I took a bunch of cuttings this morning from the Jack Herer and then had to go take care of a few things. I came home just a few inutes ago to find almost all of them are drooping really bad. The tops of them are bent down towards the tray. It seems to be mostly the larger cuttings which were just almost touching the top of the humidity dome. I stuck some pieces of rod in the cubes and tied them up to it but that only worked with one other clone I've tried it on so far.

Most of the clones I recently put in the bubble cloner did the same thing and I did the same thing. It worked on one of them but the others just continued to droop and then started wilting so I tossed them.

Any ideas on what's causing the problem? I'd hate to lose all of these clones since I don't have that many more cuttings I could take from the mom. I have the WW mom that I was planning on taking a bunch from today too but will need the majority of the cuttings I'm taking in order to finish filling things up.
That's normal, keep them moist and under the dome and they should perk up within 24 hours.



Well-Known Member
View attachment 1317322View attachment 1317313View attachment 1317297View attachment 1317292

day 3 in the tent and the girls are still looking pretty sad, havent done anything to them, waiting for soil to dry out a little more before I water with plain water, any other suggestions?
Do you use tap water and if you do, do you let it sit for 24+hrs before applying to the plant???...I only ask this because your leaves veins are very well defined and deep which is a sign of chlorine toxicity...If you use RO...then I don't know what to tell you....Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
My process for cloning is that I first soak the RW cubes in water that has Supernatural RW soak in it at the rec rate and that's been PH adjusted to 5.5.

I take my cuttings in the same way as anybody else with sterilized scissors and use sterilized exacto blades to split the end and then gently scrape the last 1" or so of the stem. Then I dip them in Schultz rooting powder and stick them in the cubes. This is actually the first I've ever split the end on, usually just scrape the stem lightly and then score it a couple times.

I've had very good success with cloning with the exception of one batch from the SLH and now these.

Here's a few pics I just ran and took.
I was once trimming up the bottom foot the plant from all the little future popcorn budsites and branches that weren't popping through the screen...then about an hour later decided to try to clone em.....they were droopy just like that and waxy feelin...they didn't make it(used Schultz too)....hope it works for you


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1317322View attachment 1317313View attachment 1317297View attachment 1317292

day 3 in the tent and the girls are still looking pretty sad, havent done anything to them, waiting for soil to dry out a little more before I water with plain water, any other suggestions?

#1check your water's ph for the vein issue if ph is off different lockouts can occur that can cause that,#2 checck your humidity, or maybe over watering for the droopy leaves, #3 the first pic with the leaves curled up on the end means one of two things, first its too much moisture in the room and the leaves are having a hard time getting rid of the moisture within itself, or its right on the edge of burning, because they also do that when they are storing more nutes in their fan leaves than they should be holding. also i kinda had the same issues when i first got my tent. let it air out with the lights on from whatever condensation of whatever from shipping dust, or just that new plastic smell that they have. oh yea one more suggestion ,try coco.



Well-Known Member
Im going to have to agree with cof dez. Larger cuttings tend to be a lil harder to root and will be all wispy looking for a bit. They should perk up though.

MT marijuana welcome back old timer. Have a good friaday peeps. 1BMM


Well-Known Member
Hey guys well Christmas came early for me this year. LOL I just took down a couple of plants that were ready ahead of schedual. Well only took have of each as the bottom still had some ripening to do.
This is the Thai tanic. Man it smells great!!! So far off only half a plant has given me 69 grams wet. So I still have 3 and a half more to harvest. Cant wait. had to stop as my son was coming home from school. More to do tomorrow and maybe take down some tonight.
riu 003.jpg

This below is my G-13. This main bud alone gave me 52 grams wet.
riu 002.jpg

Funny story. Finish trimming and cleaning up. Opened windows to let the wonderful smell air out befor my son got home. I see my son get off the bus so i go outside to smoke a cig (dont smoke cigs in the house, and only smoke bud when my son is gone) and BS with my son before he goes in, to try and give the HOUSE a chance to air out. I finsh my cig and me and my son head into the house. He ask me why does it smell so strong of pine did you get a tree already? I almost died laughing. Told him no I was just doing some cleaning with a new cleaner. HE tells me I should by that cleaner more often.LOL



Well-Known Member
I have never had the luxury of brand name seeds.

