Re-flushing the plant in final days? + REP Buddha white dwarf


Well-Known Member
My 5 white dwarfs are allmost done, in the final days im sure as the trichs were noted 8-9 days ago to be cloudy.

The trichs on one of them are (30%amber-70%cloudy) but the rest are just about 10-20% amber on each of them by the looks of it anyway im not the best with the microscope (goes upto 100x though).:confused:

I done my last flush 9 days ago pending on the basis that the plant hasto go a week without water before chop for a faster drying time(Which works ive tryed before and had 72 hours drying time to be followed by a nice slow cure to properly convert any remaining cbg into thc)

But the pots are light and maybe its just me but a few buds look like there losing their glisten asif their too dry?
Should i flush again and wait for more amber trichs to show and the 7 days without water period? What if i harvested with with not much amber trichomes would it still give more of a better high?


Well-Known Member
That's the way I like 'em, chop chop !

These white dwarf are 71 days old but had nutrient lockout killing all their leaves setting them back a week or 2! so would these cloudy trichs still get me high cause this is a ''White dwarf''?


Well-Known Member
so would these cloudy trichs still get me high cause this is a ''White dwarf''?
cut out a bud and try it it. Just because you had a lockout doesn't mean anything. The plant just sucks the nutrients it needs out of the older leaves that's why they die and fall off.
Are you growing for medication or a recreation high ? All amber is only for medication as far as I'm concerned. It's a personal preference ewhat you want.


Well-Known Member
Well i cut a jock horror with cloudy trichs and the high is good just not amazing, im looking for a knockout high, i have a high tolerance and am a heavy user and would like my plants to have a knockout stone so i dont have to use as much!!

Im not looking to make any Euro's out of this, just means i have more money to spend on the kids for christmas as i wont have to buy myself any weed.

And yes the lockout does mean something. The buds arent as big as they should be due to this lockout the water had a very high ph and calcium as locked out most of the grow if not all.

Norcal Grower

Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell without pics, but if you're looking for the "stoned couchlock" effect, then I say water them and wait another week.
Good luck