40 plants? This is a lil scary and confusing


Well-Known Member
If being a dumbass is having no fear and taking my chances then u really have me pegged friend! I would rather them come in with out breaking the door down and drawing attention from my neighbors, lol what makes sense to you. They were I'm sure just as surprised I let them in and I used it to my advantage. Like I explained to them I have nothing to hide. I am legal! they took it for what it is and moved on!

Instead I did what dumbasses do I let them in to count the plants. "a month ago"! That was the last time they have been back or I have seen them. Mind you one of the cops lives around the corner from me and I see him all the time and I live two corners from a school and literally 1 block down and 2 blocks over from the cop shop. So I could have said get a warrant and then worried about them coming back. Instead I did the sensible thing, dealt with the issue and moved on. If they wanted me they would have pulled me over leaving my house hoping I had some lbs on me and you would be reading about it like we read about all these other stories. Mind you I had 62 going at the time. But yeah, I'm def a dumb ass or just crazy!

Did I mention I'm also 35, been there done that and have grown up a little bit since my teen days and appreciate my local police department more then I did when I was a kid. So should you.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
wow, you took a chance and it worked out for you. i have heard many stories that have not gone so well. not all popo would fully appreciate your compliance, regardless of the recent laws that are supposed to protect citizens. it's always good to hear when someone can walk away unharmed. if i lived in The D, i'd definitely want to remain on friendly terms w/ authorities. you made a clear-headed decision for your particular situation. anyone w/ life experience understands the outcome when you give the wrong person an inch.


Well-Known Member
When I get my major crop growing.
If a pig goes on my property.
Consider his chest blown the fuck out.
I dont give a shit bout those mother fuckers.
Just looking at a cop car makes me wanna light the shit up.
You dont understand my hatred :(

NOB, You are a fucking idiot going on a public forum and saying you will shoot a cop. Dumb fucks like you give us all a bad rep..


NOB, You are a fucking idiot going on a public forum and saying you will shoot a cop. Dumb fucks like you give us all a bad rep..

He didn't say he'd shoot a cop. He said he'd shoot a trespasser. No need to get all self-righteous or anything.

Anywayz, that's disappointing to hear, peilo.
I guess the lesson here is no matter what the people want, and vote for.....they will never get... at least not until big money comes waltzing in.
The feds are like deer. As soon as big pharm takes over with their fat hands overflowing with grain, they will move on into greener pastures beyond your saltlick if that's reassuring at all.
Regardless, the u.s has been honing the idea of taking over this market for some time through agents like David Watson and his GW Pharm. outfit.
Slavery was legal until it became less than profitable. Lincoln never wanted to do anything until his arm was totally twisted. The gov will milk anything until the tit is dry.

You should relate your experience over in the thread, 'Cardholders...Have you ever been stooped yet by the police?'