I believe in breeding a better plant, so soon as I get a hold of an El nino, or a widow(greenhouse) its getting crossed
with some BC Strains like god bud and da purps.
Then those F1's will get crossed with my seed stock.
Then I give them away to some nice people.
Grow some smoke some.

One day.
Any males (apart from me) are shot at dawn if found in the grow room i wont have em near the house, i've seen what a bloke done to 1 of the boys crop i've still got probably a 1000 chronic seeds in the fridge.
if i can acquire some pollen then i might pollinate a couple of popcorn buds but as far as growing a bloke i think i'll give it a wide berth for now.


Active Member
Do you use tap water and if you do, do you let it sit for 24+hrs before applying to the plant???...I only ask this because your leaves veins are very well defined and deep which is a sign of chlorine toxicity...If you use RO...then I don't know what to tell you....Good luck!!!
Yes the water has been sitting out over night, the water is not clorinated much if at all


Well-Known Member

what do you boys think of it? any one planning to grow it?


Well-Known Member
Well, I had to run some errands and by the time I got back a few were already completely bent over and looked like they were dying. The tops were in the tray so I figured they're a lost cause. I'm not so sure these would perk up on their own due to what happened to the last ones I had do this so I am trying to save them now by cutting them all shorter while sitting in water in an effort to rid them of any air pockets in the stem and then put them in neoprene discs and then into a new bubble cloner I built that's full to the top with water so they're sitting in the water for the next few hours. Then I'll drain a little water and turn on the bubbles with the hopes that they'll take and survive.

If they don't I'll be calling the dude I built the op for to see if he'l hook me up with some clones. I think he should have around a hundred right now but I could be wrong. If I can't get hold of him or he says he doesn't have enough to spare some right now I'll be driving to get some and shelling out a couple hundred bucks for them. Sucks...I need to get about twenty going asap though so, what's a brutha to do?


Active Member
lol anybody?
Yea i am planning on grabbing this up. I watched Urban Growers video on youtube with barneys farm they showed off the TD. Im not sure if its better than all the other strains in the cup but it looks fire. If you watch urbanremo and urbangrowers videos from the cup, every single breeder that he interviewd that talked about how they grew their plants and what nutrients they ALL said Advanced Nutrients. It seemed to me like they are monopolizing the game for real. Fuck the lights, fuck the grower skill they went straight to the nutrients. Thats why noobie growers are cashn out on AN instead of getting good lights and trying cheaper more economical nutes. Its crazy its like brain washing the grow world.SMH


Well-Known Member
here is a video

These are the results of the 2010 Hightimes Cannabis Cup
Cannabis Cup

1st Prize
Barney's Coffeeshop - Tangerine Dream


attatude just email'd me couple of days ago and sayd they have it in stock now

they have it at they homepage anouncement's to


Well-Known Member
Dez id just put them in your bubble cloner and let them do there thing. If you just cut them today there is no way they are dead that fast. Put them in the bubble cloner fullup with water turn on the bubbles asap and leave them in until they root. Give it a go and see how they look in the morning Dez.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys well Christmas came early for me this year. LOL I just took down a couple of plants that were ready ahead of schedual. Well only took have of each as the bottom still had some ripening to do.
This is the Thai tanic. Man it smells great!!! So far off only half a plant has given me 69 grams wet. So I still have 3 and a half more to harvest. Cant wait. had to stop as my son was coming home from school. More to do tomorrow and maybe take down some tonight.
View attachment 1317649

This below is my G-13. This main bud alone gave me 52 grams wet.
View attachment 1317648

Funny story. Finish trimming and cleaning up. Opened windows to let the wonderful smell air out befor my son got home. I see my son get off the bus so i go outside to smoke a cig (dont smoke cigs in the house, and only smoke bud when my son is gone) and BS with my son before he goes in, to try and give the HOUSE a chance to air out. I finsh my cig and me and my son head into the house. He ask me why does it smell so strong of pine did you get a tree already? I almost died laughing. Told him no I was just doing some cleaning with a new cleaner. HE tells me I should by that cleaner more often.LOL
Looking Good JL

mr west

Well-Known Member
Everything ive grown from barneys has been rubbish so i dont think this will be any difrent lol. Ill stick to cheese and psycho thanks lol