
Well-Known Member
Hey all.

so i recently acquired a 250hps...

wondering if it will produce hard dense buds. not just fluffy ones...
i hope to hear back from some of you ganja gods.


Well-Known Member
As mentioned, penetration could be a issue. If you try and keep your grow within 3 ft from pot to canopy you'll be good. At least It's working well for me. Any more and I'd add side lighting of some sort. This is assuming you have light reflecting walls. Flat black, etc. would be a whole other story. I'm happy with my buds. Not super tight,, but tight enough where I sometimes get concerned about mold issues and take extra precautions.


Well-Known Member
would strain also have anything to do with it cuz i just completed my first grow with this light. just wondering


Well-Known Member
what kind of extra precautions would you take to prevent mold and bud rot. other than your humidity levels.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Yeah they can grow good dense buds but your going to be limited to 2-3 plants max depending on size when flowered. Strain will always change everything if your going for a taller strain youll want to flower earlier and/or train or top. I think your best bet would be 1-2 plants scrogged or topped.

As for mold I don't have too much experience but I have a little. Good ventilation is key and if your humidity stay too high you could get a dehumidifier.


Well-Known Member
would strain also have anything to do with it cuz i just completed my first grow with this light. just wondering
Very definately. But that would not be the light in all probability. At say 2' the difference between a 600 and a 250 wouldn't be significant in bud other than maybe heat burn from the 600. However at 4-5 ft it sure would show a improved penetration with the 600. Same with sq. area covered, 600 more coverage.


New Member
you want way more light but YOU DONT WANT DENSE BUDS. ITS A MYTH. real weed is fluffy and burns and is delicious and stony why do you want some shit that clogs your bowl unless you grind the fuck out of it. fuck that stress free


Well-Known Member
what kind of extra precautions would you take to prevent mold and bud rot. other than your humidity levels.
increase air circulation
increase air exchange
lower temps
Need to start out right from the beginning. Clean everything,,, then clean it again. Filter all intakes, clean soil, clean tools, keep the area closed to dirt / dust / contaminates.
Open the foliage for air flow
Redirect air flow / circulation
Have some anti mold chemicals on stand-by.

Oh,, I use peroxide in my water too.


Well-Known Member
you want way more light but YOU DONT WANT DENSE BUDS. ITS A MYTH. real weed is fluffy and burns and is delicious and stony why do you want some shit that clogs your bowl unless you grind the fuck out of it. fuck that stress free

Don't know about "way more light". Would depend on his grow style. "Way more light" = way more heat too.
Sheeze, I thought I was the only one that didn't appreciate "the tight bud" on here. :wink:
Living in the mold capitol of the Universe,, I'm always concerned about mold.
i get heavy dense buds from a 250. sog them no bigger than 2ft had 9 in a 2x2. got 225g last round with it and no less than 200 for the 5 before that. i wouldnt go above 2x2 space they want more light if u go beyond which will give you fluffy


Well-Known Member
i get heavy dense buds from a 250. sog them no bigger than 2ft had 9 in a 2x2. got 225g last round with it and no less than 200 for the 5 before that. i wouldnt go above 2x2 space they want more light if u go beyond which will give you fluffy
what size/type pots did you have them in to get 9 plants in a 2x2? And how old or how tall were they when you flowered?


Well-Known Member
Ha! I'm running on a 2X2 platform in a 2X2 1/2 closet. and I've done 9 in there myself. FIMed, LSTed it was tight. I used true 1.5 (6 L?) converted waste paper baskets. 3 rows of 3 w/7 3/4 tops. JUST fit. Will admit,, glad 3 went to male. It was TIGHT! They're finishing up now. Buds are tight. (tighter than I actually like to see here)

A.jpg B.jpg C.jpg
That's about all buds. I defoliate / prune a lot. :roll:
Vegged 6 1/2 weeks. Were started in a CFL cab.

Like I said, I'm happy with my little (cheap to run) 250 w that's way kooler than a way bigger (not needed) burn.


Well-Known Member
I'm in a 2x2x4 I got approx 35" total growing height. Maybe a little more. I want to do maybe 2-4 plants depending on style: may try to supercrop this time: seemed really interesting. So if anyone has some example grows that are somewhat documents I'd love for you to throw em my way.